from flask import g, current_app, requestfrom cryptography.fernet import Fernet, InvalidTokenfrom api.models import User, dbfrom datetime import datetimefrom functools import wrapsimport jsonfrom api.time_management import get_current_datetimefrom api.error import error_response class UserNotFoundError(Exception): """ The Exception that indicates the user was not found """ pass class UserDisabledError(Exception): """ The Exception that indicates the user was not found """ pass def generate_token(obj): """ generate token and expiration, return it. Args: obj (dict): the data to encrypt Return: token (bytes): encrypted token """ fernet = Fernet(current_app.config['SECRET_KEY']) now = datetime.now().timestamp() data = { 'issued_at': now, 'data': obj } return fernet.encrypt(json.dumps(data).encode()) def decrypt_token(token): """ decrypt the token. Args: token (str): encrypted token. Return: decrypted data (dict): decrypted contents """ fernet = Fernet(current_app.config['SECRET_KEY']) try: decrypted = fernet.decrypt(token.encode()) except InvalidToken: return None return json.loads(decrypted.decode()) Function `login_required` has a Cognitive Complexity of 28 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.def login_required(*required_authority): """ a decorder to require login Args: *required_authority (str): required authorities if this is blank, no requirement of authority """ def login_required_impl(f): @wraps(f) def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): def auth_error(code, headm=None): resp, http_code = error_response(code) if headm: resp.headers['WWW-Authenticate'] = 'Bearer ' + headm return resp, http_code time = get_current_datetime() end = current_app.config['END_DATETIME'] if end <= time: return auth_error(18, 'realm="not acceptable"') # check form of request header if 'Authorization' not in request.headers: return auth_error(0, 'realm="token_required"') auth = request.headers['Authorization'].split() if auth[0].lower() != 'bearer': return auth_error(4, 'error="invalid_request"') elif len(auth) == 1: return auth_error(4, 'error="invalid_request"') elif len(auth) > 2:Avoid too many `return` statements within this function. return auth_error(4, 'error="invalid_request"') token = auth[1] data = decrypt_token(token) if not data:Avoid too many `return` statements within this function. return auth_error(0, 'error="invalid_token"') try: user = todays_user(user_id=data['data']['user_id']) except UserNotFoundError:Avoid too many `return` statements within this function. return auth_error(0, 'realm="invalid_token"') except UserDisabledError:Avoid too many `return` statements within this function. return auth_error(0, 'realm="id_disabled"') if required_authority and \ (user.authority not in required_authority):Avoid too many `return` statements within this function. return auth_error(15, 'error="insufficient_scope"') g.token_data = data['data'] Avoid too many `return` statements within this function. return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_function return login_required_impl Function `todays_user` has a Cognitive Complexity of 7 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.def todays_user(secret_id='', user_id=''): """confirm the user id isn't used in other day and return `User` object Args: secret_id (str): secret id of target user Return: User (api.models.User): the user object of 'secret_id' Exceptions: UserNotFoundError : when user was not found in DB UserDisabledError : when user was diabled References are here: https://github.com/Sakuten/backend/issues/78#issuecomment-416609508 """ if secret_id: user = User.query.filter_by(secret_id=secret_id).first() elif user_id: user = User.query.get(user_id) if not user: raise UserNotFoundError() if user.kind not in current_app.config['ONE_DAY_KIND']: return user if user.first_access is None: user.first_access = get_current_datetime().date() db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() return user elif user.first_access == get_current_datetime().date(): return user else: raise UserDisabledError()