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package note

import (

// section [block]

// GetBlkVal initialise the block device structure with the current
// system settings
func GetBlkVal(key string, cur *param.BlockDeviceQueue) (string, string, error) {
    retVal := ""
    info := ""

    switch {
    case system.IsSched.MatchString(key):
        newIOQ, err := cur.BlockDeviceSchedulers.Inspect()
        if err != nil {
            return "", info, err
        newQueue := newIOQ.(param.BlockDeviceSchedulers).SchedulerChoice
        retVal = newQueue[strings.TrimPrefix(key, "IO_SCHEDULER_")]
        cur.BlockDeviceSchedulers = newIOQ.(param.BlockDeviceSchedulers)
    case system.IsNrreq.MatchString(key):
        newNrR, err := cur.BlockDeviceNrRequests.Inspect()
        if err != nil {
            return "", info, err
        newReq := newNrR.(param.BlockDeviceNrRequests).NrRequests
        retVal = strconv.Itoa(newReq[strings.TrimPrefix(key, "NRREQ_")])
        cur.BlockDeviceNrRequests = newNrR.(param.BlockDeviceNrRequests)
    case system.IsRahead.MatchString(key):
        newRahead, err := cur.BlockDeviceReadAheadKB.Inspect()
        if err != nil {
            return "", info, err
        newRah := newRahead.(param.BlockDeviceReadAheadKB).ReadAheadKB
        retVal = strconv.Itoa(newRah[strings.TrimPrefix(key, "READ_AHEAD_KB_")])
        cur.BlockDeviceReadAheadKB = newRahead.(param.BlockDeviceReadAheadKB)
    case system.IsMsect.MatchString(key):
        newMsect, err := cur.BlockDeviceMaxSectorsKB.Inspect()
        if err != nil {
            return "", info, err
        newMse := newMsect.(param.BlockDeviceMaxSectorsKB).MaxSectorsKB
        retVal = strconv.Itoa(newMse[strings.TrimPrefix(key, "MAX_SECTORS_KB_")])
        cur.BlockDeviceMaxSectorsKB = newMsect.(param.BlockDeviceMaxSectorsKB)
    return retVal, info, nil

// OptBlkVal optimises the block device structure with the settings
// from the configuration file
func OptBlkVal(key, cfgval string, cur *param.BlockDeviceQueue, bOK map[string][]string) (string, string) {
    info := ""
    if cfgval == "" {
        return cfgval, info
    sval := cfgval
    switch {
    case system.IsSched.MatchString(key):
        // ANGI TODO - support different scheduler per device or
        // all devices with same scheduler (oval="all none")
        oval := ""
        sfound := false
        dname := regexp.MustCompile(`^IO_SCHEDULER_(\w+\-?\d*)$`)
        bdev := dname.FindStringSubmatch(key)
        if len(bdev) > 0 {
            for _, sched := range strings.Split(cfgval, ",") {
                sval = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(sched))
                if !param.IsValidScheduler(bdev[1], sval) {
                } else {
                    sfound = true
                    oval = bdev[1] + " " + sval
                    bOK[sval] = append(bOK[sval], bdev[1])
        if !sfound {
            sval = cfgval
            info = "NA"
        } else {
            opt, _ := cur.BlockDeviceSchedulers.Optimise(oval)
            cur.BlockDeviceSchedulers = opt.(param.BlockDeviceSchedulers)
    case system.IsNrreq.MatchString(key):
        ival, _ := strconv.Atoi(sval)
        nrtags, elev, bdev := system.GetNrTags(key)
        nxtElev := cur.BlockDeviceSchedulers.SchedulerChoice[bdev]
        if (elev == "none" || nxtElev == "none") && ival > nrtags {
            info = "wrongVal"
        opt, _ := cur.BlockDeviceNrRequests.Optimise(ival)
        cur.BlockDeviceNrRequests = opt.(param.BlockDeviceNrRequests)
    case system.IsRahead.MatchString(key):
        ival, _ := strconv.Atoi(sval)
        opt, _ := cur.BlockDeviceReadAheadKB.Optimise(ival)
        cur.BlockDeviceReadAheadKB = opt.(param.BlockDeviceReadAheadKB)
    case system.IsMsect.MatchString(key):
        var ival int
        ival, sval, info = chkMaxHWsector(key, sval)
        opt, _ := cur.BlockDeviceMaxSectorsKB.Optimise(ival)
        cur.BlockDeviceMaxSectorsKB = opt.(param.BlockDeviceMaxSectorsKB)
    return sval, info

// SetBlkVal applies the settings to the system
func SetBlkVal(key, value string, cur *param.BlockDeviceQueue, revert bool) error {
    var err error

    switch {
    case system.IsSched.MatchString(key):
        if revert {
            cur.BlockDeviceSchedulers.SchedulerChoice[strings.TrimPrefix(key, "IO_SCHEDULER_")] = value
        err = cur.BlockDeviceSchedulers.Apply(strings.TrimPrefix(key, "IO_SCHEDULER_"))
        if err != nil {
            return err
    case system.IsNrreq.MatchString(key):
        if revert {
            ival, _ := strconv.Atoi(value)
            cur.BlockDeviceNrRequests.NrRequests[strings.TrimPrefix(key, "NRREQ_")] = ival
        err = cur.BlockDeviceNrRequests.Apply(strings.TrimPrefix(key, "NRREQ_"))
        if err != nil {
            return err
    case system.IsRahead.MatchString(key):
        if revert {
            ival, _ := strconv.Atoi(value)
            cur.BlockDeviceReadAheadKB.ReadAheadKB[strings.TrimPrefix(key, "READ_AHEAD_KB_")] = ival
        err = cur.BlockDeviceReadAheadKB.Apply(strings.TrimPrefix(key, "READ_AHEAD_KB_"))
        if err != nil {
            return err
    case system.IsMsect.MatchString(key):
        if revert {
            ival, _, _ := chkMaxHWsector(key, value)
            cur.BlockDeviceMaxSectorsKB.MaxSectorsKB[strings.TrimPrefix(key, "MAX_SECTORS_KB_")] = ival
        err = cur.BlockDeviceMaxSectorsKB.Apply(strings.TrimPrefix(key, "MAX_SECTORS_KB_"))
        if err != nil {
            return err
    return err

// chkMaxHWsector checks, if the given value for max_sector_kb exceeds
// max_hw_sector_kb
func chkMaxHWsector(key, val string) (int, string, string) {
    info := ""
    ival, _ := strconv.Atoi(val)
    dname := regexp.MustCompile(`^MAX_SECTORS_KB_(\w+\-?\d*)$`)
    bdev := dname.FindStringSubmatch(key)
    maxHWsector, _ := system.GetSysInt(path.Join("block", bdev[1], "queue", "max_hw_sectors_kb"))
    if ival > maxHWsector {
        system.WarningLog("value '%v' for 'max_sectors_kb' for device '%s' is bigger than the value '%v' for 'max_hw_sectors_kb'. Limit to '%v'.", ival, bdev[1], maxHWsector, maxHWsector)
        ival = maxHWsector
        val = strconv.Itoa(maxHWsector)
        info = "limited"
    return ival, val, info