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msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: tabbycat\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-12-31 10:38-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-07-05 17:26\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: French\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.7.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: tabbycat\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 364715\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: fr\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /develop/docs/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/use/running-a-tournament.po\n"
"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 1331\n"
"Language: fr_FR\n"

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:5
msgid "Running a Tournament"
msgstr "Gérer un tournoi"

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:7
msgid "Once you've finished the steps in :ref:`starting-a-tournament`, you're ready to go! This page outlines what you would do for each round during the tournament. After the tournament, proceed to :ref:`finishing-a-tournament`."
msgstr "Quand vous avez terminé les étapes dans :ref:`starting-a-tournament`, vous êtes prêt à partir ! Cette page décrit ce que vous feriez pour chaque joute du tournoi. Après le tournoi, allez à :ref:`finishing-a-tournament`."

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:9
msgid "This is all done from the admin area (*i.e.*, by the tab director or adjudication core member). In the admin area, tournament-wide pages (feedback, standings, and break) are at the top of the left-hand menu, while round-specific pages (availability, draw, display, motions, and results) are in dropdown's organised by each round's abbreviation."
msgstr "Tout ceci est fait de l'aire des administrateurs (*i.e.* le directeur de tournoi ou juges en chef). Dans l'aire des administrateurs, les pages pour le tournoi en entier (évaluations, classements et qualifications) sont en haut dans le menu à gauche, tandis que les pages spécifiques aux joutes (présences, tirages, motions et résultats) sont situées sous l'abréviation de la joute."

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:11
msgid "The basic workflow for each round is:"
msgstr "Le flux de travail de base pour chaque joute est :"

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:13
msgid ":ref:`Mark the teams, adjudicators, and venues present as available <availability>`"
msgstr ":ref:`Marquer les équipes, juges et salles présents comme disponibles <availability>`"

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:14
msgid ":ref:`Generate the draw <generating-the-draw>` and allocate the adjudicators"
msgstr ":ref:`Générer le tirage <generating-the-draw>` et repartir les juges"

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:15
msgid ":ref:`Show/release the draw <releasing-the-draw>`"
msgstr ":ref:`Montrer/publier le tirage <releasing-the-draw>`"

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:16
msgid ":ref:`Release/enter <releasing-the-motions>` the motions"
msgstr ":ref:`Publier/entrer <releasing-the-motions>` les motions"

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:17
msgid "Have the debates"
msgstr "Avoir les débats"

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:18
msgid ":ref:`Enter results <entering-results>`"
msgstr ":ref:`Entrer les résultats <entering-results>`"

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:19
msgid ":ref:`Advance to the next round <advancing-round>`"
msgstr ":ref:`Avancer à la prochaine joute <advancing-round>`"

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:24
msgid "Availability"
msgstr "Disponibilité"

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:26
msgid "**Set availability.** For each round, you need to set the venue, team and adjudicator availability. If any of those are not marked as available they will not be used within the draw; so this feature is mostly useful for when adjudicators or venues are only available for certain rounds."
msgstr "**Marquer les disponibilités.** Pour chaque joute, vous devez marquer les disponibilités des salles, équipes et juges. Ceux qui ne sont pas marqués ne seront pas dans le tirage ; donc cette fonctionnalité est surtout utile quand les juges ou salles sont seulement disponible pour certains joutes."

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:28
msgid "To do this, click the round in the menu, then click **Check-Ins**. Here you can then go to the availability pages for venue, teams, and adjudicators, or check in everything at once. When you've set everything appropriately use the **Generate Draw** button in the top right to advance."
msgstr "Pour faire ceci, cliquer la joute dans le menu, puis **Disponibilités**. Ici vous pouvez rentrer les pages de disponibilités pour les salles, équipes et juges, ou marquer tout le monde comme étant disponible à la fois. Quand vous avez tout défini, utilisez le bouton **Générer le tirage** en haut à droite pour avancer."

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:34
msgid "You can set availabilities in advance of the current round — ie if you know the venue/adjudicator schedules their availabilities can be set ahead of time."
msgstr "Vous pouvez définir les disponibilités en avance de la joute actuelle - *i.e.* si vous savez les horaires des salles/juges, leurs disponibilités peuvent être marqués en avance."

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:37
msgid "Generating the draw"
msgstr "Générer le tirage"

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:39
msgid "**Confirm the draft draw**. After advancing from availability section you will first be shown a draft draw that details how the draw was formulated, pointing out pull-ups and conflict swaps and the like."
msgstr "**Confirmer le tirage brouillon**. Après avoir avancé de la section des disponibilités, vous serez montré un tirage brouillon avec des détails de comment le tirage a été formulé, montrant les promotions, modifications suite aux conflits ainsi qu'autres notes."

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:43
msgid "The draft draw is for you to double-check. While there are some basic tests on the draw algorithm, it never hurts to sanity-check it again."
msgstr "Le tirage brouillon est pour vous à vérifier. Tandis qu'il y a des tests de base dans l'algorithme de jumelage, ça ne fait pas de mal de le revérifier a ce que tout aie du sens."

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:45
msgid "If you *do* find something wrong with a draft draw, you can edit the match-ups, but please also let us know what the problem was! You can find our contact details in the :ref:`authors` section."
msgstr "Si vous trouvez quelque chose de mal avec un tirage brouillon, vous pouvez modifier les jumelages, mais dites-nous c'était quoi le problème ! Nos détails de contact sont dans la section :ref:`authors`."

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:47
msgid "Once on the confirmed draw page you can click **Edit Adjudicators**."
msgstr "Une fois sur la page du tirage confirmée, vous pouvez cliquer sur **Modifier les juges**."

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:51
msgid "**Allocate the adjudicators**. Changes here will auto-save; feel free to return to the **Draw** when needed. See :ref:`adjudicator allocation <adjudicator-allocation>` for more details about the allocation process."
msgstr "**Repartir les juges**. Les changements ici vont s'auto-sauvegarder ; soyez à l'aise de retourner au **Tirage** quand vous avez besoin. Voir la :ref:`repartition des juges <adjudicator-allocation>` pour plus de détails à propos du processus de repartition."

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:55
msgid "If you are using venue constraints the **Draw** page may prompt you to Auto Allocate the venues used to satisfy those constraints; see :ref:`venue-constraints <venue-constraints>` for more details. Regardless of whether you are using venue constraints or not you can change the Venues per-debate in the **Edit Venues** area."
msgstr "Si vous utilisez des contraintes de salle, la page du **Tirage** pourrait vous dire d'auto-repartir les salles pour satisfaire aux contraintes ; voir :ref:`contraintes de salle <venue-constraints>` pour plus de détails. Que vous en utilisez ou non, vous pouvez modifier les salles sur la même page."

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:60
msgid "Releasing the draw"
msgstr "Publier le tirage"

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:62
msgid "Once you're happy with your adjudicator allocation, you're ready to start the round."
msgstr "Quand vous êtes contents avec votre repartition de juge, vous êtes prêts à commencer la joute."

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:64
msgid "**Release to general assembly.** From the *Display* page for that round, go to **Show by Venue** or **Show by Team** (whichever you prefer). Then put it up on the projector. There are automatic scroll buttons and buttons for changing text sizing."
msgstr "**Publier à l'assemblé.** Depuis la page *Affichage* de la joute, aller à **Montrer par salle** ou **Montrer par équipe** (n'importe vous préférez). Après, allumez le projecteur. Il y a des boutons pour le défilement automatique ou changer la taille de police."

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:68
msgid "**Release to public.** If you're using the public draw function (where the draw is posted publicly to your Tabbycat website) use the **Release to Public** button to allow the page to display."
msgstr "**Publier au public.** Si vous utilisez la fonctionnalité du tirage public (où le tirage est publié au site Tabbycat), utilisez le bouton **Publier au public** pour permettre la publication."

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:72
msgid "To avoid the site from being overloaded by anxious refreshers, we recommend that large tournaments not release the draw to the public until after it's been seen by general assembly. That said, note that due to caching there can be a delay of up to 1 minute between when a draw is released and when it first shows up on the public site."
msgstr ""

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:73
msgid "Tabbycat can be set to send emails once the draw is released to adjudicators informing them of their assignments for convenience."
msgstr ""

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:78
msgid "Entering and Releasing Motions"
msgstr "Saisie et publication de motion"

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:80
msgid "Tabbycat is agnostic as to whether you enter motions into Tabbycat before or after they are shown publicly. However, they must be entered *at some point* before ballots are entered."
msgstr ""

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:82
msgid "**Enter the motion text.** Either before or after their public release motions can be entered in the **Motions** section for that round."
msgstr ""

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:84
msgid "**Release to general assembly.** If you are entering motions *before* they are publicly revealed note that there is a *Display Motions* button in the **Display** area that allows you to do a Power Point style motion release."
msgstr ""

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:86
msgid "**Release to public.** As with draws, if you have the *enable public view of motions* setting configured your Tabbycat website will display a running list of motions from the tournament. When this is on, using the **Release Motions to Public** button on the **Motions** page will mark the current set of motions as able to be displayed on this page."
msgstr ""

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:91
msgid "Entering Results"
msgstr "Saisie des résultats"

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:93
msgid "Enter debate results and feedback as they come in (and/or allow online entry of results and feedback)."
msgstr ""

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:95
msgid "Both results and feedback entered in the tab room or online need to be confirmed before the results are counted. To confirm a debate ballot and the debate as a whole, the confirmed checkbox under *Ballot Status* should be ticket in addition to the *Debate Status* being set to Confirmed."
msgstr ""

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:97
msgid "Note that you can track data entry progress from the **Overview** page for the tournament."
msgstr ""

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:99
msgid "See :ref:`data-entry` for more details about the data entry process."
msgstr ""

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:101
msgid "We strongly recommend entering all data using the assistant area, not the admin area. This is because the admin area (intentionally) does not enforce the data confirmation procedure."
msgstr ""

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:106
msgid "Advancing to the next round"
msgstr "Avancer à la prochaine joute"

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:108
msgid "Once you've got all the results entered and confirmed, you're ready to progress to the next round. This can be done by going to the **Results** area, and then using the **Advance to Next Round** button."
msgstr ""

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:112
msgid "When you advance to the next round, if you've enabled public results, the results for the current round (which is now the previous round) will be released to the public **unless** the round is marked as \"silent\" in the database. So if you're careful about when results should be released, don't change the current round until you're ready to release those results."
msgstr ""

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:114
msgid "There is a design assumption that you will always want to release results for non-silent rounds before you start working on the draw for the next round. If this isn't true for you, please get in touch with us so that we know. The workaround is to make all rounds silent, then unsilent them when you're ready to release results."
msgstr ""

#: ../../use/running-a-tournament.rst:116
msgid "Emails can be sent to speakers informing them of their team's win/loss/points record before advancing rounds. This is independent from whether the whole round's results are released to the public."
msgstr ""