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Test Coverage

 * @file
 * File description.
 * Long description.

use Drupal\views\ViewExecutable;
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache;
use Drupal\views\Plugin\views\cache\CachePluginBase;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\Display\EntityViewDisplayInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Render\Element;

 * Implements hook_page_attachments.
function stanford_events_page_attachments(array &$attachments) {

  // Get the node from the route.
  $node = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameter('node');

  // Not a node.. Then just continue.
  if (!$node instanceof NodeInterface || $node->bundle() != 'stanford_event') {

  $attachments['#attached']['library'][] = 'stanford_events/event_node';

 * Implements hook_views_post_render().
 * Views render arrays contain a cache tag "node_list". This cache tag is
 * cleared every time ANY node is created, edited or deleted. When this happens
 * every view on the site gets its cache flushed. This causes poor performance
 * since a view would get flushed even if it has no relation to that node. To
 * assist in cache tags, we create a custom cache tag based on the node type
 * filter on the view. Its a small improvement but will have huge impact in
 * keeping cached renders much longer.
 * @see stanford_events_node_presave()
 * @see stanford_events_taxonomy_term_presave()
function stanford_events_views_post_render(ViewExecutable $view, &$output, CachePluginBase $cache) {

  $allow_list_node = [

  $allow_list_term = [

  $id = $view->id();

  // Node Base Table Views.
  if (in_array($id, $allow_list_node)) {
    $output['#attached']['library'][] = 'stanford_events/event_views';

    $node_list_position = array_search('node_list', $output['#cache']['tags']);
    foreach ($view->filter['type']->value as $node_type) {
      $output['#cache']['tags'][] = "node_list:$node_type";

  // Term Base Table Views.
  if (in_array($id, $allow_list_term)) {
    $output['#attached']['library'][] = 'stanford_events/event_views';

    $term_list_position = array_search('term_list', $output['#cache']['tags']);
    foreach ($view->filter['vid']->value as $term_type) {
      $output['#cache']['tags'][] = "term_list:$term_type";


 * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_view().
function stanford_events_node_view(array &$build, EntityInterface $entity, EntityViewDisplayInterface $display, $view_mode) {

  // Only run on stanford news items.
  if ($entity->bundle() !== "stanford_event" || !node_is_page($entity)) {

  if ($entity->hasField('su_event_date_time')) {
    $date_time = $entity->get('su_event_date_time')->getValue();
    if (!empty($date_time[0]['end_value'])) {
      $build['#attributes']['data-end-date'] = $date_time[0]['end_value'];


 * Callback for views ds group title formatter.
 * @param string $raw
 *   The raw string from a views grouping column.
 * @param Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity
 *   The loaded entity being rendered.
 * @return string|null
 *   The date formatted with stanford_long_day_date_year
function stanford_events_schedule_format_date($raw, ContentEntityInterface $entity) {
  if (!is_numeric($raw) || empty($entity->get('su_schedule_date_time')->getValue())) {
    return NULL;

  // We are going to use the passed object to determine if we are looking
  // at an event that spans multiple days.
  $schedule_date_time = $entity->get('su_schedule_date_time')->getValue();
  $start_date_day = date('m-d-y', $schedule_date_time[0]['value']);
  $end_date_day = date('m-d-y', $schedule_date_time[0]['end_value']);
  $same_days = $start_date_day == $end_date_day;

  $timestring = \Drupal::service('date.formatter')->format($schedule_date_time[0]['value'], 'stanford_long_day_date_year');
  if (!$same_days) {
    $timestring .= ' - ' . \Drupal::service('date.formatter')->format($schedule_date_time[0]['end_value'], 'stanford_long_day_date_year');

  return $timestring;

 * Implements hook_cron().
function stanford_events_cron() {

  // Find all events that have passed since last cron run date and now.
  // Clear cache for those particular events and clear out the views cache.
  $last_cron = \Drupal::state()->get('system.cron_last');
  $now = time();
  $query = \Drupal::entityQuery('node');
  // Conditions.
  $query->condition('type', 'stanford_event');
  $query->condition('status', 1);
  $query->condition('su_event_date_time.end_value', $last_cron, ">=");
  $query->condition('su_event_date_time.end_value', $now, "<=");

  // Fetch.
  $entity_ids = $query->execute();
  $tags = ["node_list:stanford_event"];

  if (count($entity_ids)) {

    // Create an array of "node:{id}".
      function (&$item, $key, $prefix) {
        $item = $prefix . $item;

    // Clear all the things.
    $tags = array_merge($tags, $entity_ids);


 * Implements hook_preprocess_field_multiple_value_form().
 * We look for a value that was placed there earlier by
 * stanford_events_field_widget_form_alter() and change the add_more button
 * to use that.
function stanford_events_preprocess_field_multiple_value_form(&$variables) {
  if ($variables["element"]["#field_name"] == 'su_event_schedule') {
    foreach ($variables['table']['#rows'] as &$row) {
      foreach (array_keys($row['data']) as $key) {
        if (!empty($row['data'][$key]['class'])
          && array_intersect($row['data'][$key]['class'], [
          ])) {

  foreach (Element::children($variables['element']) as $child) {
    $child_element = &$variables['element'][$child];

    if (isset($child_element['add_more_button_stanford_person_cta'])) {
      $child_element['add_more_button_stanford_person_cta']['#value'] = t('Add another speaker');

    if ($variables['element']['#field_name'] == "su_schedule_speaker") {
      $variables['element']['add_more']['#value'] = t('Add another speaker');
      $variables['element']['add_more']['add_more_button_stanford_person_cta']['#value'] = t('Add another speaker');
      $variables['element']['add_more_button_stanford_person_cta']['#value'] = t('Add another speaker');
      $variables['button']['add_more']['#value'] = t('Add another speaker');
      $variables['button']['add_more_button_stanford_person_cta']['add_more']['#value'] = t('Add another speaker');
      $variables['button']['add_more_button_stanford_person_cta']['#value'] = t('Add another speaker');

 * Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
function stanford_events_preprocess_pattern_events_list(&$variables) {
  $renderer = \Drupal::service('renderer');
  $values = $variables;

  // Make sure we have a string, not a Markup or array.
  $start = (string) (is_array($values['start_month']) ? $renderer->renderInIsolation($values['start_month']) : $values['start_month']);
  $end = (string) is_array($values['end_month']) ? $renderer->renderInIsolation($values['end_month']) : $values['end_month'];

  $start_month = strtolower(trim(strip_tags($start))) ?: NULL;
  $end_month = strtolower(trim(strip_tags($end))) ?: NULL;

  if ($start_month) {
    $variables['start_month_full'] = date('F', strtotime($start_month));
  if ($end_month) {
    $variables['end_month_full'] = date('F', strtotime($end_month));