

Test Coverage
# InstanceVerification

This plugin implements a framework for additional client validation.
It hooks into the API endpoints:

* `Api::Connect::V3::Subscriptions::SystemsController#announce_system`
  (initial storing of provided system instance data)
* `Api::Connect::V3::Systems::ProductsController#activate`,
  (verify that the system has access to the product during product activation)

After successful verification, the combination ip-system-product is added to a Rails cache
for 20 minutes. This cache is also used by the `zypper_auth` engine.

How to verify the instance data is provider-specific, see `lib/instance_verification/providers/example.rb` for an example implementation.

## Instance metadata

Depending on the CSP the metadata can look more or less like this

  "accountId" : "1234",
  "architecture" : "some-arch",
  "availabilityZone" : "some-zone",
  "billingProducts" : [ "billing-info" ],
  "devpayProductCodes" : null,
  "marketplaceProductCodes" : null,
  "imageId" : "ami-1234",
  "instanceId" : "i-1234",
  "instanceType" : "instance-type",
  "kernelId" : null,
  "pendingTime" : "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ",
  "privateIp" : "some-ip",
  "ramdiskId" : null,
  "region" : "some-region",
  "version" : "2017-09-30"
  "billingTag": "some-billing-tag",
  "attestedData": {
    "signature": {
      "plan": {
      "timeStamp": {
  "subscriptionId": "some-subscription"
for more info check [AWS IMDS](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instancedata-data-retrieval.html) 
[Azure IMDS](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/linux/instance-metadata-service?tabs=linux)
or [GCE IMDS](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/metadata/querying-metadata)

The value from that info to use as a `system_token` is `instance_id` or `vmId`,
depending on CSP.