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Test Coverage
# Install Custom JARs
# Custom jars are made available to the Elasticsearch classpath by being downloaded into the elasticsearch_home_dir/lib folder.
# An example of a custom jar can include a custom Lucene Similarity Provider. You will need to define an array called
# 'elasticsearch_custom_jars' in your playbook or inventory, such that:
# elasticsearch_custom_jars:
#  - { uri: '<URL where JAR can be downloaded from: required>', filename: '<alternative name for final JAR if different from file downladed: leave blank to use same filename>', user: '<BASIC auth username: leave blank of not needed>', passwd: '<BASIC auth password: leave blank of not needed>' }
#  - ...

# Loop though elasticsearch_custom_jars and install them
- name: Installing Custom JARs
  action: >
    get_url url={{ item.uri }}
    url_username={{ item.user }} url_password={{ item.passwd }} dest="{{ elasticsearch_home_dir }}/lib/{{ item.filename }}"
  with_items: elasticsearch_custom_jars
# Fix permissions
- file: >
    path="{{ elasticsearch_home_dir }}/lib" state=directory
    owner={{ elasticsearch_user }} group={{ elasticsearch_group }}