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package note

import (

// and section name definition
const (
    INISectionSysctl    = "sysctl"
    INISectionSys       = "sys"
    INISectionVM        = "vm"
    INISectionFS        = "filesystem"
    INISectionCPU       = "cpu"
    INISectionMEM       = "mem"
    INISectionBlock     = "block"
    INISectionService   = "service"
    INISectionLimits    = "limits"
    INISectionLogin     = "login"
    INISectionVersion   = "version"
    INISectionPagecache = "pagecache"
    INISectionRpm       = "rpm"
    INISectionGrub      = "grub"
    INISectionReminder  = "reminder"

    // LoginConfDir is the path to systemd's logind configuration directory under /etc.
    LogindConfDir = "/etc/systemd/logind.conf.d"
    // LogindSAPConfFile is a configuration file full of SAP-specific settings for logind.
    LogindSAPConfFile = "saptune-UserTasksMax.conf"

var ini *txtparser.INIFile
var pc = LinuxPagingImprovements{}

var blck = resetToFactoryBlockDevices()

var isLimitSoft = regexp.MustCompile(`LIMIT_.*_soft_memlock`)
var isLimitHard = regexp.MustCompile(`LIMIT_.*_hard_memlock`)
var flstates = ""

// Tuning options composed by a third party vendor.

// INISettings defines tuning options composed by a third party vendor.
type INISettings struct {
    ConfFilePath    string            // Full path to the 3rd party vendor's tuning configuration file
    ID              string            // ID portion of the tuning configuration
    DescriptiveName string            // Descriptive name portion of the tuning configuration
    SysctlParams    map[string]string // Sysctl parameter values from the computer system
    ValuesToApply   map[string]string // values to apply
    OverrideParams  map[string]string // parameter values from the override file
    Inform          map[string]string // special information for parameter values

// Initialise a BlockDeviceQueue
func resetToFactoryBlockDevices() param.BlockDeviceQueue {
    return param.BlockDeviceQueue{
        BlockDeviceSchedulers:   param.BlockDeviceSchedulers{SchedulerChoice: make(map[string]string)},
        BlockDeviceNrRequests:   param.BlockDeviceNrRequests{NrRequests: make(map[string]int)},
        BlockDeviceReadAheadKB:  param.BlockDeviceReadAheadKB{ReadAheadKB: make(map[string]int)},
        BlockDeviceMaxSectorsKB: param.BlockDeviceMaxSectorsKB{MaxSectorsKB: make(map[string]int)},

// Name returns the name of the related SAP Note or en empty string
func (vend INISettings) Name() string {
    if len(vend.DescriptiveName) == 0 {
        vend.DescriptiveName = txtparser.GetINIFileDescriptiveName(vend.ConfFilePath)
    return vend.DescriptiveName

// Initialise retrieves the current parameter values from the system
func (vend INISettings) Initialise() (Note, error) {
    ini, err := txtparser.GetSectionInfo("sns", vend.ID, false)
    if err != nil {
        // Parse the configuration file
        ini, err = txtparser.ParseINIFile(vend.ConfFilePath, false)
        if err != nil {
            return vend, err
        // write section data to section runtime file
        err = txtparser.StoreSectionInfo(ini, "run", vend.ID, true)
        if err != nil {
            system.ErrorLog("Problems during storing of section information")
            return vend, err

    // looking for override file
    override, ow := txtparser.GetOverrides("ovw", vend.ID)

    // Read current parameter values
    vend.SysctlParams = make(map[string]string)
    vend.OverrideParams = make(map[string]string)
    vend.Inform = make(map[string]string)
    pc = LinuxPagingImprovements{}
    blck = resetToFactoryBlockDevices()
    for _, param := range ini.AllValues {
        if override && len(ow.KeyValue[param.Section]) != 0 {
            param.Key, param.Value, param.Operator = vend.handleInitOverride(param.Key, param.Value, param.Section, param.Operator, ow)

        switch param.Section {
        case INISectionSysctl:
            vend.Inform[param.Key] = ""
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key], _ = system.GetSysctlString(param.Key)
        case INISectionSys:
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key], vend.Inform[param.Key] = GetSysVal(param.Key)
        case INISectionVM:
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key], vend.Inform[param.Key] = GetVMVal(param.Key)
        case INISectionFS:
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key], vend.Inform[param.Key] = GetFSVal(param.Key, param.Value)
        case INISectionBlock:
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key], vend.Inform[param.Key], _ = GetBlkVal(param.Key, &blck)
        case INISectionLimits:
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key], vend.Inform[param.Key], _ = GetLimitsVal(param.Value)
        case INISectionService:
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key] = GetServiceVal(param.Key)
        case INISectionLogin:
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key], _ = GetLoginVal(param.Key)
        case INISectionMEM:
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key] = GetMemVal(param.Key)
        case INISectionCPU:
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key], flstates, vend.Inform[param.Key] = GetCPUVal(param.Key)
        case INISectionRpm:
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key] = GetRpmVal(param.Key)
        case INISectionGrub:
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key] = GetGrubVal(param.Key)
        case INISectionReminder:
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key] = param.Value
        case INISectionVersion:
        case INISectionPagecache:
            // page cache is special, has it's own config file
            // so adjust path to pagecache config file, if needed
            if override {
                pc.PagingConfig = path.Join(txtparser.OverrideTuningSheets, vend.ID)
            } else {
                pc.PagingConfig = vend.ConfFilePath
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key] = GetPagecacheVal(param.Key, &pc)
            system.WarningLog("3rdPartyTuningOption %s: skip unknown section %s", vend.ConfFilePath, param.Section)
        // create parameter saved state file, if NOT in 'verify'
        vend.createParamSavedStates(param.Key, flstates)
    return vend, nil

// Optimise gets the expected parameter values from the configuration
func (vend INISettings) Optimise() (Note, error) {
    blckOK := make(map[string][]string)
    scheds := ""
    next := false

    // read saved section data == config data from configuration file
    ini, err := txtparser.GetSectionInfo("sns", vend.ID, false)
    if err != nil {
        // fallback, parse the configuration file
        ini, err = txtparser.ParseINIFile(vend.ConfFilePath, false)
        if err != nil {
            return vend, err
        // write section data to section runtime file
        err = txtparser.StoreSectionInfo(ini, "run", vend.ID, true)
        if err != nil {
            system.ErrorLog("Problems during storing of section information")
            return vend, err

    for _, param := range ini.AllValues {
        // Compare current values against INI's definition
        // handle note 1805750
        param.Key, param.Value = vend.handleID1805750(param.Key, param.Value)
        // check, if we should use the value from override file
        next, scheds, param.Value = vend.useOverrides(param.Key, scheds, param.Value)
        if next {

        switch param.Section {
        case INISectionSysctl:
            //optimisedValue, err := txtparser.CalculateOptimumValue(param.Operator, vend.SysctlParams[param.Key], param.Value)
            //vend.SysctlParams[param.Key] = optimisedValue
            vend.Inform[param.Key] = system.ChkForSysctlDoubles(param.Key)
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key] = OptSysctlVal(param.Operator, param.Key, vend.SysctlParams[param.Key], param.Value)
        case INISectionSys:
            vend.Inform[param.Key] = vend.chkDoubles(param.Key, vend.Inform[param.Key])
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key] = OptSysVal(param.Operator, param.Key, vend.SysctlParams[param.Key], param.Value)
        case INISectionVM:
            vend.Inform[param.Key] = vend.chkDoubles(param.Key, vend.Inform[param.Key])
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key] = OptVMVal(param.Key, param.Value)
        case INISectionFS:
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key] = OptFSVal(param.Key, param.Value)
        case INISectionBlock:
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key], vend.Inform[param.Key] = OptBlkVal(param.Key, param.Value, &blck, blckOK)
            vend.Inform[param.Key] = vend.chkDoubles(param.Key, vend.Inform[param.Key])
            if system.IsSched.MatchString(param.Key) {
                scheds = param.Value
        case INISectionLimits:
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key] = OptLimitsVal(vend.SysctlParams[param.Key], param.Value)
        case INISectionService:
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key] = OptServiceVal(param.Key, param.Value)
        case INISectionLogin:
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key] = OptLoginVal(param.Value)
        case INISectionMEM:
            if vend.OverrideParams["VSZ_TMPFS_PERCENT"] == "untouched" || vend.OverrideParams["VSZ_TMPFS_PERCENT"] == "" {
                vend.SysctlParams[param.Key] = OptMemVal(param.Key, vend.SysctlParams[param.Key], param.Value, ini.KeyValue["mem"]["VSZ_TMPFS_PERCENT"].Value)
            } else {
                vend.SysctlParams[param.Key] = OptMemVal(param.Key, vend.SysctlParams[param.Key], param.Value, vend.OverrideParams["VSZ_TMPFS_PERCENT"])
        case INISectionCPU:
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key] = OptCPUVal(param.Key, vend.SysctlParams[param.Key], param.Value)
        case INISectionRpm:
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key] = OptRpmVal(param.Key, param.Value)
        case INISectionGrub:
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key] = OptGrubVal(param.Key, param.Value)
        case INISectionReminder:
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key] = param.Value
        case INISectionVersion:
        case INISectionPagecache:
            vend.SysctlParams[param.Key] = OptPagecacheVal(param.Key, param.Value, &pc)
            system.WarningLog("3rdPartyTuningOption %s: skip unknown section %s", vend.ConfFilePath, param.Section)
        // add values to parameter saved state file, if NOT in 'verify'

    // print info about used block scheduler
    vend.printSchedInfo(scheds, blckOK)

    // write section data to section store file, if NOT in 'verify'
    // will cover the situation where a note fully conforms with the
    // system, so that there is NO apply operation, but later a
    // revert may happen
    if _, ok := vend.ValuesToApply["verify"]; !ok {
        // this code section was moved from function 'Apply'
        err = txtparser.StoreSectionInfo(ini, "section", vend.ID, true)
        if err != nil {
            system.ErrorLog("Problems during storing of section information")
            return vend, err
    return vend, nil

// Apply sets the new parameter values in the system or
// revert the system to the former parameter values
func (vend INISettings) Apply() error {
    var err error
    errs := make([]error, 0)
    revertValues := false
    pvendID := vend.ID

    if len(vend.ValuesToApply) == 0 {
        // nothing to apply
        return nil
    if _, ok := vend.ValuesToApply["revert"]; ok {
        revertValues = true

    ini, err = txtparser.GetSectionInfo("sns", vend.ID, revertValues)
    if err != nil {
        // fallback, reading info from config file
        ini, err = txtparser.ParseINIFile(vend.ConfFilePath, false)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    for _, param := range ini.AllValues {
        // handle note 1805750
        param.Key, param.Value = vend.handleID1805750(param.Key, param.Value)
        switch param.Section {
        case INISectionVersion, INISectionRpm, INISectionGrub, INISectionFS, INISectionReminder:
            // These parameters are only checked, but not applied.
            // So nothing to do during apply and no need for revert

        if _, ok := vend.ValuesToApply[param.Key]; !ok && !revertValues {

        if revertValues && vend.SysctlParams[param.Key] != "PNA" {
            // revert parameter value
            pvendID, flstates = vend.setRevertParamValues(param.Key)

        switch param.Section {
        case INISectionSysctl:
            // Apply sysctl parameters
            // for the vm.dirty parameters take the counterpart
            // parameters into account (only during revert)
            // if vm.dirty_background_bytes is set to a value != 0,
            // vm.dirty_background_ratio is set to 0 and vice versa
            // if vm.dirty_bytes is set to a value != 0,
            // vm.dirty_ratio is set to 0 and vice versa
            key, val := vend.getCounterPart(param.Key, revertValues)
            errs = append(errs, system.SetSysctlString(key, val))
        case INISectionSys:
            errs = append(errs, SetSysVal(param.Key, vend.SysctlParams[param.Key]))
        case INISectionVM:
            errs = append(errs, SetVMVal(param.Key, vend.SysctlParams[param.Key]))
        case INISectionBlock:
            errs = append(errs, SetBlkVal(param.Key, vend.SysctlParams[param.Key], &blck, revertValues))
        case INISectionLimits:
            errs = append(errs, SetLimitsVal(param.Key, pvendID, vend.SysctlParams[param.Key], revertValues))
        case INISectionService:
            errs = append(errs, SetServiceVal(param.Key, vend.SysctlParams[param.Key]))
        case INISectionLogin:
            errs = append(errs, SetLoginVal(param.Key, vend.SysctlParams[param.Key], revertValues))
        case INISectionMEM:
            errs = append(errs, SetMemVal(param.Key, vend.SysctlParams[param.Key]))
        case INISectionCPU:
            errs = append(errs, SetCPUVal(param.Key, vend.SysctlParams[param.Key], vend.ID, flstates, vend.OverrideParams[param.Key], revertValues))
        case INISectionPagecache:
            if revertValues {
                switch param.Key {
                case system.SysctlPagecacheLimitIgnoreDirty:
                    pc.VMPagecacheLimitIgnoreDirty, _ = strconv.Atoi(vend.SysctlParams[param.Key])
                case "OVERRIDE_PAGECACHE_LIMIT_MB":
                    pc.VMPagecacheLimitMB, _ = strconv.ParseUint(vend.SysctlParams[param.Key], 10, 64)
            errs = append(errs, SetPagecacheVal(param.Key, &pc))
            system.WarningLog("3rdPartyTuningOption %s: skip unknown section %s", vend.ConfFilePath, param.Section)
    err = sap.PrintErrors(errs)
    return err

// SetValuesToApply fills the data structure for applying the changes
func (vend INISettings) SetValuesToApply(values []string) Note {
    vend.ValuesToApply = make(map[string]string)
    for _, v := range values {
        vend.ValuesToApply[v] = v
    return vend

// getCounterPart gets the counterpart parameters of the vm.dirty parameters
func (vend INISettings) getCounterPart(key string, revert bool) (string, string) {
    // for the vm.dirty parameters take the counterpart
    // parameters into account (only during revert)
    // if vm.dirty_background_bytes is set to a value != 0,
    // vm.dirty_background_ratio is set to 0 and vice versa
    // if vm.dirty_bytes is set to a value != 0,
    // vm.dirty_ratio is set to 0 and vice versa
    rkey := key
    rval := vend.SysctlParams[key]
    cpart := "" //counterpart parameter
    switch key {
    case "vm.dirty_background_bytes":
        cpart = "vm.dirty_background_ratio"
    case "vm.dirty_bytes":
        cpart = "vm.dirty_ratio"
    case "vm.dirty_background_ratio":
        cpart = "vm.dirty_background_bytes"
    case "vm.dirty_ratio":
        cpart = "vm.dirty_bytes"
    // in case of revert of a vm.dirty parameter
    // check, if the saved counterpart value is != 0
    // then revert this value
    if revert && cpart != "" && vend.SysctlParams[cpart] != "0" {
        rkey = cpart
        rval = vend.SysctlParams[cpart]
    return rkey, rval

// setRevertParamValues sets the parameter values for revert
func (vend INISettings) setRevertParamValues(key string) (string, string) {
    // revert parameter value
    flstates := ""
    pvalue, pvendID := RevertParameter(key, vend.ID)
    if pvendID == "" {
        pvendID = vend.ID
    if pvalue != "" {
        vend.SysctlParams[key] = pvalue
    if key == "force_latency" {
        flstates, _ = RevertParameter("fl_states", vend.ID)
    return pvendID, flstates

// createParamSavedStates creates the parameter saved state file
func (vend INISettings) createParamSavedStates(key, flstates string) {
    // do not write parameter values to the saved state file during
    // a pure 'verify' action
    if _, ok := vend.ValuesToApply["verify"]; !ok && vend.SysctlParams[key] != "PNA" {
        start := vend.SysctlParams[key]
        if key == "UserTasksMax" {
            if system.SystemctlIsStarting() {
                start = system.GetBackupValue("/var/lib/saptune/working/.tmbackup")
            } else {
                start = system.GetTasksMax("0")
                system.WriteBackupValue(start, "/var/lib/saptune/working/.tmbackup")
        CreateParameterStartValues(key, start)
        if key == "force_latency" {
            CreateParameterStartValues("fl_states", flstates)

// addParamSavedStates adds values to the parameter saved state file
func (vend INISettings) addParamSavedStates(key string) {
    // do not write parameter values to the saved state file during
    // a pure 'verify' action
    if _, ok := vend.ValuesToApply["verify"]; !ok && vend.SysctlParams[key] != "PNA" {
        AddParameterNoteValues(key, vend.SysctlParams[key], vend.ID)

// handleID1805750 handles the special case of SAP Note 1805750
func (vend INISettings) handleID1805750(key, val string) (string, string) {
    // as note 1805750 does not set a limits domain, but
    // the customer should be able to set the correct
    // domain using an override file we need to rewrite
    // param.Key and param.Value to get a correct behaviour
    if len(vend.OverrideParams) != 0 && vend.ID == "1805750" {
        for owkey, owval := range vend.OverrideParams {
            if (isLimitSoft.MatchString(key) && isLimitSoft.MatchString(owkey)) || (isLimitHard.MatchString(key) && isLimitHard.MatchString(owkey)) {
                key = owkey
                val = owval
    return key, val

// handleInitOverride handles the override parameter settings
func (vend INISettings) handleInitOverride(key, val, section string, op txtparser.Operator, over *txtparser.INIFile) (string, string, txtparser.Operator) {
    chkKey := key
    if section == "service" {
        cKey := strings.TrimSuffix(chkKey, ".service")
        if _, ok := over.KeyValue[section][cKey]; ok {
            chkKey = cKey
    if vend.ID == "1805750" {
        // as note 1805750 does not set a limits
        // domain, but the customer should be able to
        // set the correct domain using an override
        // file we need to rewrite param.Key and
        // param.Value to get a correct behaviour
        for owkey, owparam := range over.KeyValue[section] {
            if (isLimitSoft.MatchString(key) && isLimitSoft.MatchString(owkey)) || (isLimitHard.MatchString(key) && isLimitHard.MatchString(owkey)) {
                chkKey = owkey
                key = owkey
                val = owparam.Value
    if over.KeyValue[section][chkKey].Value == "" && section != INISectionPagecache && (over.KeyValue[section][chkKey].Key != "" || (section == INISectionLimits && over.KeyValue[section][chkKey].Key == "")) {
        // disable parameter setting in override file
        vend.OverrideParams[chkKey] = "untouched"
    if over.KeyValue[section][chkKey].Value != "" {
        vend.OverrideParams[chkKey] = over.KeyValue[section][chkKey].Value
        if over.KeyValue[section][chkKey].Operator != op {
            // operator from override file will
            // replace the operator from our note file
            op = over.KeyValue[section][chkKey].Operator
    return key, val, op

// printSchedInfo prints info about used block scheduler only during 'verify' to
// suppress double prints in case of 'apply'
func (vend INISettings) printSchedInfo(scheds string, blckOK map[string][]string) {
    if _, ok := vend.ValuesToApply["verify"]; ok && scheds != "" {
        if scheds == "untouched" {
            system.InfoLog("Schedulers will be remain untouched!")
        } else {
            system.InfoLog("Trying scheduler in this order: %s.", scheds)
            for b, s := range blckOK {
                system.InfoLog("'%s' will be used as new scheduler for device '%s'.", b, strings.Join(s, " "))

// useOverrides checks, if we should use the value from override file
func (vend INISettings) useOverrides(key, scheds, val string) (bool, string, string) {
    nxt := false
    if len(vend.OverrideParams[key]) != 0 {
        // use value from override file instead of the value
        // from the sap note (ConfFile)
        if vend.OverrideParams[key] == "untouched" {
            if system.IsSched.MatchString(key) {
                scheds = "untouched"
            nxt = true
        } else {
            val = vend.OverrideParams[key]
    return nxt, scheds, val

// chkDoubles checks for double defined parameters
// till now for /sys parameter settings
// like KSM, THP and /sys/block/*/queue
func (vend INISettings) chkDoubles(key, info string) string {
    paramFiles := system.GetFiles(SaptuneParameterStateDir)

    syskey := key
    inf := ""
    searchParam, sect := system.GetSysSearchParam(syskey)
    sParam := strings.TrimPrefix(searchParam, "sys:")
    matchTxt := "[" + sect + "] '" + sParam

    if vend.SysctlParams[searchParam] != "" {
        // defined in same note definition file
        inf = matchTxt + "' of note " + vend.ID
    } else if _, exists := paramFiles[sParam]; exists {
        // defined in another note definition file
        inf = matchTxt + "' from the other applied notes"
    if inf != "" {
        system.WarningLog("'%s' is defined twice, see section %s", syskey, inf)
        if info != "" {
            info = info + "ยง" + inf
        } else {
            info = inf
    return info