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import logging
from warnings import warn

from adjallocation.models import DebateAdjudicator

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class AdjudicatorAllocation:
    """Class for handling the adjudicators on a panel."""


    def __init__(self, container, chair=None, panellists=None, trainees=None, from_db=False):
        """The `container` is a model instance that relates to adjudicators via
        a RelatedManager. It's easiest to think of this as a "panel", though the
        typical use case is actually a debate. The model instance's model class
        must define a property `related_adjudicator_set`, which must be the
        related manager for a model that has the following two fields:

            1. `adjudicator`, a `ForeignKey` to `Adjudicator`
            2. `type`, a `CharField` whose choices are `DebateAdjudicator.TYPE_CHOICES`

        Current known container models: `Debate`, `PreformedPanel`.
        self.container = container

        if from_db:
            if chair or panellists or trainees:
                warn("The chair, panellists and trainees arguments are ignored when from_db is used.")
            self.chair = None
            self.panellists = []
            self.trainees = []

            debateadjs = self.container.related_adjudicator_set.all()

            # The purpose of the line below is to avoid redundant database hits.
            # It uses an internal (undocumented) flag of Django's QuerySet model
            # to detect if there's already a prefetch on it, and avoids causing
            # a clone of the query set (prefetch_related makes a clone), so that
            # it will use the adjudicators that are already prefetched. An
            # important assumption there is that if there's already a prefetch
            # on this related manager, we assume it includes 'adjudicator'. If
            # there isn't a prefetch done, we add a prefetch here to avoid
            # duplicate adjudicator SQLqueries.
            if not debateadjs._prefetch_done:
                debateadjs = debateadjs.prefetch_related('adjudicator')

            for a in debateadjs:
                if a.type == DebateAdjudicator.TYPE_CHAIR:
                    self.chair = a.adjudicator
                elif a.type == DebateAdjudicator.TYPE_PANEL:
                elif a.type == DebateAdjudicator.TYPE_TRAINEE:

            # Sort panellists/trainees names for more consistent ballots/prints
            self.panellists.sort(key=lambda adj:
            self.trainees.sort(key=lambda adj:

            self.chair = chair
            self.panellists = panellists or []
            self.trainees = trainees or []

    def __len__(self):
        return (0 if self.chair is None else 1) + len(self.panellists) + len(self.trainees)

    def __str__(self):
        items = [str(getattr(x, "name", x)) for x in self.all()]
        return ", ".join(items)

    def __repr__(self):
        result = "<AdjudicatorAllocation for "
            result += self.container.matchup
        except AttributeError:
            result += str(self.container)
        result += ": "
            result +=
        except AttributeError:
            result += str(self.chair)
        result += "; " + ", ".join([ for p in self.panellists])
        result += "; " + ", ".join([ for t in self.trainees])
        result += ">"
        return result

    def __contains__(self, item):
        return item == self.chair or item in self.panellists or item in self.trainees

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.container == other.container and \
            self.chair == other.chair and \
            set(self.panellists) == set(other.panellists) and \
            set(self.trainees) == set(other.trainees)

    # ==========================================================================
    # Booleans and other quick properties
    # ==========================================================================

    def num_voting(self):
        return (0 if self.chair is None else 1) + len(self.panellists)

    def has_chair(self):
        return self.chair is not None

    def is_panel(self):
        return len(self.panellists) > 0

    def is_even(self):
        return self.num_voting % 2 == 0

    def valid(self):
        return self.has_chair and not self.is_even

    def get_position(self, adj):
        """Returns an AdjudicatorAllocation.POSITION_* constant corresponding
        to the given adjudicator. Returns None if the adjudicator is not on
        this panel."""
        if adj == self.chair:
            if self.is_panel:
                return self.POSITION_CHAIR
                return self.POSITION_ONLY
        elif adj in self.panellists:
            return self.POSITION_PANELLIST
        elif adj in self.trainees:
            return self.POSITION_TRAINEE
            return None

    # ==========================================================================
    # Iterators
    # ==========================================================================

    def voting(self):
        """Iterates through voting members of the panel."""
        if self.chair is not None:
            yield self.chair
        for a in self.panellists:
            yield a

    def all(self):
        """Iterates through all members of the panel."""
        for a in
            yield a
        for a in self.trainees:
            yield a

    def voting_with_positions(self):
        """Like with_positions(), but only iterates through voting members of
        the panel."""
        if self.chair is not None:
            yield self.chair, self.POSITION_CHAIR if self.is_panel else self.POSITION_ONLY
        for a in self.panellists:
            yield a, self.POSITION_PANELLIST

    def with_positions(self):
        """Iterates through 2-tuples `(adj, type)`, where `type` is one of the
        `AdjudicatorAllocation.POSITION_*` constants (`CHAIR`, `ONLY`,
        `PANELLIST` or `TRAINEE`).

        Note that the `AdjudicatorAllocation.POSITION_*` constants are not
        necessarily the same as the `DebateAdjudicator.TYPE_*` constants."""
        for a, p in self.voting_with_positions():
            yield a, p
        for a in self.trainees:
            yield a, self.POSITION_TRAINEE

    def with_debateadj_types(self):
        if self.chair is not None:
            yield self.chair, DebateAdjudicator.TYPE_CHAIR
        for a in self.panellists:
            yield a, DebateAdjudicator.TYPE_PANEL
        for a in self.trainees:
            yield a, DebateAdjudicator.TYPE_TRAINEE

    # ==========================================================================
    # Database operations
    # ==========================================================================

    def delete(self):
        """Delete existing, current allocation"""
        self.chair = None
        self.panellists = []
        self.trainees = []

    def save(self):
        for adj, t in self.with_debateadj_types():
            if not adj:
            _, created = self.container.related_adjudicator_set.update_or_create(
                    adjudicator=adj, defaults={'type': t})
            logger.debug("%s: %s, %s, %s", "Created" if created else "Updated", self.container, adj, t)