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1 day
Test Coverage
/* eslint-disable regexp/no-unused-capturing-group */
/* eslint-disable regexp/prefer-named-capture-group */
/* eslint-disable prefer-named-capture-group */
/* eslint-disable max-classes-per-file */
import { dataDefaults } from '../constants'
import { FileBase } from '../file'
import { log } from '../logger'
import { fileExists, join, readFile } from '../utils'

// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
class Thanks {
  public markdown = ''
  public label = ''
  public link = ''
  public description = ''
  public isExpected = true
  public isFixable = true

  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/max-params
  public constructor(label = '', link = '', description = '', isExpected = false, isFixable = true) {
    this.label = label = link
    this.description = description
    this.isExpected = isExpected
    this.isFixable = isFixable
    this.markdown = `- [${label}](${link}) : ${description}`

// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
class Badge {
  public markdown = ''
  public label = ''
  public link = ''
  public image = ''
  public isExpected = true
  public isFixable = true

  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/max-params
  public constructor(label = '', link = '', image = '', isExpected = true, isFixable = true) {
    this.label = label = link
    this.image = image
    this.isExpected = isExpected
    this.isFixable = isFixable
    this.markdown = `[![${label}](${image})](${link})`

const deprecatedBadges = [
  '', // shows deprecated informations

/* c8 ignore start */
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
export class ReadmeFile extends FileBase {
  private checkMarkdown() {
    let hasNoCrLf = this.shouldContains('no CRLF Windows carriage return', /\r/u, 0, false, 'prefer Unix LF', true)
    if (!hasNoCrLf && this.canFix) this.fileContent = this.fileContent.replace(/\r\n/gu, '\n')
    const starLists = /\n\*\s[\w[]/gu
    hasNoCrLf = this.couldContains('no star flavored list', starLists, 0, 'should use dash flavor', true)
    if (!hasNoCrLf && this.canFix) this.fileContent = this.fileContent.replace(/\n\*\s(?=[\w[])/gu, '\n- ')

  private addBadge(line = '') {
    // just after project title
    this.fileContent = this.fileContent.replace(/^(# [\s\w-]+)/u, `$1${line}\n`)

  private checkBadgesDeprecated() {
    for (const badge of deprecatedBadges) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line security/detect-non-literal-regexp
      const isOk = this.shouldContains(`no deprecated ${badge} badge`, new RegExp(badge, 'u'), 0, false, `${badge} does not exist anymore`, true)
      // eslint-disable-next-line security/detect-non-literal-regexp
      if (!isOk && this.canFix) this.fileContent = this.fileContent.replace(new RegExp(`.*${badge}.*\n`, 'giu'), '')

  private checkBadgesRecommended() {
    const badges = this.getBadgesRecommended()
    for (const badge of badges) {
      const message = `${badge.isExpected ? 'a' : 'no'} "${badge.label}" badge`
      // eslint-disable-next-line security/detect-non-literal-regexp, sonarjs/no-nested-template-literals
      const regex = new RegExp(`\\(${'?', String.raw`\?`)}\\)`, 'u')
      const isOk = this.couldContains(message, regex, badge.isExpected ? 1 : 0, badge.markdown, badge.isExpected)
      if (!isOk && badge.isExpected && badge.isFixable && this.canFix) this.addBadge(badge.markdown)

  private checkBadges() {

  private getBadgesRecommended() {
    const userRepo = `${}/${}`
    const list = [
      new Badge('Project license', `${userRepo}/blob/master/LICENSE`, `${userRepo}.svg?color=informational`),
      new Badge('Code Climate maintainability', `${userRepo}`, `${userRepo}`),
    if ( && !this.fileContent.includes('')) list.push(new Badge('Website up',, `${'https://', '')}.svg`, true, !== dataDefaults.webUrl))
    if (
        new Badge('Npm monthly downloads', `${}`, `${}.svg?color=informational`),
        new Badge('Npm version', `${}`, `${}.svg?color=informational`),
        new Badge('Publish size', `${}`, `${}?label=publish%20size`),
        new Badge('Install size', `${}`, `${}`),
    return list

  private addThanks(line = '') {
    // just after Thank title
    this.fileContent = this.fileContent.replace(/(## Thank.*\n{2})/u, `$1${line}\n`)
    log.debug('added line', line)

  private checkTodos() {
    const matches = this.fileContent.match(/- \[ \] (.*)/gu)
    if (matches === null) return
    for (const line of matches) {
      // a todo line in markdown is like "- [ ] add some fancy gifs"
      const todo = line.replace('- [ ] ', '')`TODO : ${todo}`)

  // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements
  public async start() {
    const hasUpReadmeFile = await this.fileExists('')
    const hasReadmeFile = await this.fileExists('')
    if (!(hasUpReadmeFile || hasReadmeFile)) {
      this.test(false, 'no or file found')
    await this.inspectFile(hasUpReadmeFile ? '' : '')
    this.shouldContains('a title', /^#\s\w+/u)
    this.couldContains('a logo image', /!\[logo\]\(.*\.\w{3,4}\)/u, 1, '![logo](folder/any-file.ext)')
    this.couldContains('a demo image or gif', /!\[demo\]\(.*\.\w{3,4}\)/u, 1, '![demo](folder/any-file.ext)')
    this.shouldContains('no link to deprecated *', /\.netlify\.com/u, 0)
    this.shouldContains('no links without https scheme', /[^:]\/\/[\w-]+\.\w+/u, 0) //
    await this.checkThanks()

  private async checkThanks() {
    const hasSection = this.couldContains('a thanks section', /## Thanks/u)
    if (!hasSection) return
    const thanks = await this.getThanks()
    for (const thank of thanks) {
      const message = `${thank.isExpected ? 'a' : 'no remaining'} thanks to ${thank.label}`
      // eslint-disable-next-line security/detect-non-literal-regexp
      const regex = new RegExp(`\\[${thank.label}\\]`, 'iu')
      const hasThanks = this.couldContains(message, regex, thank.isExpected ? 1 : 0, thank.markdown, thank.isExpected)
      const shouldAdd = !hasThanks && thank.isExpected && thank.isFixable && this.canFix
      if (shouldAdd) this.addThanks(thank.markdown)

  private async getThanks() {
    const list = [
      new Thanks('', '', 'for the nice badges on top of this readme', this.fileContent.includes('shields')),
      new Thanks('', '', 'for providing free continuous deployments', this.fileContent.includes('travis-ci')),
      new Thanks('Github', '', 'for all their great work year after year, pushing OSS forward', this.fileContent.includes('github')),
      new Thanks('Netlify', '', 'awesome company that offers free CI & hosting for OSS projects', this.fileContent.includes('netlify')),
    const filePath = join(this.folderPath, 'package.json')
    if (!(await fileExists(filePath))) return list
    const json = await readFile(filePath)
    if (json === '') return list
      new Thanks('Arg', '', 'un-opinionated, no-frills CLI argument parser', json.includes('"arg":')),
      new Thanks('Ava', '', 'great test runner easy to setup & use', json.includes('ava"')),
      new Thanks('C8', '', 'simple & effective cli for code coverage',,
      new Thanks('Chokidar', '', 'minimal and efficient cross-platform file watching library', json.includes('"chokidar"')),
      new Thanks('', '', 'cool E2E testing framework', json.includes('cypress')),
      new Thanks('Dependency-cruiser', '', 'handy tool to validate and visualize dependencies',,
      new Thanks('Esbuild', '', 'an extremely fast JavaScript bundler and minifier', json.includes('esbuild')),
      new Thanks('Eslint', '', 'super tool to find & fix problems',,
      new Thanks('Mocha', '', 'great test runner easy to setup & use', json.includes('mocha"')),
      new Thanks('Npm-run-all', '', 'to keep my npm scripts clean & readable', json.includes('npm-run-all"')),
      new Thanks('Npm-parallel', '', 'to keep my npm scripts clean & readable', json.includes('npm-parallel"')),
      new Thanks('Nuxt', '', 'minimalist framework for server-rendered Vue.js applications', json.includes('"nuxt"')),
      new Thanks('Nyc', '', 'simple & effective cli for code coverage',,
      new Thanks('Reef', '', 'a lightweight library for creating reactive, state-based components and UI', json.includes('reefjs"')),
      new Thanks('Repo-checker', '', 'eslint cover /src code and this tool the rest ^^', json.includes('repo-check"')),
      new Thanks('Rollup', '', 'a fast & efficient js module bundler', json.includes('rollup"')),
      new Thanks('Servor', '', 'dependency free dev server for single page app development', json.includes('"servor"')),
      new Thanks('Showdown', '', 'a Markdown to HTML converter written in Javascript', json.includes('"showdown"')),
      new Thanks('Shuutils', '', 'collection of pure JS utils',,
      new Thanks('TailwindCss', '', 'awesome lib to produce maintainable style',,
      new Thanks('Tsup', '', 'super fast js/ts bundler with no config, powered by esbuild <3', json.includes('tsup"')),
      new Thanks('UvU', '', 'extremely fast and lightweight test runner for Node.js and the browser', json.includes('"uvu":')),
      new Thanks('V8', '', 'simple & effective cli for code coverage',,
      new Thanks('Vitest', '', 'super fast vite-native testing framework', json.includes('"vitest"')),
      new Thanks('Vite', '', 'super fast frontend tooling', json.includes('vitejs') || json.includes('"vite"')),
      new Thanks('Vue', '', 'when I need a front framework, this is the one I choose <3',,
      new Thanks('Watchlist', '', 'recursively watch a list of directories & run a command on any file system', json.includes('"watchlist"')),
      new Thanks('Xo', '', 'super tool to find & fix problems', json.includes('"xo"')),
      // new Thanks('name', 'url', 'desc', json.includes('"xxx":')),
    return list
/* c8 ignore stop */