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// -*- Mode: Java; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4 -*-
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME
//     Copyright (C) Stephanie Gawroriski <xer@multiphasicapps.net>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME is under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.
// See license.mkd for licensing and copyright information.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

package cc.squirreljme.runtime.lcdui.gfx;

import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.debug.Debugging;
import cc.squirreljme.runtime.lcdui.font.SQFFont;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Font;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Image;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Text;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.game.Sprite;

 * This class contains the advanced graphics functions which uses
 * pre-determined functions to determine how to draw something.
 * This class will eventually be replaced by generic auto-generated classes
 * which can handle every pixel format.
 * @since 2019/03/24
public class AdvancedGraphics
    extends Graphics
    /** Clipping above. */
    private static final int _CLIP_ABOVE =
    /** Clipping below. */
    private static final int _CLIP_BELOW =
    /** Clip right. */
    private static final int _CLIP_RIGHT =
    /** Clip left. */
    private static final int _CLIP_LEFT =
    /** Did we oops when drawing? */
    private static volatile boolean _didOops;
    /** The array buffer. */
    protected final int[] buffer;
    /** The length of the buffer. */
    protected final int bufferlen;
    /** The width of the image. */
    protected final int width;
    /** The height of the image. */
    protected final int height;
    /** The pitch of the image. */
    protected final int pitch;
    /** The buffer offset. */
    protected final int offset;
    /** The number of elements that consist of pixel data. */
    protected final int numelements;
    /** Physical end of the buffer. */
    protected final int lastelement;
    /** Is there an alpha channel? */
    protected final boolean hasalphachannel;
    /** Absolute translated X coordinate. */
    protected final int abstransx;
    /** Absolute translated Y coordinate. */
    protected final int abstransy;
    /** The current stroke style. */
    protected int strokestyle;
    /** Is a dot stroke being used? */
    protected boolean dotstroke;
    /** Translated X coordinate. */
    protected int transx;
    /** Translated Y coordinate. */
    protected int transy;
    /** The starting X clip. */
    protected int clipsx;
    /** The starting Y clip. */
    protected int clipsy;
    /** The ending X clip. */
    protected int clipex;
    /** The ending Y clip. */
    protected int clipey;
    /** The clip width. */
    protected int clipw;
    /** The clip height. */
    protected int cliph;
    /** The current font, null means default. */
    protected Font font;
    /** The current blending mode. */
    protected int blendmode;
    /** Could blending be done? */
    protected boolean candoblending;
    /** Is blending actually going to be done? */
    protected boolean doblending;
    /** The current color. */
    protected int color;
    /** The painting alpha color. */
    protected int paintalpha;
    /** The color to use for painting. */
    protected int paintcolor;
    /** Paint color with the alpha channel set to the max. */
    protected int paintcolorhigh;
    /** The alpha color and normal color for painting. */
    protected int paintalphacolor;
    /** Function for filled rectangle. */
    protected AdvancedFunction funcfillrect;
    /** Function for drawing characters. */
    protected AdvancedFunction funccharbmp;
    /** Function for drawing lines. */
    protected AdvancedFunction funcline;
    /** RGB tile. */
    protected AdvancedFunction funcrgbtile;
    /** ARGB tile. */
    protected AdvancedFunction funcargbtile;
     * Initializes the graphics.
     * @param __buf The buffer.
     * @param __alpha Does the buffer actually use the alpha channel?
     * @param __aba Advanced buffer adapter, used to translate the internal
     * integer based buffer to other formats.
     * @param __w The image width.
     * @param __h The image height.
     * @param __p The image pitch.
     * @param __o The buffer offset.
     * @param __atx Absolute X translation.
     * @param __aty Absolute Y translation.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the input parameters are not
     * correct.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public AdvancedGraphics(int[] __buf, boolean __alpha,
        AdvancedBufferAdapter __aba,
        int __w, int __h, int __p, int __o, int __atx, int __aty)
        throws IllegalArgumentException, NullPointerException
        if (__buf == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        /* {@squirreljme.error EB0b Invalid width and/or height specified.} */
        if (__w <= 0 || __h <= 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("EB0b");
        /* {@squirreljme.error EB0c The pitch is less than the width.} */
        if (__p < __w)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("EB0c");
        /* {@squirreljme.error EB0d The specified parameters exceed the bounds
        of the array. (The width; The height; The offset; The pitch;
        The array length; The number of elements in the image)} */
        int numelements = (__p * __h),
            lastelement = __o + numelements,
            buflen = __buf.length;
        if (__o < 0 || lastelement > buflen)
            throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(
                String.format("EB0d %d %d %d %d %d %d", __w, __h,
                __o, __p, buflen, numelements));
        // Set
        this.buffer = __buf;
        this.bufferlen = buflen;
        this.width = __w;
        this.height = __h;
        this.pitch = __p;
        this.offset = __o;
        this.numelements = numelements;
        this.lastelement = lastelement;
        this.hasalphachannel = __alpha;
        // Setup absolute translation and initialize the base translation
        // which is at the absolute origin
        this.abstransx = __atx;
        this.abstransy = __aty;
        this.transx = __atx;
        this.transy = __aty;
        // Initial clipping rectangle has the image bounds
        this.clipsx = 0;
        this.clipsy = 0;
        this.clipex = __w;
        this.clipey = __h;
        this.clipw = __w;
        this.cliph = __h;
        // Reset all initial functions
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void clipRect(int __x, int __y, int __w, int __h)
        // Translate
        __x += this.transx;
        __y += this.transy;
        // Get right end coordinates
        int ex = __x + __w,
            ey = __y + __h;
        // Swap X if lower
        if (ex < __x)
            int boop = __x;
            __x = ex;
            ex = boop;
        // Same for Y
        if (ey < __y)
            int boop = __y;
            __y = ey;
            ey = boop;
        // Never go past the end of the viewport because pixels will never
        // be drawn in negative regions
        if (__x < 0)
            __x = 0;
        if (__y < 0)
            __y = 0;
        // Additionally do not go past the edge ever that way the end
        // clipping point is always valid
        int width = this.width,
            height = this.height;
        if (ex > width)
            ex = width;
        if (ey > height)
            ey = height;
        // Get the old clipping bounds
        int oldclipsx = this.clipsx,
            oldclipsy = this.clipsy,
            oldclipex = this.clipex,
            oldclipey = this.clipey;
        // Only set the clipping bounds if they exceed the previous ones
        if (__x > oldclipsx)
            this.clipsx = (oldclipsx = __x);
        if (__y > oldclipsy)
            this.clipsy = (oldclipsy = __y);
        if (ex < oldclipex)
            this.clipex = (oldclipex = ex);
        if (ey < oldclipey)
            this.clipey = (oldclipey = ey);
        // Set width/height
        this.clipw = this.clipex - oldclipsx;
        this.cliph = this.clipey - oldclipsy;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void copyArea(int __sx, int __sy, int __w, int __h,
        int __dx, int __dy, int __anchor)
        throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException
        // Need translation coordinates
        int tx = this.transx,
            ty = this.transy;
        // Image size
        int iw = this.width,
            ih = this.height;
        // Translate all coordinates
        __sx += tx;
        __sy += ty;
        __dx += tx;
        __dy += ty;
        // Perform needed anchoring
        if ((__anchor & Graphics.HCENTER) != 0)
            __dx -= (__w >> 1);
        else if ((__anchor & Graphics.RIGHT) != 0)
            __dx -= __w;
        if ((__anchor & Graphics.VCENTER) != 0)
            __dy -= (__h >> 1);
        else if ((__anchor & Graphics.BOTTOM) != 0)
            __dy -= __h;
        // End coordinates for both
        int sex = __sx + __w,
            sey = __sx + __h,
            dex = __dx + __w,
            dey = __dx + __h;
        /* {@squirreljme.error EB0e Source region for area copy is out of
        bounds.} */
        if (__sx < 0 || __sy < 0 || sex > iw || sey > ih)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("EB0e");
        this.__unimplemented(__dx, __dy, "copyArea");
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void drawArc(int __x, int __y, int __w, int __h, int __startAngle,
        int __arcAngle)
        this.__unimplemented(__x, __y, "drawArc");
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void drawARGB16(short[] __data, int __off, int __scanlen,
        int __x, int __y, int __w, int __h)
        throws NullPointerException
        this.__unimplemented(__x, __y, "drawARGB16");
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void drawChar(char __s, int __x, int __y, int __anchor)
        // Same as drawing strings
        this.drawString(new String(new char[]{__s}, 0, 1),
            __x, __y, __anchor);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void drawChars(char[] __s, int __o, int __l, int __x,
        int __y, int __anchor)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__s == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Same as drawing string
        this.drawString(new String(__s, __o, __l),
            __x, __y, __anchor);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void drawImage(Image __i, int __x, int __y, int __anchor)
        throws IllegalArgumentException, NullPointerException
        if (__i == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        this.drawRegion(__i, 0, 0, __i.getWidth(), __i.getHeight(), 0,
            __x, __y, __anchor);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void drawLine(int __x1, int __y1, int __x2, int __y2)
        // Translate all coordinates
        int transx = this.transx,
            transy = this.transy;
        __x1 += transx;
        __y1 += transy;
        __x2 += transx;
        __y2 += transy;
        // Get clipping region
        int clipsx = this.clipsx,
            clipsy = this.clipsy,
            clipex = this.clipex,
            clipey = this.clipey;
        // Perform Cohen-Sutherland line clipping
        for (;;)
            // Determine points that lie outside the box
            int outa = AdvancedGraphics.__csOut(__x1, __y1,
                    clipsx, clipsy, clipex - 1,clipey - 1),
                outb = AdvancedGraphics.__csOut(__x2, __y2, clipsx,
                    clipsy, clipex - 1, clipey - 1);
            // Both points are outside the box, do nothing
            if ((outa & outb) != 0)
            // Both points are inside the box, use this line
            if (outa == 0 && outb == 0)
            // Only the second point is outside, swap the points so that the
            // first point is outside and the first is not
            if (outa == 0)
                // Swap X
                int boop = __x1;
                __x1 = __x2;
                __x2 = boop;
                // Swap Y
                boop = __y1;
                __y1 = __y2;
                __y2 = boop;
                // Swap clip flags
                boop = outb;
                outb = outa;
                outa = boop;
            // The point is clipped
            if (outa != 0)
                // Differences of points
                int dx = __x2 - __x1,
                    dy = __y2 - __y1;
                // Clips above the box
                if ((outa & AdvancedGraphics._CLIP_ABOVE) != 0)
                    __x1 += dx * (clipey - __y1) / dy;
                    __y1 = clipey - 1;
                // Clips below
                else if ((outa & AdvancedGraphics._CLIP_BELOW) != 0)
                    __x1 += dx * (clipsy - __y1) / dy;
                    __y1 = clipsy;
                // Clips the right side
                else if ((outa & AdvancedGraphics._CLIP_RIGHT) != 0)
                    __y1 += dy * (clipex - __x1) / dx;
                    __x1 = clipex - 1;
                // Clips the left side
                else if ((outa & AdvancedGraphics._CLIP_LEFT) != 0)
                    __y1 += dy * (clipsx - __x1) / dx;
                    __x1 = clipsx;
        // Have lines which always go to the right
        if (__x2 < __x1)
            int boopx = __x1,
                boopy = __y1;
            __x1 = __x2;
            __y1 = __y2;
            __x2 = boopx;
            __y2 = boopy;
        // The resulting line should never be out of bounds
        if (__x1 < clipsx || __x2 < clipsx || __y1 < clipsy || __y2 < clipsy ||
            __x1 > clipex || __x2 > clipex || __y1 > clipey || __y2 > clipey)
        // Forward depending on blending and/or dots
                new int[]{__x1, __y1, __x2, __y2},
        // Exception happened when drawing a line
        catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
            Debugging.debugNote("Line (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d)", __x1, __y1,
                __x2, __y2);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void drawRGB(int[] __data, int __off, int __scanlen,
        int __x, int __y, int __w, int __h, boolean __alpha)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__data == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Transform
        __x += this.transx;
        __y += this.transy;
        // Determine ending position
        int ex = __x + __w;
        int ey = __y + __h;
        // Get clipping region
        int clipsx = this.clipsx;
        int clipsy = this.clipsy;
        int clipex = this.clipex;
        int clipey = this.clipey;
        // Box is completely outside the bounds of the clip, do not draw
        if (ex < clipsx || __x >= clipex || ey < clipsy || __y >= clipey)
        // Determine sub-clipping area
        int subX = Math.max(0, clipsx - __x);
        int subY = Math.max(0, clipsy - __y);
        // Clip into bounds
        if (__x < clipsx)
            __x = clipsx;
        if (__y < clipsy)
            __y = clipsy;
        // Check end coordinate
        if (ex >= clipex)
            ex = clipex;
        if (ey >= clipey)
            ey = clipey;
        // New tile size
        int tw = ex - __x;
        int th = ey - __y;
        // We might have multiplied alpha blending, or just normal blending
        // If __alpha is true then this is 32-bit RGBA!
            if (__alpha)
                    new int[]{__off, __scanlen, __x, __y, tw, th, subX, subY},
                    new Object[]{__data});
                    new int[]{__off, __scanlen, __x, __y, tw, th, subX, subY},
                    new Object[]{__data});
        catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
            if (!AdvancedGraphics._didOops)
                AdvancedGraphics._didOops = true;
                    "drawRGBTile(buffer[%d]=%s, bufferlen=%d, " +
                    "w=%d, h=%d, " +
                    "pitch=%d, offset=%d -> " +
                    "data[%d]=%s, w=%d, h=%d, off=%d, " +
                    "scanlen=%d, " +
                    "x=%d, y=%d, tw=%d, th=%d, subX=%d, subY=%d)",
                    this.buffer.length, this.buffer, this.bufferlen,
                    this.width, this.height, this.pitch, this.offset,
                    __data.length, __data, __w, __h, __off, __scanlen,
                    __x, __y,
                    tw, th, subX, subY);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void drawRGB16(short[] __data, int __off, int __scanlen,
        int __x, int __y, int __w, int __h)
        throws NullPointerException
        this.__unimplemented(__x, __y, "drawRGB16");
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void drawRect(int __x, int __y, int __w, int __h)
        // Do nothing if less than zero
        if (__w < 0 || __h < 0)
        // The width and height are increased by a single pixel
        __w += 1;
        __h += 1;
        // For now just cheat and draw four lines
        int ex = __x + __w,
            ey = __y + __h;
        this.drawLine(__x, __y, ex, __y);
        this.drawLine(__x, ey, ex, ey);
        this.drawLine(__x, __y, __x, ey);
        this.drawLine(ex, __y, ex, ey);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void drawRegion(Image __src, int __xsrc, int __ysrc,
        int __wsrc, int __hsrc, int __trans, int __xdest, int __ydest,
        int __anch)
        throws IllegalArgumentException, NullPointerException
        if (__src == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        this.__drawRegion(__src, __xsrc, __ysrc, __wsrc, __hsrc, __trans,
            __xdest, __ydest, __anch, __wsrc, __hsrc, true);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void drawRegion(Image __src, int __xsrc, int __ysrc,
        int __wsrc, int __hsrc, int __trans, int __xdest, int __ydest,
        int __anch, int __wdest, int __hdest)
        throws IllegalArgumentException, NullPointerException
        if (__src == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        this.__drawRegion(__src, __xsrc, __ysrc, __wsrc, __hsrc, __trans,
            __xdest, __ydest, __anch, __wdest, __hdest, false);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void drawRoundRect(int __x, int __y, int __w, int __h,
        int __aw, int __ah)
        this.__unimplemented(__x, __y, "drawRoundRect");
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void drawString(String __s, int __x, int __y,
        int __anchor)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__s == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        this.__drawText(this.__buildText(__s), __x, __y, __anchor);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void drawSubstring(String __s, int __o, int __l, int __x,
        int __y, int __anchor)
        throws NullPointerException, StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
        if (__s == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        if (__o < 0 || __l < 0 || (__o + __l) > __s.length())
            throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException("IOOB");
        this.__drawText(this.__buildText(__s.substring(__o, __o + __l)),
            __x, __y, __anchor);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void drawText(Text __t, int __x, int __y)
        this.__drawText(__t, __x, __y, 0);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void fillArc(int __x, int __y, int __w, int __h, int __startAngle,
        int __arcAngle)
        this.__unimplemented(__x, __y, "fillArc");
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void fillRect(int __x, int __y, int __w, int __h)
        // Do nothing if less than zero
        if (__w < 0 || __h < 0)
        // Get actual end points
        int ex = __x + __w,
            ey = __y + __h;
        // Translate all coordinates
        int transx = this.transx,
            transy = this.transy;
        __x += transx;
        __y += transy;
        ex += transx;
        ey += transy;
        // Force lower X
        if (ex < __x)
            int boop = ex;
            ex = __x;
            __x = boop;
        // Force lower Y
        if (ey < __y)
            int boop = ey;
            ey = __y;
            __y = boop;
        // Get clipping region
        int clipsx = this.clipsx,
            clipsy = this.clipsy,
            clipex = this.clipex - 1,
            clipey = this.clipey - 1;
        // Never clip past the left/top
        if (__x < clipsx)
            __x = clipsx;
        if (__y < clipsy)
            __y = clipsy;
        // Never clip past the right/bottom
        if (ex > clipex)
            ex = clipex;
        if (ey > clipey)
            ey = clipey;
        // Calculate actual dimensions used
        __w = ex - __x;
        __h = ey - __y;
        // Call function
            new int[]{__x, __y, ex, ey, __w, __h},
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void fillRoundRect(int __x, int __y, int __w, int __h,
        int __aw, int __ah)
        this.__unimplemented(__x, __y, "fillRoundRect");
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void fillTriangle(int __x1, int __y1, int __x2, int __y2,
        int __x3, int __y3)
        this.__unimplemented(__x1, __y1, "fillTriangle");
        this.drawLine(__x1, __y1, __x2, __y2);
        this.drawLine(__x2, __y2, __x3, __y3);
        this.drawLine(__x3, __y3, __x1, __y1);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public int getAlpha()
        return (this.color >> 24) & 0xFF;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public int getAlphaColor()
        return this.color;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public int getBlendingMode()
        return this.blendmode;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public int getBlueComponent()
        return (this.color) & 0xFF;
     * Returns the element in the input array which represents the end of the
     * clipping rectangle.
     * @return The element which contains the end of the clipping rectangle.
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public final int getClipElementEnd()
        // Subtract one from the Y because it is on the next row
        return this.offset + (((this.pitch * (this.clipey - 1)) +
     * Returns the element in the input array which represents the start of
     * the clipping rectangle.
     * @return The element which contains the start of the clipping rectangle.
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public final int getClipElementStart()
        return this.offset + (((this.pitch * this.clipsy) + this.clipsx));
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public int getClipHeight()
        return this.cliph;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public int getClipWidth()
        return this.clipw;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public int getClipX()
        return this.clipsx - this.transx;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public int getClipY()
        return this.clipsy - this.transy;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public int getColor()
        return this.color & 0xFFFFFF;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public int getDisplayColor(int __rgb)
        // Just use the original input color, without the alpha channel
        return __rgb & 0xFFFFFF;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public Font getFont()
        Font rv = this.font;
        if (rv == null)
            rv = Font.getDefaultFont();
        return rv;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public int getGrayScale()
        return (this.getRedComponent() + this.getGreenComponent() + this
            .getBlueComponent()) / 3;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public int getGreenComponent()
        return (this.color >> 8) & 0xFF;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public int getRedComponent()
        return (this.color >> 16) & 0xFF;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public int getStrokeStyle()
        return this.strokestyle;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public int getTranslateX()
        return this.transx - this.abstransx;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public int getTranslateY()
        return this.transy - this.abstransy;
     * Resets all parameters of the graphics output.
     * @param __clip If {@code true} then the clip is also reset.
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void resetParameters(boolean __clip)
        // Clear translation
        this.transx = this.abstransx;
        this.transy = this.abstransy;
        // Reset clip also
        if (__clip)
            int width = this.width,
                height = this.height;
            this.clipsx = 0;
            this.clipsy = 0;
            this.clipex = width;
            this.clipey = height;
            this.clipw = width;
            this.cliph = height;
        // Always reset these
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void setAlpha(int __a)
        throws IllegalArgumentException
        this.setAlphaColor(__a, this.getRedComponent(), this.getGreenComponent(),
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void setAlphaColor(int __argb)
        // Set the original color directly
        this.color = __argb;
        // Determine if blending is to be performed or it is just directly
        // setting values, blending is only performed if the alpha channel
        // is not fully opaque and blending is permitted
        int alpha = (__argb >>> 24);
        boolean doblending = (this.candoblending && alpha != 0xFF);
        // Set internal blend mode
        this.doblending = doblending;
        // Set painting colors
        this.paintalpha = alpha;
        this.paintcolor = __argb & 0xFFFFFF;
        this.paintcolorhigh = __argb | 0xFF000000;
        this.paintalphacolor = __argb;
        // Update functions
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void setAlphaColor(int __a, int __r, int __g, int __b)
        throws IllegalArgumentException
        /* {@squirreljme.error EB0f Color out of range. (Alpha; Red; Green;
        Blue)} */
        if (__a < 0 || __a > 255 || __r < 0 || __r > 255 ||
            __g < 0 || __g > 255 || __b < 0 || __b > 255)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
                "EB0f %d %d %d %d", __a, __r, __g, __b));
        // Set
        this.setAlphaColor((__a << 24) | (__r << 16) | (__g << 8) | __b);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void setBlendingMode(int __m)
        throws IllegalArgumentException
        boolean candoblending,
            oldcandoblending = this.candoblending;
        // Just use source pixels
        if (__m == Graphics.SRC)
            /* {@squirreljme.error EB0g Cannot set the overlay blending mode
            because this graphics context does not have the alpha channel.} */
            if (!this.hasalphachannel)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("EB0g");
            candoblending = false;
        // Perform blending since this is the default mode
        else if (__m == Graphics.SRC_OVER)
            candoblending = true;
        /* {@squirreljme.error EB0h Unknown blending mode.} */
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("EB0h");
        // Set
        this.blendmode = __m;
        this.candoblending = candoblending;
        // If the blending mode has changed then possible blending tables
        // need to be recalculated accordingly
        if (candoblending != oldcandoblending)
        // Update functions
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void setClip(int __x, int __y, int __w, int __h)
        // Translate
        __x += this.transx;
        __y += this.transy;
        // Get right end coordinates
        int ex = __x + __w,
            ey = __y + __h;
        // Swap X if lower
        if (ex < __x)
            int boop = __x;
            __x = ex;
            ex = boop;
        // Same for Y
        if (ey < __y)
            int boop = __y;
            __y = ey;
            ey = boop;
        // Never go past the end of the viewport because pixels will never
        // be drawn in negative regions
        if (__x < 0)
            __x = 0;
        if (__y < 0)
            __y = 0;
        // Additionally do not go past the edge ever that way the end
        // clipping point is always valid
        int width = this.width,
            height = this.height;
        if (ex > width)
            ex = width;
        if (ey > height)
            ey = height;
        // Set
        this.clipsx = __x;
        this.clipsy = __y;
        this.clipex = ex;
        this.clipey = ey;
        // Set width/height
        this.clipw = ex - __x;
        this.cliph = ey - __y;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void setColor(int __rgb)
        this.setAlphaColor((this.getAlphaColor() & 0xFF_000000) |
            (__rgb & 0x00_FFFFFF));
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void setColor(int __r, int __g, int __b)
        throws IllegalArgumentException
        this.setAlphaColor(this.getAlpha(), __r, __g, __b);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void setFont(Font __font)
        // Just set it
        this.font = __font;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void setGrayScale(int __v)
        this.setAlphaColor(this.getAlpha(), __v, __v, __v);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
     * @param __style
    public void setStrokeStyle(int __style)
        throws IllegalArgumentException
        /* {@squirreljme.error EB0i Illegal stroke style.} */
        if (__style != Graphics.SOLID && __style != Graphics.DOTTED)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("EB0i");
        // Set
        this.strokestyle = __style;
        this.dotstroke = (__style == Graphics.DOTTED);
        // Update functions
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/03/24
    public void translate(int __x, int __y)
        this.transx += __x;
        this.transy += __y;
     * Builds and returns a text object for usage.
     * @param __s The string used.
     * @return A new text object.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2018/11/29
    private Text __buildText(String __s)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__s == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Get the font, or fallback to the default if it was not set
        Font font = this.getFont();
        // Setup, use a zero height for now since it will be calculated after
        // the font and such has been set
        Text rv = new Text(__s,
            font.stringWidth(__s), 0);
        // Set text properties
        if (font != null)
        // Set the height to the required height of the box now that the
        // parameters have been set
        return rv;
     * Draws region.
     * @param __src Source image.
     * @param __xsrc X source.
     * @param __ysrc Y source.
     * @param __wsrc W source.
     * @param __hsrc H source.
     * @param __trans Translation.
     * @param __xdest X destination.
     * @param __ydest Y destination.
     * @param __anch Anchor.
     * @param __wdest W destination.
     * @param __hdest H destination.
     * @param __dswap Swap destinations on rotate?
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the input is not valid.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2019/04/18
    private void __drawRegion(Image __src, int __xsrc, int __ysrc,
        int __wsrc, int __hsrc, int __trans, int __xdest, int __ydest,
        int __anch, int __wdest, int __hdest, boolean __dswap)
        throws IllegalArgumentException, NullPointerException
        if (__src == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Is alpha used?
        boolean alpha = __src.hasAlpha();
        // Extract image pixel data
        int numpixels = __wsrc * __hsrc;
        int[] data = new int[numpixels];
        __src.getRGB(data, 0, __wsrc, __xsrc, __ysrc, __wsrc, __hsrc);
        // Perform the transformation, possibly returning a new data buffer
        int[] transdim = new int[]{__wsrc, __hsrc, __wdest, __hdest};
        data = __transform(__trans, data, __wsrc, __hsrc, transdim,
        // Re-read the new image sizes!
        __wsrc = transdim[0];
        __hsrc = transdim[1];
        __wdest = transdim[2];
        __hdest = transdim[3];
        // Anchor horizontally?
        if ((__anch & Graphics.HCENTER) == Graphics.HCENTER)
            __xdest -= __wdest >> 1;
        // Anchor right?
        else if ((__anch & Graphics.RIGHT) == Graphics.RIGHT)
            __xdest -= __wdest;
        // Anchor middle?
        if ((__anch & Graphics.VCENTER) == Graphics.VCENTER)
            __ydest -= __hdest >> 1;
        // Anchor bottom?
        else if ((__anch & Graphics.BOTTOM) == Graphics.BOTTOM)
            __ydest -= __hdest;
        // If this is non-stretched we can just use the standard RGB
        // drawing function!
        if (__wsrc == __wdest && __hsrc == __hdest)
            this.drawRGB(data, 0, __wsrc, __xdest, __ydest,
                __wsrc, __hsrc, alpha);
        // Use stretchy draw
            this.__drawRGBStretched(data, 0, __wsrc, __xdest, __ydest,
                __wsrc, __hsrc, alpha, __wdest, __hdest);
     * Draws stretched RGB.
     * @param __data The data to draw.
     * @param __off The offset into the array.
     * @param __scanlen The scan length.
     * @param __x X position.
     * @param __y Y position.
     * @param __wsrc Width of source.
     * @param __hsrc Height of source.
     * @param __alpha Use alpha channel?
     * @param __wdest Width of destination.
     * @param __hdest Height of destination.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2019/04/15
    private void __drawRGBStretched(int[] __data, int __off, int __scanlen,
        int __x, int __y, int __wsrc, int __hsrc, boolean __alpha,
        int __wdest, int __hdest)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__data == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        this.__unimplemented(__x, __y, "drawRGBStretched");
     * Draws the given text object.
     * @param __t The text object to draw.
     * @param __x The X position.
     * @param __y The Y position.
     * @param __anchor The, this just adjusts determines how the actual text
     * box region is drawn. If baseline is used, Y is just offset by the
     * baseline for the first character and not the entire block size.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2018/11/29
    final void __drawText(Text __t, int __x, int __y, int __anchor)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__t == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Translate to the displayed coordinate space
        __x += this.transx;
        __y += this.transy;
        // Setup text state
        __TextState__ ts = new __TextState__();
        // Anchoring
        ts.textw = __t.getWidth();
        ts.texth = __t.getHeight();
        if ((__anchor & Graphics.RIGHT) != 0)
            __x -= ts.textw;
        else if ((__anchor & Graphics.HCENTER) != 0)
            __x -= (ts.textw >> 1);
        if ((__anchor & Graphics.BOTTOM) != 0)
            __y -= ts.texth;
        else if ((__anchor & Graphics.VCENTER) != 0)
            __y -= (ts.texth >> 1);
        // Get clipping region
        ts.clipsx = this.clipsx;
        ts.clipsy = this.clipsy;
        ts.clipex = this.clipex - 1;
        ts.clipey = this.clipey - 1;
        // Wanting to draw a bunch of text completely out of the clip? Ignore
        if (__x >= ts.clipex || __y >= ts.clipey)
        // Trying to draw the text completely out of the clip as well?
        ts.tex = __x + ts.textw;
        ts.tey = __y + ts.texth;
        if (ts.tex < ts.clipsx || ts.tey < ts.clipsy)
        // The text box acts as an extra clip, so force everything to clip
        // in there
        if (__x > ts.clipsx)
            ts.clipsx = __x;
        if (ts.tex < ts.clipex)
            ts.clipex = ts.tex;
        if (__y > ts.clipsy)
            ts.clipsy = __y;
        if (ts.tey < ts.clipey)
            ts.clipey = ts.tey;
        // Cache the default font in the event it is never changed ever
        ts.lastfont = __t.getFont();
        ts.sqf = SQFFont.cacheFont(ts.lastfont);
        ts.bmp = new byte[ts.sqf.charbitmapsize];
        ts.pixelheight = ts.sqf.pixelheight;
        ts.bitsperscan = ts.sqf.bitsperscan;
        // Background color to use
        ts.bgcol = __t.getBackgroundColor();
        ts.hasbg = ((ts.bgcol & 0xFF_000000) != 0);
        // Need to store the properties since drawing of the text will
        // change how characters are drawn
        ts.oldcolor = this.getAlphaColor();
            // Read in all the text characters
            int n = __t.getTextLength();
            String chars = __t.getText(0, n);
            // Draw each character according to their metrics
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                // Ignore certain characters
                char c = chars.charAt(i);
                if (c == '\r' || c == '\n')
                // Need to find the SQF for this font again?
                Font drawfont = __t.getFont(i);
                if (drawfont != ts.lastfont)
                    ts.lastfont = drawfont;
                    ts.sqf = SQFFont.cacheFont(ts.lastfont);
                    ts.bmp = new byte[ts.sqf.charbitmapsize];
                    ts.pixelheight = ts.sqf.pixelheight;
                    ts.bitsperscan = ts.sqf.bitsperscan;
                // Get the metrics for the character
                __t.getCharExtent(i, ts.metrics);
                // Calculate the draw position of the character
                int dsx = __x + ts.metrics[0];
                int dsy = __y + ts.metrics[1];
                int dex = dsx + ts.metrics[2];
                int dey = dsy + ts.metrics[3];
                // Completely out of bounds, ignore because we cannot draw it
                // anyway
                if (dsx >= clipex || dex <= 0 ||
                    dsy >= clipey || dey <= 0)
                // Map character index to the SQF
                char mc = SQFFont.mapChar(c);
                // Base scan offsets and such
                int scanoff = 0;
                int scanlen = ts.sqf.charWidth(mc);
                int lineoff = 0;
                int linelen = ts.pixelheight;
                // Off the left side?
                if (dsx < ts.clipsx)
                    int diff = ts.clipsx - dsx;
                    scanoff += diff;
                    scanlen -= diff;
                    // Reset to clip bound
                    dsx = ts.clipsx;
                // Off the right side
                if (dex > ts.clipex)
                    scanlen -= (dex - ts.clipex);
                // Off the top?
                if (dsy < ts.clipsy)
                    int diff = ts.clipsy - dsy;
                    lineoff += diff;
                    linelen -= diff;
                    // Reset to clip bound
                    dsy = ts.clipsy;
                // Off the bottom
                if (dey > ts.clipey)
                    linelen -= (dey - ts.clipey);
                // Load the character bitmap
                int bps = ts.sqf.loadCharBitmap(mc, ts.bmp);
                // Draw background?
                if (ts.hasbg)
                    // Set needed color
                    // Perform draw operation
                    this.funcfillrect.function(this, ts.loadIntArgs(dsx, dsy,
                        dsx + (scanlen - scanoff), dsy + (linelen - lineoff),
                        scanlen - scanoff, linelen - lineoff), ts.chobj);
                // Set color to the foreground color of this character
                // Setup the draw and do it
                this.funccharbmp.function(this, ts.loadIntArgs(this.color, dsx, dsy,
                    bps, scanoff, scanlen, lineoff, linelen),
        // Just in case revert properties
     * Draw a string which just says not implemented.
     * @param __x X Coordinate.
     * @param __y Y Coordinate.
     * @param __txt The message text.
     * @since 2019/03/25
    private void __unimplemented(int __x, int __y, String __txt)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__txt == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Just draw crosshair and a string
        this.drawLine(__x - 5, __y, __x + 5, __y);
        this.drawLine(__x, __y - 5, __x, __y + 5);
        this.drawString(__txt, __x, __y, 0);
     * Updates the graphics drawing functions to what is needed.
     * @since 2019/03/24
    private void __updateFunctions()
        boolean doblending = this.doblending,
            dotstroke = this.dotstroke;
        int blendmode = this.blendmode;
        // Blending
        if (doblending)
            this.funcfillrect = AdvancedFunction.FILLRECT_BLEND;
            this.funccharbmp = AdvancedFunction.CHARBITMAP_BLEND;
            this.funcrgbtile = AdvancedFunction.RGBTILE_BLEND;
            this.funcargbtile = AdvancedFunction.ARGBTILE_BLEND;
            // Dotted
            if (dotstroke)
                this.funcline = AdvancedFunction.LINE_BLEND_DOT;
            // Not dotted
                this.funcline = AdvancedFunction.LINE_BLEND_NODOT;
        // Not blending
            this.funcfillrect = AdvancedFunction.FILLRECT_NOBLEND;
            this.funccharbmp = AdvancedFunction.CHARBITMAP_NOBLEND;
            this.funcrgbtile = AdvancedFunction.RGBTILE_NOBLEND;
            this.funcargbtile = AdvancedFunction.ARGBTILE_NOBLEND;
            // Dotted
            if (dotstroke)
                this.funcline = AdvancedFunction.LINE_NOBLEND_DOT;
            // Not dotted
                this.funcline = AdvancedFunction.LINE_NOBLEND_NODOT;
     * Determines the Cohen-Sutherland clipping flags.
     * @param __x Input X coordinate.
     * @param __y Input Y coordinate.
     * @param __csx Clipping box starting X.
     * @param __csy Clipping box starting Y.
     * @param __cex Clipping box ending X.
     * @param __cey Clipping box ending Y.
     * @return The clipping bit flags.
     * @since 2017/09/10
    private static int __csOut(int __x, int __y, int __csx, int __csy,
        int __cex, int __cey)
        int rv = 0;
        // Clips above or below?
        if (__y > __cey)
            rv |= AdvancedGraphics._CLIP_ABOVE;
        else if (__y < __csy)
            rv |= AdvancedGraphics._CLIP_BELOW;
        // Clips right or left?
        if (__x > __cex)
            rv |= AdvancedGraphics._CLIP_RIGHT;
        else if (__x < __csx)
            rv |= AdvancedGraphics._CLIP_LEFT;
        return rv;
     * Transforms the data in the buffer.
     * @param __trans The transformation to perform.
     * @param __data The input data.
     * @param __wsrc The width of the source.
     * @param __hsrc The width of the destination.
     * @param __dimout Output dimensions.
     * @param __dswap Swap destinations?
     * @return The resulting data is translated, this may be the same as
     * {@code __data}.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2019/04/15
    private static int[] __transform(int __trans, int[] __data,
        int __wsrc, int __hsrc, int[] __dimout, boolean __dswap)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__data == null || __dimout == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Destination width and height
        int wdest = __wsrc,
            hdest = __hsrc;
        // Determine the transformation functions to use. There are just three
        // primitive transformation functions: flip horizontally, then
        // flip vertically, then rotate 90 degrees clockwise. This handles
        // every transformation which fill every single bit.
        byte xform = 0;
        switch (__trans)
            // These bits represent the stuff to do! == 0b9VH;
            case Sprite.TRANS_NONE:                xform = 0b000; break;
            case Sprite.TRANS_MIRROR:            xform = 0b001; break;
            case Sprite.TRANS_MIRROR_ROT180:    xform = 0b010; break;
            case Sprite.TRANS_ROT180:            xform = 0b011; break;
            case Sprite.TRANS_ROT90:            xform = 0b100; break;
            case Sprite.TRANS_MIRROR_ROT90:        xform = 0b101; break;
            case Sprite.TRANS_MIRROR_ROT270:    xform = 0b110; break;
            case Sprite.TRANS_ROT270:            xform = 0b111; break;
            // These bits represent the stuff to do! == 0b9VH;
        // Mirror horizontally?
        if ((xform & 0b001) != 0)
            for (int y = 0; y < hdest; y++)
                int dx = wdest * y,
                    de = (dx + wdest) - 1;
                for (int x = 0, n = (wdest >> 1); x < n; x++)
                    int t = __data[de];
                    __data[de--] = __data[dx];
                    __data[dx++] = t;
        // Mirror vertically?
        if ((xform & 0b010) != 0)
            for (int ya = 0, yn = __hsrc >> 1; ya < yn; ya++)
                int ra = __wsrc * ya,
                    rb = (__wsrc * (__hsrc - ya)) - __wsrc;
                // Flip
                for (int x = 0; x < __wsrc; x++)
                    int t = __data[rb];
                    __data[rb++] = __data[ra];
                    __data[ra++] = t;
        // Rotate 90 degrees clockwise
        if ((xform & 0b100) != 0)
            // Original copy
            int[] orig = __data.clone();
            // Swap the X and Y pixels first
            int ttop = hdest - 1;
            for (int y = 0; y < hdest; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < wdest; x++)
                    int ps = (wdest * y) + x,
                        pd = (hdest * x) + (ttop - y);
                    __data[pd] = orig[ps];
            // The output width and height are flipped
            __dimout[0] = hdest;
            __dimout[1] = wdest;
            // Swap destinations as well?
            if (__dswap)
                int t = __dimout[2];
                __dimout[2] = __dimout[3];
                __dimout[3] = t;
        // Otherwise use the same target dimensions
            __dimout[0] = wdest;
            __dimout[1] = hdest;
        // Return the data
        return __data;