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 * @file
 * stanford_paragraph_card.module

use Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute;
use Drupal\paragraphs\ParagraphInterface;

 * Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
function stanford_paragraph_card_preprocess_paragraph(&$variables) {
  // This function is not running on several paragraph types.
  // Could be related to:
  // It is likely due to something in the way that display suite handles
  // rendering the patterns. To get around this, we have to use
  // hook_preprocess_ds_entity_view() instead.

 * Implements hook_preprocess_ds_entity_view().
 * Provide the logic for moving the label (link title) from the button_label
 * region in the card component to the cta_label region.
function stanford_paragraph_card_preprocess_ds_entity_view(array &$variables) {
  // You can stop here if this is not a paragraph type.
  if (!isset($variables['content']['#paragraph'])) {

  // Define the paragraph object variable for shorter code.
  $paragraph = $variables['content']['#paragraph'];

  // You can also stop if the paragraph is not a card.
  if (
    $paragraph->bundle() !== 'stanford_card' ||
  ) {

  // If someone moved the field or a new view mode has been added that doesn't
  // have the card_button_label region in the display just quietly end here.
  if (!isset($variables['content']['#ds_configuration']['regions']['card_button_label'])) {

  // The key to which fields the link should go in to.
  // By default, the display will render a button so we will only have to change
  // it when the value is set to action. This behavior should be on all view
  // modes.
  $button_display = $paragraph->get('su_card_link_display')->getString();

  if ($button_display == "action") {
    // Change the DS config going in to the render.
    $label = $variables['content']['#ds_configuration']['regions']['card_button_label'];
    $variables['content']['#ds_configuration']['regions']['card_cta_label'] = $label;

    // Move the fields.
    $variables['content']['#fields']['card_cta_label'] = $variables['content']['#fields']['card_button_label'];

    // Unset the cruft.

 * Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
function stanford_paragraph_card_preprocess_pattern_card(&$variables) {
  /** @var \Drupal\ui_patterns\Element\PatternContext $context */
  $context = $variables['context'];
  $entity = $context->getProperty('entity');

  if ($entity instanceof ParagraphInterface && $entity->bundle() == 'stanford_card') {
    $headline_attributes = new Attribute();

    $header_behavior = $entity->getBehaviorSetting('su_card_styles', 'heading', 'h2');
    preg_match('/^(\w+)(.*)$/', $header_behavior, $header_tag);
    $variables['card_headline_tag'] = $header_tag[1];

    if ($header_tag[2]) {
      $headline_attributes->addClass(trim(str_replace('.', ' ', $header_tag[2])));

    if ($entity->getBehaviorSetting('su_card_styles', 'hide_heading', FALSE)) {

    $variables['card_headline_attributes'] = $headline_attributes;