

Test Coverage
# SccProxy
Engine to handle BYOS, that use RMT as an SCC proxy,
instances registration and activations

1. BYOS instance supplies registration code (regcode) during registration, if the regcode is valid
then, system is announced and product is registered against SCC.
2. BYOS instance, once registered, can activate products included in that subscription

in the BYOS instance, do

if `registercloudguest` is not installed:
SUSEConnect -r <regcode>
SUSEConnect -p Public Cloud Module  // SUSEConnect -l to list the modules and extensions
zypper in cloud-regionsrv-client
once installed, then
registercloudguest -r regcode // to register the system
SUSEConnect -p <product> // activate a product
SUSEConnect -d -p <other_product> // to de-register a product
registercloudguest --clean // to de-register the system