
Test Coverage
## Development Setup

1. Install the system dependencies:
    sudo zypper in libxml2-devel libxslt-devel libmariadb-devel sqlite3-devel gcc
2. Install the ruby version specified in the `.ruby-version` [file](.ruby-version).
3. Install and setup the database:

   **Default: MariaDB or MySQL server**
    sudo zypper in mariadb
    sudo systemctl enable mariadb
    sudo systemctl start mariadb
    Log into the MariaDB or MySQL server as root and create the RMT database user:
    mysql -u root -p <<EOFF
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON \`rmt%\`.* TO rmt@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'rmt';

    **Experimental: SQLite**

    For development purposes it can be easier to run with SQLite, to avoid extra dependencies.
    To run RMT with SQLite, switch the database adapter in `config/rmt.yml` to `sqlite3`.

5. Clone the RMT repository:
    git clone
6. Install the ruby dependencies:
    cd rmt
    bundle install
7. Copy the file `config/rmt.yml` to `config/rmt.local.yml`. With this file, override the following default settings:
    * Add your organization credentials to `scc` section.
    * Ensure that the `database` section is correct.
8. Create the directory `/var/lib/rmt` and ensure that your current user owns it.
    sudo mkdir /var/lib/rmt
    sudo chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) /var/lib/rmt
9. Create the development database:
    bin/rails db:create db:migrate
10. Verify that RMT works:
    * Run the command `bin/rails server -b` to start the web server.
    * Run the command `bin/rmt-cli sync` to sync RMT with SCC.

### Development Setup - docker-compose

In order to run the application locally using docker-compose:

1. Copy the `.env.example` file to `.env`.
2. Add your organization credentials to `.env` file. Mirroring credentials can
   be obtained from the [SUSE Customer
   Center]( At this point you might also want
   to tweak the `EXTERNAL_PORT` environment variable from this file if you want
   to expose the main service with a port different than from the default one.
3. Change the permissions on the `public` folder so anyone can access it (i.e.
   `chmod -R 0777 public`). This is needed so the docker container can write
   into this specific directory which is protected by default by the `rmt-cli`
4. Build the containers needed by `docker-compose`:
    docker-compose build
5. Run everything with `docker-compose up`.

After doing all this, there will be `http://localhost:${EXTERNAL_PORT}` exposed
to the network of the host, and you will be able to register clients by using
this url. At this point, though, notice that there are two ways to run clients
in a dockerized fashion as well.

First of all, you can run a client from a custom container (e.g. generated from
the `SUSE/connect` repository). With this in mind, be aware that you need to be
on the same network namespace as the host (or the `docker-compose` setup). You
can manage this with the `--network` flag of the `docker run` command. One easy
way to achieve this is to set the network as the one from the host: `docker run
--network=host <...>`. Moreover, notice that `dmidecode`, which is run by
`SUSEConnect`, will try to access some privileged devices (e.g. `/dev/mem`). By
default this will also fail, which is why some users simply pass the
`--privileged` flag to workaround this. This is certainly a solution, but it's
cleaner to simply add the needed capabilities and the needed devices. In
conclusion, for a clean run of a client, you could run the following command:

``` sh
$ docker run --rm --network=host --cap-add=sys_rawio --device /dev/mem:/dev/mem -ti <your-docker-image> /bin/bash
> SUSEConnect -r <regcode> --url http://localhost:${EXTERNAL_PORT}

Another option is to simply attach a new session into the running `rmt` service,
which already has the needed devices and capabilities. Thus, you could do
something like this:

``` sh
$ docker-compose exec rmt /bin/bash
> SUSEConnect -r <regcode> --url http://localhost:${EXTERNAL_PORT}

All in all, the code you might be working on sits as a volume inside of the
Docker container. Thus, you will be able to code as usual and the Docker
container will behave as if you were working entirely locally.

## API documentation

RMT partially implements the [SUSE Customer Center API]( You can read the details of each endpoint to find out whether they are supported by RMT.