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namespace PHP2WSDL;

use DOMDocument;
use DOMElement;
use RuntimeException;
use Wingu\OctopusCore\Reflection\ReflectionClass;

 * Create a WSDL.
class WSDL

     * The DOMDocument instance.
     * @var DOMDocument
    private $dom;

     * The WSDL node from the full DOMDocument.
     * @var DOMDocument
    private $wsdl;

     * Schema node of the WSDL.
     * @var DOMElement
    private $schema;

     * Types defined on schema.
     * @var array
    private $includedTypes;

     * Default XSD Types.
     * @var array
    protected static $XSDTypes = [
        'string'       => 'xsd:string',
        'bool'         => 'xsd:boolean',
        'boolean'      => 'xsd:boolean',
        'int'          => 'xsd:int',
        'integer'      => 'xsd:int',
        'double'       => 'xsd:float',
        'float'        => 'xsd:float',
        'decimal'      => 'xsd:decimal',
        'array'        => 'soap-enc:Array',
        'time'         => 'xsd:time',
        'date'         => 'xsd:date',
        'datetime'     => 'xsd:dateTime',
        'anytype'      => 'xsd:anyType',
        'unknown_type' => 'xsd:anyType',
        'mixed'        => 'xsd:anyType',
        'object'       => 'xsd:struct',
        'base64binary' => 'xsd:base64Binary',

     * Constructor.
     * @param string $name   The name of the web service.
     * @param string $uri    URI where the WSDL will be available.
     * @param string $xslUri The URI to the stylesheet.
     * @throws RuntimeException If the DOM Document can not be created.
    public function __construct($name, $uri, $xslUri = null)
        $this->dom = new DOMDocument('1.0');
        if ($xslUri !== null) {

        $definitions = $this->dom->createElementNS('', 'definitions');
        $definitions->setAttribute('name', $name);
        $definitions->setAttribute('targetNamespace', $uri);
        $definitions->setAttributeNS('', 'xmlns:tns', htmlspecialchars($uri));
        $definitions->setAttributeNS('', 'xmlns:soap', '');
        $definitions->setAttributeNS('', 'xmlns:xsd', '');
        $definitions->setAttributeNS('', 'xmlns:soap-enc', '');
        $definitions->setAttributeNS('', 'xmlns:wsdl', '');

        $this->wsdl = $this->dom->documentElement;

        $this->schema = $this->dom->createElement('xsd:schema');
        $this->schema->setAttribute('targetNamespace', $uri);

        // Add the import for validation.
        $import = $this->dom->createElement('xsd:import');
        $import->setAttribute('namespace', '');

        $types = $this->dom->createElement('types');

     * Set the stylesheet for the WSDL.
     * @param string $xslUri The URI to the stylesheet.
     * @return WSDL
    private function setStylesheet($xslUri)
        $xslt = $this->dom->createProcessingInstruction('xml-stylesheet', 'type="text/xsl" href="' . $xslUri . '"');

     * Add a message element to the WSDL.
     * @param string $name  The name for the message.
     * @param array  $parts Array of parts for the message ('name'=>'type' or 'name'=>array('type'=>'type', 'element'=>'element')).
     * @return DOMElement
     * @link
    public function addMessage($name, array $parts)
        $message = $this->dom->createElement('message');
        $message->setAttribute('name', $name);

        foreach ($parts as $name => $type) {
            $part = $this->dom->createElement('part');
            $part->setAttribute('name', $name);
            if (is_array($type)) {
                foreach ($type as $key => $value) {
                    $part->setAttribute($key, $value);
            } else {
                $part->setAttribute('type', $type);



        return $message;

     * Add a portType to element to the WSDL.
     * @param string $name The name of the portType.
     * @return DOMElement
    public function addPortType($name)
        $portType = $this->dom->createElement('portType');
        $portType->setAttribute('name', $name);

        return $portType;

     * Add a binding element to the WSDL.
     * @param string $name     The name of the binding.
     * @param string $portType The portType to bind.
     * @return DOMElement
    public function addBinding($name, $portType)
        $binding = $this->dom->createElement('binding');
        $binding->setAttribute('name', $name);
        $binding->setAttribute('type', $portType);


        return $binding;

     * Add a SOAP binding element to the Binding element.
     * @param DOMElement $binding   The binding element (from addBinding() method).
     * @param string     $style     The binding style (rpc or document).
     * @param string     $transport The transport method.
     * @return DOMElement
     * @link
    public function addSoapBinding(
        DOMElement $binding,
        $style = 'rpc',
        $transport = ''
        $soapBinding = $this->dom->createElement('soap:binding');
        $soapBinding->setAttribute('style', $style);
        $soapBinding->setAttribute('transport', $transport);


        return $soapBinding;

     * Add an operation to a binding element.
     * @param DOMElement $binding The binding element (from addBinding() method).
     * @param string     $name    The name of the operation.
     * @param array      $input   Attributes for the input element (use, namespace, encodingStyle).
     * @param array      $output  Attributes for the output element (use, namespace, encodingStyle).
     * @param array      $inputHeaders
     * @param array      $outputHeaders
     * @return DOMElement
     * @link
    public function addBindingOperation(DOMElement $binding,
                                        array $input = null,
                                        array $output = null,
                                        array $inputHeaders = null,
                                        array $outputHeaders = null)
        $operation = $this->dom->createElement('operation');
        $operation->setAttribute('name', $name);

        if (is_array($input)) {
            $inputElement = $this->dom->createElement('input');
            $soapElement = $this->dom->createElement('soap:body');
            foreach ($input as $name => $value) {
                $soapElement->setAttribute($name, $value);


            if (is_array($inputHeaders)) {
                $inputHeadersElement = $this->dom->createElement('soap:header');
                foreach ($inputHeaders as $name => $value) {
                    $inputHeadersElement->setAttribute($name, $value);

        if (is_array($output)) {
            $outputElement = $this->dom->createElement('output');
            $soapElement = $this->dom->createElement('soap:body');
            foreach ($output as $name => $value) {
                $soapElement->setAttribute($name, $value);


            if(is_array($outputHeaders)) {
                $outputHeadersElement = $this->dom->createElement('soap:header');
                foreach ($outputHeaders as $name => $value) {
                    $outputHeadersElement->setAttribute($name, $value);


        return $operation;

     * Add an operation element to a portType element.
     * @param DOMElement $portType      The port type element (from addPortType() method).
     * @param string     $name          The name of the operation.
     * @param string     $inputMessage  The input message.
     * @param string     $outputMessage The output message.
     * @return DOMElement
     * @link
    public function addPortOperation(DOMElement $portType, $name, $inputMessage = null, $outputMessage = null)
        $operation = $this->dom->createElement('operation');
        $operation->setAttribute('name', $name);

        if (is_string($inputMessage) && (strlen(trim($inputMessage)) >= 1)) {
            $inputElement = $this->dom->createElement('input');
            $inputElement->setAttribute('message', $inputMessage);

        if (is_string($outputMessage) && (strlen(trim($outputMessage)) >= 1)) {
            $outputElement = $this->dom->createElement('output');
            $outputElement->setAttribute('message', $outputMessage);


        return $operation;

     * Add a SOAP operation to an operation element.
     * @param DOMElement $binding    The binding element (from addBindingOperation() method).
     * @param string     $soapAction SOAP Action.
     * @return DOMElement
     * @link
    public function addSoapOperation(DOMElement $binding, $soapAction)
        $soapOperation = $this->dom->createElement('soap:operation');
        $soapOperation->setAttribute('soapAction', $soapAction);

        $binding->insertBefore($soapOperation, $binding->firstChild);

        return $soapOperation;

     * Add a service element to the WSDL.
     * @param string $name     Service name.
     * @param string $portName Port name.
     * @param string $binding  Binding for the port.
     * @param string $location SOAP Address location.
     * @return DOMElement
     * @link
    public function addService($name, $portName, $binding, $location)
        $service = $this->dom->createElement('service');
        $service->setAttribute('name', $name);

        $port = $this->dom->createElement('port');
        $port->setAttribute('name', $portName);
        $port->setAttribute('binding', $binding);

        $soapAddress = $this->dom->createElement('soap:address');
        $soapAddress->setAttribute('location', $location);



        return $service;

     * Add a documentation element to another element in the WSDL.
     * @param DOMElement $inputElement  The DOMElement element to add the documentation.
     * @param string     $documentation The documentation text.
     * @return DOMElement
     * @link
    public function addDocumentation(DOMElement $inputElement, $documentation)
        if ($inputElement === $this) {
            $element = $this->dom->documentElement;
        } else {
            $element = $inputElement;

        $doc = $this->dom->createElement('documentation');
        $cdata = $this->dom->createTextNode($documentation);

        if ($element->hasChildNodes()) {
            $element->insertBefore($doc, $element->firstChild);
        } else {

        return $doc;

     * Add a complex type.
     * @param string $type     The type.
     * @param string $wsdlType The WSDL type.
    public function addType($type, $wsdlType)
        $this->includedTypes[$type] = $wsdlType;

     * Get the XSD Type from a PHP type.
     * @param string $type The type to get the XSD type from.
     * @return string
    public function getXSDType($type)
        if ($this->isXDSType($type)) {
            return self::$XSDTypes[strtolower($type)];
        } elseif ($type) {
            if (strpos($type, '[]')) {
                if ($this->isXDSType(str_replace('[]', '', $type))) {
                    return self::$XSDTypes['array'];

            return $this->addComplexType($type);
        } else {
            return null;

     * Check if a type is a XDS.
     * @param string $type The type to check.
     * @return boolean
    private function isXDSType($type)
        $typeToLowerString = strtolower($type);

        return isset(self::$XSDTypes[$typeToLowerString]);

     * Add a complex type.
     * @param string $type Name of the class.
     * @return string
    public function addComplexType($type)
        if (isset($this->includedTypes[$type])) {
            return $this->includedTypes[$type];

        if (strpos($type, '[]') !== false) {
            return $this->addComplexTypeArray(str_replace('[]', '', $type), $type);

        $class = new ReflectionClass($type);

        $soapTypeName = static::typeToQName($type);
        $soapType = 'tns:' . $soapTypeName;

        $this->addType($type, $soapType);

        $all = $this->dom->createElement('xsd:all');
        foreach ($class->getProperties() as $property) {
            $annotationsCollection = $property->getReflectionDocComment()->getAnnotationsCollection();
            if ($property->isPublic() && $annotationsCollection->hasAnnotationTag('var')) {
                $element = $this->dom->createElement('xsd:element');
                $element->setAttribute('name', $property->getName());
                $propertyVarAnnotation = $annotationsCollection->getAnnotation('var');
                $element->setAttribute('type', $this->getXSDType(reset($propertyVarAnnotation)->getVarType()));
                if ($annotationsCollection->hasAnnotationTag('nillable')) {
                    $element->setAttribute('nillable', 'true');
                if ($annotationsCollection->hasAnnotationTag('minOccurs')) {
                    $minOccurs = intval($annotationsCollection->getAnnotation('minOccurs')[0]->getDescription());
                    $element->setAttribute('minOccurs', $minOccurs > 0 ? $minOccurs : 0);
                    if ($minOccurs > 1) {
                        $all = $this->changeAllToSequence($all);
                if ($annotationsCollection->hasAnnotationTag('maxOccurs')) {
                    $maxOccurs = intval($annotationsCollection->getAnnotation('maxOccurs')[0]->getDescription());
                    $element->setAttribute('maxOccurs', $maxOccurs > 0 ? $maxOccurs : 'unbounded');
                    if ($maxOccurs !== 1) {
                        $all = $this->changeAllToSequence($all);

        $complexType = $this->dom->createElement('xsd:complexType');
        $complexType->setAttribute('name', $soapTypeName);


        return $soapType;

     * Add an array of complex type.
     * @param string $singularType The type name without the '[]'.
     * @param string $type         The original type name.
     * @return string
    protected function addComplexTypeArray($singularType, $type)
        $xsdComplexTypeName = 'ArrayOf' . static::typeToQName($singularType);
        $xsdComplexType = 'tns:' . $xsdComplexTypeName;

        // Register type here to avoid recursion.
        $this->addType($type, $xsdComplexType);

        // Process singular type using DefaultComplexType strategy.

        // Add array type structure to WSDL document.
        $complexType = $this->dom->createElement('xsd:complexType');
        $complexType->setAttribute('name', $xsdComplexTypeName);

        $complexContent = $this->dom->createElement('xsd:complexContent');

        $xsdRestriction = $this->dom->createElement('xsd:restriction');
        $xsdRestriction->setAttribute('base', 'soap-enc:Array');

        $xsdAttribute = $this->dom->createElement('xsd:attribute');
        $xsdAttribute->setAttribute('ref', 'soap-enc:arrayType');
        $xsdAttribute->setAttribute('wsdl:arrayType', 'tns:' . static::typeToQName($singularType) . '[]');


        return $xsdComplexType;

     * Parse an xsd:element represented as an array into a DOMElement.
     * @param array $element An xsd:element represented as an array.
     * @return DOMElement
    private function parseElement(array $element)
        $elementXml = $this->dom->createElement('xsd:element');
        foreach ($element as $key => $value) {
            if (in_array($key, ['sequence', 'all', 'choice'])) {
                if (is_array($value)) {
                    $complexType = $this->dom->createElement('xsd:complexType');
                    if (count($value) > 0) {
                        $container = $this->dom->createElement('xsd:' . $key);
                        foreach ($value as $subElement) {
                            $subElementXml = $this->parseElement($subElement);


            } else {
                $elementXml->setAttribute($key, $value);

        return $elementXml;

     * Add an xsd:element represented as an array to the schema.
     * @param array $element An xsd:element represented as an array.
     * @return string
    public function addElement(array $element)
        $elementXml = $this->parseElement($element);

        return 'tns:' . $element['name'];

     * Dump the WSDL as XML string.
     * @return string
    public function dump()
        $this->dom->formatOutput = true;

        return $this->dom->saveXML();

     * Convert a PHP type into QName.
     * @param string $type The PHP type.
     * @return string
    public static function typeToQName($type)
        if ($type[0] === '\\') {
            $type = substr($type, 1);

        return str_replace('\\', '.', $type);

     * Changes the xs:all to an xs:sequence node
     * @param \DOMElement $all
     * @return \DOMElement
    private function changeAllToSequence($all)
        if ($all->nodeName !== 'xsd:all') {
            return $all;
        $sequence = $all->ownerDocument->createElement('xsd:sequence');
        if ($all->attributes->length) {
            foreach ($all->attributes as $attribute) {
                $sequence->setAttribute($attribute->nodeName, $attribute->nodeValue);
        while ($all->firstChild) {

        return $sequence;
