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<form class="ui form" name="citizen">
 <h1>Cast your vote and bet on an Ethereum address</h1>
 <h2 class="ui header">1. Fill the address and amount of your vote and bet</h2>
 <div class="field">
  <label>The Ethereum address you want to vote about</label>
  If ever you don't know that Ethereum address, try to find and copy it from <a routerLink="/">the list of known addresses at the home page of this revolution</a>. If you want to add your on address, you may copy it from your Ethereum browser or wallet such as Metamask or Trust Wallet. If you still can't find that address and nobody can help, you can <a routerLink="/factory">create a new revolution representing the person or object you want to vote about</a>, copy the address of that new revolution and then use it here.
  <input [(ngModel)]="address" name="address" type="text" placeholder="Enter an address 0x... you may copy it from your Ethereum browser or wallet such as Metamask or Trust Wallet." />

 <div *ngIf="address != '' && address != undefined && address != account && name != '' && name != undefined" class="ui message">
   <div><i class="tag icon"></i>The owner of this address gave it this name or pseudonym : <strong>{{ name }}</strong></div>

  <div *ngIf="address != '' && address != undefined && address == account" class="ui message">
  <div class="header"><i class="bullhorn icon"></i>Hey, this is your own address! Give it your name or pseudonym so that they know it is yours.</div>
  <input [(ngModel)]="name" name="name" type="text" placeholder="You can give your address a public name." />

 <div *ngIf="showErrorMessageForAddress" class="ui negative message">
  <div class="header"><i class="ban icon"></i>Forbidden address</div>
  <p>This field should contain a valid Ethereum address (starting with 0x). You may copy it from your Ethereum browser or wallet (Metamask, Trust Wallet, Coinbase Wallet, Cipher, ...).</p>

 <div class="field">
  <label>How much ether are you staking on this vote ?</label>
  <div class="ui right labeled input">
   <input [(ngModel)]="amount" type="number" name="amount" placeholder="{{ distributionAmount / 10 }} or more, amount to bet" (change)="onAmountChange($event)"/>
   <div class="ui label">ETH</div>
  <div class="ui action input">
   <div class="ui right aligned label fluid" style="text-align:right;">= {{ convertToFiat(amount) }}</div>
   <select (change)="onCurrencyChange($event)" class="ui compact dropdown label" style="max-width:6em;">
    <option value="EUR" [selected]="currency() == 'EUR'">€</option>
    <option value="USD" [selected]="currency() == 'USD'">$</option>
    <option [selected]="currency() == 'AUD'">AUD</option>
    <option [selected]="currency() == 'CAD'">CAD</option>
    <option [selected]="currency() == 'CNY'">CNY</option>
    <option value="GBP" [selected]="currency() == 'GBP'">£</option>
    <option value="JPY" [selected]="currency() == 'JPY'">¥</option>
 <div *ngIf="showErrorMessageForAmount" class="ui negative message">
  <div class="header"><i class="ban icon"></i>Forbidden amount</div>
  <p>This field should contain a number of ETH superior to {{ distributionAmount / 10 }}. Decimals are separated using a dot.</p>

 <div *ngIf="showErrorMessageForBalance" class="ui negative message">
   <div class="header"><i class="battery empty icon"></i>Insufficient funds in your wallet</div>
  <p>You want to stake {{ amount }} ETH but your wallet only contains {{ accountBalance }} ETH. You should set a lower amount of ETH for this vote. Or you can buy more ETH using your wallet options or from an Exchange such as <a href="">Coinbase</a>. Also think you will have mining fees to pay.</p>
 <div class="content">Note that your vote may also cost up to one additional dollar or euro due to the mining fees. These fees are awarded to the owners of computers securing the blockchain. Your wallet will display the exact cost of these fees after you click on a voting button below and before you confirm it from your wallet.</div>
 <div class="field">
     <h2 class="ui header"><label>2. Cast your bet and vote: Does the address above really belong to <strong>{{ criteria }}</strong>? And is this their unique address here?</label></h2>
  <div class="content">Clicking 'YES' or 'NO' will prepare your vote. You will have to confirm it from your wallet.</div>
  <div class="ui vertical buttons">
   <div class="ui button positive secondary icon labeled" (click)="onClickMeT()"><i class="icon thumbs up"></i>Vote YES. Open my wallet for confirmation.</div>
   <div class="ui button negative primary icon labeled" (click)="onClickMeF()">Vote NO. Open my wallet for confirmation.<i class="icon thumbs down"></i></div>

 <div *ngIf="showErrorMessageForVote" class="ui negative message">
  <div class="content">
    <div class="header"><i class="bug icon"></i>Vote failed</div>
   <p>{{ errorDuringVote }}</p>

 <div *ngIf="transactionPending" class="ui positive message">
  <div class="content">
    <div class="header"><i class="thumbs up icon"></i>Vote confirmation started</div>
   <p>You voted {{ vote == true ? 'YES' : 'NO' }} with {{ amount }} ETH.</p>
   <p>Now you can go to step 3 below, or leave this page while the recording of your vote is being confirmed by the blockchain. <!--FIXME span *ngIf="confimationProgress"-->{{ confirmationProgress }} / 24 confirmations received.<!--/span--></p>
   <p>{{ transactionHashes[-1] }} <a href="https://{{ revolutionBlockchain == 'Main' || revolutionBlockchain == 'Mainnet' || revolutionBlockchain == 'Unknown' ? 'www' : revolutionBlockchain.toLowerCase() }}{{ transactionHashes[0] }}" target="_blank">See details of your vote transaction on Etherscan</a></p>
 <div *ngIf="transactionConfirmed" class="ui positive message">
  <div class="content">
   <div class="header"><i class="thumbs up icon"></i>Vote fully confirmed</div>
   <p>Vote confirmation fully completed. It should be taken into account on the home page now.</p>

 <div *ngIf="transactionPending || transactionConfirmed">
  <h2 class="ui header">3. Share your reason for voting so</h2>
  <div class="ui raised segment">
   <div class="ui icon">
    <i class="icon quote left"></i>
   I voted {{ vote == true ? 'YES' : 'NO' }} for {{ name }} {{ (address | slice:0:10) }} because ...
    <i class="icon quote right"></i>
   <a href="{{ revolutionAddress }}&text=I%20voted%20{{ vote == true ? 'YES' : 'NO' }}%20for%20{{ name }} %20{{ (address | slice:0:10) }}%20because%20...&hashtags={{ hashtagWithoutSymbol }}" target="_blank"><button class="ui twitter button">
    <i class="twitter icon"></i>
   <a href="{{ hashtagWithoutSymbol }}%20{{ name }} %20{{ (address | slice:0:10) }}%20{{ vote == true ? 'YES' : 'NO' }}&text=I%20voted%20{{ vote == true ? 'YES' : 'NO' }}%20for%20{{ name }} %20{{ (address | slice:0:10) }}%20in%20the%20{{ hashtagWithoutSymbol }}%20revolution%20because%20..." target="_blank"><button class="ui reddit button">
    <i class="icon reddit"></i>
   <a href="{{ revolutionAddress }}" target="_blank"><button class="ui facebook button">
    <i class="icon facebook"></i>
   <a href="{{ revolutionAddress }}&sourceURL={{ revolutionURL }}&title={{ hashtagWithoutSymbol }}%20{{ name }} %20{{ (address | slice:0:10) }}%20{{ vote == true ? 'YES' : 'NO' }}&summary=I%20voted%20{{ vote == true ? 'YES' : 'NO' }}%20for%20{{ name }} %20{{ (address | slice:0:10) }}%20in%20the%20{{ hashtagWithoutSymbol }}%20revolution%20because%20..." target="_blank"><button class="ui linkedin button">
    <i class="icon linkedin"></i>

 <h2 class="ui header">4. Your vote and maybe its resulting verdict will be displayed <a routerLink="/revolution">on the home page</a> once your vote is confirmed.</h2>

 <h3 class="ui header">More details about verdicts</h3>
 <div class="ui icon">
   <i class="icon balance scale"></i>
   Your vote may randomly close their trial (50% chance of verdict per distribution period). When their trial closes, the YES stakes and the NO stakes are summed and compared. The verdict is issued accordingly. The loosing voters loose their stakes. A share of the lost stakes is donated for further distributions. And the rest of the lost stakes are shared among winning voters proportionately to their winning stakes, which they also get back (minus transaction safety fees). Read <a href="">step 5 of the rules of the Culottes board game</a> for a better understanding of the behavior of this revolution when issuing verdicts and distributing vote stakes. If you can read source code, you can also audit <a href="https://{{ revolutionBlockchain == 'Main' || revolutionBlockchain == 'Mainnet' || revolutionBlockchain == 'Unknown' ? 'www' : revolutionBlockchain.toLowerCase() }}{{ revolutionAddress }}#code">the smart contract of this revolution and its detailed parameters</a>.
