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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""APRS KISS Class Definitions"""

# These imports are for python3 compatibility inside python2
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import logging
import threading

import apex.kiss

__author__ = 'Jeffrey Phillips Freeman (WI2ARD)'
__maintainer__ = 'Jeffrey Phillips Freeman (WI2ARD)'
__email__ = ''
__license__ = 'Apache License, Version 2.0'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2016, Syncleus, Inc. and contributors'
__credits__ = []

class AprsKiss(object):

    """APRS interface."""

    def __init__(self, data_stream):
        self.data_stream = data_stream
        self.lock = threading.Lock()

    def __decode_frame(raw_frame):
        Decodes a KISS-encoded APRS frame.

        :param raw_frame: KISS-encoded frame to decode.
        :type raw_frame: str

        :return: APRS frame-as-dict.
        :rtype: dict
        logging.debug('raw_frame=%s', raw_frame)
        frame = {}
        frame_len = len(raw_frame)

        if frame_len > 16:
            for raw_slice in range(0, frame_len - 2):
                # Is address field length correct?
                if raw_frame[raw_slice] & 0x01 and ((raw_slice + 1) % 7) == 0:
                    i = (raw_slice + 1) / 7
                    # Less than 2 callsigns?
                    if 1 < i < 11:
                        if raw_frame[raw_slice + 1] & 0x03 is 0x03 and raw_frame[raw_slice + 2] in [0xf0, 0xcf]:
                            frame['text'] = ''.join(map(chr, raw_frame[raw_slice + 3:]))
                            frame['destination'] = AprsKiss.__identity_as_string(AprsKiss.__extract_callsign(raw_frame))
                            frame['source'] = AprsKiss.__identity_as_string(AprsKiss.__extract_callsign(raw_frame[7:]))
                            frame['path'] = AprsKiss.__extract_path(int(i), raw_frame)
                            return frame

        logging.debug('frame=%s', frame)
        return frame

    def __valid_frame(raw_frame):
        logging.debug('raw_frame=%s', raw_frame)
        frame_len = len(raw_frame)

        if frame_len > 16:
            for raw_slice in range(0, frame_len - 2):
                # Is address field length correct?
                if raw_frame[raw_slice] & 0x01 and ((raw_slice + 1) % 7) == 0:
                    i = (raw_slice + 1) / 7
                    # Less than 2 callsigns?
                    if 1 < i < 11:
                        if raw_frame[raw_slice + 1] & 0x03 is 0x03 and raw_frame[raw_slice + 2] in [0xf0, 0xcf]:
                            return True
        return False

    def __extract_path(start, raw_frame):
        """Extracts path from raw APRS KISS frame.

        :param start:
        :param raw_frame: Raw APRS frame from a KISS device.

        :return: Full path from APRS frame.
        :rtype: list
        full_path = []

        for i in range(2, start):
            path = AprsKiss.__identity_as_string(AprsKiss.__extract_callsign(raw_frame[i * 7:]))
            if path:
                if raw_frame[i * 7 + 6] & 0x80:
                    full_path.append(''.join([path, '*']))

        return full_path

    def __extract_callsign(raw_frame):
        Extracts callsign from a raw KISS frame.

        :param raw_frame: Raw KISS Frame to decode.
        :returns: Dict of callsign and ssid.
        :rtype: dict
        callsign = ''.join([chr(x >> 1) for x in raw_frame[:6]]).strip()
        ssid = ((raw_frame[6]) >> 1) & 0x0f
        return {'callsign': callsign, 'ssid': ssid}

    def __identity_as_string(identity):
        Returns a fully-formatted callsign (Callsign + SSID).

        :param identity: Callsign Dictionary {'callsign': '', 'ssid': n}
        :type callsign: dict
        :returns: Callsign[-SSID].
        :rtype: str
        if identity['ssid'] > 0:
            return '-'.join([identity['callsign'], str(identity['ssid'])])
            return identity['callsign']

    def __encode_frame(frame):
        Encodes an APRS frame-as-dict as a KISS frame.

        :param frame: APRS frame-as-dict to encode.
        :type frame: dict

        :return: KISS-encoded APRS frame.
        :rtype: list
        enc_frame = AprsKiss.__encode_callsign(AprsKiss.__parse_identity_string(frame['destination'])) + \
        for p in frame['path']:
            enc_frame += AprsKiss.__encode_callsign(AprsKiss.__parse_identity_string(p))

        return enc_frame[:-1] + [enc_frame[-1] | 0x01] + [apex.kiss.constants.SLOT_TIME] + [0xf0]\
            + [ord(c) for c in frame['text']]

    def __encode_callsign(callsign):
        Encodes a callsign-dict within a KISS frame.

        :param callsign: Callsign-dict to encode.
        :type callsign: dict

        :return: KISS-encoded callsign.
        :rtype: list
        call_sign = callsign['callsign']

        enc_ssid = (callsign['ssid'] << 1) | 0x60

        if '*' in call_sign:
            call_sign = call_sign.replace('*', '')
            enc_ssid |= 0x80

        while len(call_sign) < 6:
            call_sign = ''.join([call_sign, ' '])

        encoded = []
        for p in call_sign:
            encoded += [ord(p) << 1]
        return encoded + [enc_ssid]

    def __parse_identity_string(identity_string):
        Creates callsign-as-dict from callsign-as-string.

        :param identity_string: Callsign-as-string (with or without ssid).
        :type raw_callsign: str

        :return: Callsign-as-dict.
        :rtype: dict
        # If we are parsing a spent token then first lets get rid of the astresick suffix.
        if identity_string.endswith('*'):
            identity_string = identity_string[:-1]

        if '-' in identity_string:
            call_sign, ssid = identity_string.split('-')
            call_sign = identity_string
            ssid = 0
        return {'callsign': call_sign, 'ssid': int(ssid)}

    def connect(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.data_stream.connect(*args, **kwargs)

    def close(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.data_stream.close(*args, **kwargs)

    def write(self, frame, *args, **kwargs):
        """Writes APRS-encoded frame to KISS device.

        :param frame: APRS frame to write to KISS device.
        :type frame: dict
        with self.lock:
            encoded_frame = AprsKiss.__encode_frame(frame)
            if AprsKiss.__valid_frame(encoded_frame):
                self.data_stream.write(encoded_frame, *args, **kwargs)

    def read(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Reads APRS-encoded frame from KISS device.
        with self.lock:
            frame =*args, **kwargs)
            if frame is not None and len(frame):
                return AprsKiss.__decode_frame(frame)
                return None