
Test Coverage
# Guide for Users

__NOTE: this little guide is a work in progress__

* Add the Telegram user `@Rubymarabot`- it should guide you to text 'signup' to create an account.
* The application will ping you randomly __until it has received__ five data points for the day. It will sometimes ping only 1-4 times a day, the notifications are random.
* Simply respond to the queries with a number 0-10. It may take a moment to load but it will confirm receipt and logging of the data.
* Every certain number of hours it will require your 'current location'. Telegram allows you to share your current location, or share your 'live location' for a number of minutes or hours. You can do this occasionally yourself or once in a while MaraBot will prompt you to get current location. This is needed so that accurate location/weather data can be captured with your latest pain readings.
* YOU OWN YOUR DATA. We are building a full terms and conditions to protect our users. We will *never* reveal who you are or link you to your data unless you specifically ask us to. At any point contact if you want a full comprehensive copy of your data or if you want your data deleted.
* (To be released soon) - sleep notifications, sleep the pings for a specified time such as `sleep 3 days` or `sleep 22 hours`