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package system

// wrapper to cpupower command

import (

// constant definition
const (
    notSupportedX86 = "System does not support Intel's performance bias setting"
    notSupportedIBM = "Subcommand not supported on POWER."
    cpuDirSys       = "devices/system/cpu"

var efiVarsDir = "/sys/firmware/efi/efivars"
var cpuDir = "/sys/devices/system/cpu"
var cpupowerCmd = "/usr/bin/cpupower"
var isCPU = regexp.MustCompile(`^cpu\d+$`)
var isState = regexp.MustCompile(`^state\d+$`)

// GetPerfBias retrieve CPU performance configuration from the system
func GetPerfBias() string {
    isPBCpu := regexp.MustCompile(`analyzing CPU \d+`)
    isPBias := regexp.MustCompile(`perf-bias: \d+`)
    setAll := true
    str := ""
    oldpb := "99"
    cmdName := cpupowerCmd
    cmdArgs := []string{"-c", "all", "info", "-b"}

    if !supportsPerfBiosSettings() {
        return "all:none"

    cmdOut, err := exec.Command(cmdName, cmdArgs...).CombinedOutput()
    if err != nil {
        WarningLog("There was an error running external command 'cpupower -c all info -b': %v, output: %s", err, cmdOut)
        return "all:none"

    for k, line := range strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(cmdOut)), "\n") {
        switch {
        case line == notSupportedX86 || line == notSupportedIBM:
            // safety net - check already done in supportsPerfBiosSettings()
            return "all:none"
        case isPBCpu.MatchString(line):
            str = str + fmt.Sprintf("cpu%d", k/2)
        case isPBias.MatchString(line):
            pb := strings.Split(line, ":")
            if len(pb) < 2 {
            if oldpb == "99" {
                oldpb = strings.TrimSpace(pb[1])
            if oldpb != strings.TrimSpace(pb[1]) {
                setAll = false
            str = str + fmt.Sprintf(":%s ", strings.TrimSpace(pb[1]))
    if setAll {
        str = "all:" + oldpb
    return strings.TrimSpace(str)

// SetPerfBias set CPU performance configuration to the system using 'cpupower' command
func SetPerfBias(value string) error {
    //cmd := exec.Command("cpupower", "-c", "all", "set", "-b", value)
    if !supportsPerfBiosSettings() {
        return nil

    cpu := ""
    for k, entry := range strings.Fields(value) {
        fields := strings.Split(entry, ":")
        if len(fields) < 2 {
        if fields[0] != "all" {
            cpu = strconv.Itoa(k)
        } else {
            cpu = fields[0]
        out, err := exec.Command(cpupowerCmd, "-c", cpu, "set", "-b", fields[1]).CombinedOutput()
        if err != nil {
            WarningLog("failed to invoke external command 'cpupower -c %s set -b %s': %v, output: %s", cpu, fields[1], err, out)
            return err
    return nil

// supportsPerfBiosSettings checks, if Perf Bias is supported for the system
func supportsPerfBiosSettings() bool {
    setPerf := true
    if GetCSP() == "azure" {
        WarningLog("Perf Bias settings not supported on '%s'\n", CSPAzureLong)
        setPerf = false
    } else if SecureBootEnabled() {
        WarningLog("Cannot set Perf Bias when SecureBoot is enabled, skipping")
        setPerf = false
    } else if !supportsPerfBias() {
        WarningLog("Perf Bias settings not supported by the system")
        setPerf = false
    return setPerf

// SecureBootEnabled checks, if the system is in lock-down mode
func SecureBootEnabled() bool {
    var isSecBootFileName = regexp.MustCompile(`^SecureBoot-\w[\w-]+`)
    if _, err := os.Stat(efiVarsDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        InfoLog("no EFI directory '%+s' found, assuming legacy boot", efiVarsDir)
        return false
    secureBootFile := ""
    _, efiFiles := ListDir(efiVarsDir, "the available efi variables")
    for _, eFile := range efiFiles {
        if isSecBootFileName.MatchString(eFile) {
            // work with the first file matching 'SecureBoot-*'
            secureBootFile = path.Join(efiVarsDir, eFile)
    if secureBootFile == "" {
        InfoLog("no EFI SecureBoot file (SecureBoot-*) found in '%s', assuming legacy boot", efiVarsDir)
        return false

    content, err := os.ReadFile(secureBootFile)
    if err != nil {
        InfoLog("failed to read EFI SecureBoot file '%s': %v", secureBootFile, err)
        return false
    lastElement := content[len(content)-1]
    if lastElement == 1 {
        DebugLog("secure boot enabled - '%v'", content)
        return true
    DebugLog("secure boot disabled - '%v'", content)
    return false

// supportsPerfBias check, if the system will support CPU performance settings
func supportsPerfBias() bool {
    cmdName := cpupowerCmd
    cmdArgs := []string{"info", "-b"}

    if !CmdIsAvailable(cmdName) {
        WarningLog("command '%s' not found", cmdName)
        return false
    cmdOut, err := exec.Command(cmdName, cmdArgs...).CombinedOutput()
    if err != nil || (err == nil && (strings.Contains(string(cmdOut), notSupportedX86) || strings.Contains(string(cmdOut), notSupportedIBM))) {
        // does not support perf bias
        return false
    return true

// GetGovernor retrieve performance configuration regarding to cpu frequency
// from the system
func GetGovernor() map[string]string {
    setAll := true
    oldgov := "99"
    gov := ""
    gGov := make(map[string]string)

    if !supportsGovernorSettings("") {
        gGov["all"] = "none"
        return gGov

    dirCont, err := os.ReadDir(cpuDir)
    if err != nil {
        WarningLog("Governor settings not supported by the system")
        gGov["all"] = "none"
        return gGov
    for _, entry := range dirCont {
        cpuName := entry.Name()
        if isCPU.MatchString(cpuName) {
            if _, err = os.Stat(path.Join(cpuDir, cpuName, "cpufreq", "scaling_governor")); os.IsNotExist(err) {
                // os.Stat needs cpuDir as path - including /sys
                tmpfile := path.Join(cpuDir, cpuName, "cpufreq", "scaling_governor")
                InfoLog("Unable to identify the current scaling governor for CPU '%s', missing file '%s'. Check your intel_pstate.", cpuName, tmpfile)
                gov = ""
            } else {
                // GetSysString needs cpuDirSys as path - without /sys
                gov, _ = GetSysString(path.Join(cpuDirSys, cpuName, "cpufreq", "scaling_governor"))
            if gov == "" || gov == "NA" || gov == "PNA" {
                gov = "none"
            if oldgov == "99" {
                // starting point
                oldgov = gov
            if oldgov != gov {
                setAll = false
            gGov[cpuName] = gov
    if setAll {
        gGov = make(map[string]string)
        gGov["all"] = oldgov
    return gGov

// SetGovernor set performance configuration regarding to cpu frequency
// to the system using 'cpupower' command
func SetGovernor(value string) error {
    //cmd := exec.Command("cpupower", "-c", "all", "frequency-set", "-g", value)
    if !supportsGovernorSettings(value) {
        return nil

    cpu := ""
    tst := ""
    for k, entry := range strings.Fields(value) {
        fields := strings.Split(entry, ":")
        if len(fields) < 2 {
        if fields[0] != "all" {
            cpu = strconv.Itoa(k)
            tst = cpu
        } else {
            cpu = fields[0]
            tst = "cpu0"
        if !isValidGovernor(tst, fields[1]) {
            WarningLog("'%s' is not a valid governor for cpu '%s', skipping.", fields[1], tst)
        out, err := exec.Command(cpupowerCmd, "-c", cpu, "frequency-set", "-g", fields[1]).CombinedOutput()
        if err != nil {
            WarningLog("failed to invoke external command 'cpupower -c %s frequency-set -g %s': %v, output: %s", cpu, fields[1], err, out)
            return err
    return nil

// supportsGovernorSettings checks, if governor settings supported by the system
func supportsGovernorSettings(value string) bool {
    setGov := true
    if GetCSP() == "azure" {
        WarningLog("Governor settings not supported on '%s'\n", CSPAzureLong)
        setGov = false
    } else if value == "all:none" {
        WarningLog("Governor settings not supported by the system")
        setGov = false
    } else if !CmdIsAvailable(cpupowerCmd) {
        WarningLog("command '%s' not found", cpupowerCmd)
        setGov = false
    } else if _, err := os.Stat(path.Join(cpuDir, "cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor")); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        // check only first cpu - cpu0, not all
        WarningLog("Governor settings not supported by the system")
        setGov = false
    return setGov

// isValidGovernor check, if the system will support CPU frequency settings
func isValidGovernor(cpu, gov string) bool {
    val, err := os.ReadFile(path.Join(cpuDir, cpu, "/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors"))
    if err == nil && strings.Contains(string(val), gov) {
        return true
    return false

// GetFLInfo retrieve CPU latency configuration from the system and returns
// the current latency,
// the latency states of all CPUs to save Latency states for 'revert',
// if cpu states differ
// return lat, savedStates, cpuStateDiffer
func GetFLInfo() (string, string, bool) {
    lat := 0
    maxlat := 0
    supported := false
    savedStates := ""
    stateDisabled := false
    cpuStateDiffer := false
    cpuStateMap := make(map[string]string)

    if !supportsForceLatencySettings("") {
        return "all:none", "all:none", cpuStateDiffer

    // read /sys/devices/system/cpu
    dirCont, err := os.ReadDir(cpuDir)
    if err != nil {
        WarningLog("Latency settings not supported by the system")
        return "all:none", "all:none", cpuStateDiffer
    for _, entry := range dirCont {
        // cpu0 ... cpuXY
        cpuName := entry.Name()
        if isCPU.MatchString(cpuName) {
            // read /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpuidle
            cpudirCont, err := os.ReadDir(path.Join(cpuDir, cpuName, "cpuidle"))
            if err != nil {
                // idle settings not supported for cpuName
            supported = true
            for _, centry := range cpudirCont {
                stateName := centry.Name()
                // state0 ... stateXY
                if isState.MatchString(stateName) {
                    // read /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpuidle/state*/disable
                    state, _ := GetSysString(path.Join(cpuDirSys, cpuName, "cpuidle", stateName, "disable"))
                    // save latency states for 'revert'
                    // savedStates = "cpu1:state0:0 cpu1:state1:0"
                    savedStates = savedStates + " " + cpuName + ":" + stateName + ":" + state
                    cpuStateMap[cpuName] = cpuStateMap[cpuName] + " " + state
                    // read /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpuidle/state*/latency
                    lattmp, _ := GetSysInt(path.Join(cpuDirSys, cpuName, "cpuidle", stateName, "latency"))
                    if lattmp > maxlat {
                        maxlat = lattmp
                    if state == "1" {
                        stateDisabled = true
                    } else {
                        lat = lattmp
    // check, if all cpus have the same state settings
    cpuStateDiffer = checkCPUState(cpuStateMap)

    if !stateDisabled {
        // start value for force latency, if no states are disabled
        lat = maxlat

    rval := strconv.Itoa(lat)
    if !supported {
        savedStates = "all:none"
        rval = "all:none"
    return rval, savedStates, cpuStateDiffer

// SetForceLatency set CPU latency configuration to the system
func SetForceLatency(value, savedStates string, revert bool) error {
    oldState := ""

    if !supportsForceLatencySettings(value) {
        return nil

    flval, _ := strconv.Atoi(value) // decimal value for force latency

    dirCont, err := os.ReadDir(cpuDir)
    if err != nil {
        WarningLog("Latency settings not supported by the system")
        return err
    for _, entry := range dirCont {
        // cpu0 ... cpuXY
        cpuName := entry.Name()
        if isCPU.MatchString(cpuName) {
            cpudirCont, errns := os.ReadDir(path.Join(cpuDir, cpuName, "cpuidle"))
            if errns != nil {
                WarningLog("idle settings not supported for '%s'", cpuName)
            for _, centry := range cpudirCont {
                stateName := centry.Name()
                // state0 ... stateXY
                if isState.MatchString(stateName) {
                    // read /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpuidle/state*/latency
                    lat, _ := GetSysInt(path.Join(cpuDirSys, cpuName, "cpuidle", stateName, "latency"))
                    // write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpuidle/state*/disable
                    if revert {
                        // revert
                        for _, ole := range strings.Fields(savedStates) {
                            FLFields := strings.Split(ole, ":")
                            if len(FLFields) > 2 {
                                if FLFields[0] == cpuName && FLFields[1] == stateName {
                                    oldState = FLFields[2]
                        if oldState != "" {
                            err = SetSysString(path.Join(cpuDirSys, cpuName, "cpuidle", stateName, "disable"), oldState)
                            // clear latency value for next cpu/state cycle
                            oldState = ""
                    } else {
                        // apply
                        oldState, _ = GetSysString(path.Join(cpuDirSys, cpuName, "cpuidle", stateName, "disable"))
                        // save old latency states for 'revert'
                        if lat > flval {
                            // set new latency states
                            err = SetSysString(path.Join(cpuDirSys, cpuName, "cpuidle", stateName, "disable"), "1")
                        if lat <= flval && oldState == "1" {
                            // reset previous set latency state
                            err = SetSysString(path.Join(cpuDirSys, cpuName, "cpuidle", stateName, "disable"), "0")

    return err

// supportsForceLatencySettings checks, if Force Latency can be set
func supportsForceLatencySettings(value string) bool {
    setLatency := true
    if GetCSP() == "azure" {
        WarningLog("Latency settings are not supported on '%s'\n", CSPAzureLong)
        setLatency = false
    } else if runtime.GOARCH == "ppc64le" {
        // latency settings are only relevant for Intel-based systems
        WarningLog("Latency settings not relevant for '%s' systems", runtime.GOARCH)
        setLatency = false
    } else if value == "all:none" {
        WarningLog("Latency settings not supported by the system")
        setLatency = false
    } else if _, err := os.Stat(path.Join(cpuDir, "cpu0")); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        // check only first cpu - cpu0, not all
        WarningLog("Latency settings not supported by the system")
        setLatency = false
    } else if currentCPUDriver() == "none" {
        WarningLog("Latency settings not supported by the system, no active cpuidle driver")
        setLatency = false
    return setLatency

// currentCPUDriver returns the current active cpuidle driver from
// /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuidle/current_driver
func currentCPUDriver() string {
    cpuDriver := "none"
    cpuDriverFile := path.Join(cpuDir, "/cpuidle/current_driver")
    if _, err := os.Stat(cpuDriverFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        InfoLog("File '%s' not found - %v", cpuDriverFile, err)
        return cpuDriver
    if val, err := os.ReadFile(cpuDriverFile); err != nil {
        InfoLog("Problems reading file '%s' - %+v\n", cpuDriverFile, err)
    } else {
        cpuDriver = string(val)
    return cpuDriver

// CPUPlatform returns the CPU platform
// read /sys/devices/cpu/caps/pmu_name
func CPUPlatform() string {
    cpuPlatformFile := "/sys/devices/cpu/caps/pmu_name"
    cpuPlatform, err := os.ReadFile(cpuPlatformFile)
    if err != nil {
        InfoLog("Problems reading file '%s' - %+v\n", cpuPlatformFile, err)
    return strings.TrimSpace(string(cpuPlatform))

// checkCPUState checks, if all cpus have the same state settings
// returns true, if the cpu states differ
func checkCPUState(csMap map[string]string) bool {
    ret := false
    oldcpuState := ""
    for _, cpuState := range csMap {
        if oldcpuState == "" {
            oldcpuState = cpuState
        if oldcpuState != cpuState {
            ret = true
    return ret

// GetdmaLatency retrieve DMA latency configuration from the system
func GetdmaLatency() string {
    latency := make([]byte, 4)
    dmaLatency, err := os.OpenFile("/dev/cpu_dma_latency", os.O_RDONLY, 0600)
    if err != nil {
        WarningLog("GetForceLatency: failed to open cpu_dma_latency - %v", err)
    _, err = dmaLatency.Read(latency)
    if err != nil {
        WarningLog("GetForceLatency: reading from '/dev/cpu_dma_latency' failed: %v", err)
    // Close the file handle after the latency value is no longer maintained
    defer dmaLatency.Close()

    ret := fmt.Sprintf("%v", binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(latency))
    return ret