from collections import OrderedDict
import munkres
import networkx as nx
from ..types import DebateSide
def sign(n: int) -> int:
"""Sign function for integers, -1, 0, or 1"""
return n // abs(n)
except ZeroDivisionError:
return 0
class GraphGeneratorMixin:
def avoid_conflicts(self, pairings):
"""Graph optimisation avoids conflicts, so method is extraneous."""
def assignment_cost(self, t1, t2, size, bracket=None):
if t1 is t2: # Same team
penalty = 0
if self.options["avoid_history"]:
penalty += t1.seen(t2) * self.options["history_penalty"]
if self.options["avoid_institution"] and t1.same_institution(t2):
penalty += self.options["institution_penalty"]
# Add penalty of a side imbalance
if self.options["side_allocations"] == "balance" and self.options["side_penalty"] > 0:
t1_affs, t1_negs = t1.side_history
t2_affs, t2_negs = t2.side_history
# Only declare an imbalance if both sides have been on the same side more often
# Affs are positive, negs are negative. If teams have opposite signs, negative imbalance
# gets reduced to 0. Equalities have no restriction on the side to be allocated so
# cancel as well. neg*neg -> pos
imbalance = max(0, sign(t1_affs - t1_negs) * sign(t2_affs - t2_negs))
# Get median imbalance between the two as a coefficient for the penalty to apply
# This would prefer an imbalance of (+5 - +1) becoming (+4 - +2) rather than
# (+5 - +4) becoming (+4 - +5), in a severe case.
magnitude = (abs(t1_affs - t1_negs) + abs(t2_affs - t2_negs)) // 2
penalty += imbalance * magnitude * self.options["side_penalty"]
return penalty
def generate_pairings(self, brackets):
"""Creates an undirected weighted graph for each bracket and gets the minimum weight matching"""
from .pairing import Pairing
pairings = OrderedDict()
i = 0
for j, (points, teams) in enumerate(brackets.items()):
pairings[points] = []
graph = nx.Graph()
n_teams = len(teams)
for t1 in teams:
for t2 in teams:
penalty = self.assignment_cost(t1, t2, n_teams, j)
if penalty is not None:
graph.add_edge(t1, t2, weight=penalty)
for pairing in nx.min_weight_matching(graph):
i += 1
pairings[points].append(Pairing(teams=pairing, bracket=points, room_rank=i))
return pairings
class GraphAllocatedSidesMixin(GraphGeneratorMixin):
"""Use Hungarian algorithm rather than Bloom.
This is possible as assigning the sides creates a bipartite graph rather than
a more complete graph."""
def assignment_cost(self, t1, t2, size):
penalty = super().assignment_cost(t1, t2, size)
if penalty is None:
return munkres.DISALLOWED
return penalty
def generate_pairings(self, brackets):
from .pairing import Pairing
pairings = OrderedDict()
i = 0
for points, pool in brackets.items():
pairings[points] = []
n_teams = len(pool[DebateSide.AFF]) + len(pool[DebateSide.NEG])
matrix = [[self.assignment_cost(aff, neg, n_teams) for neg in pool[DebateSide.NEG]] for aff in pool[DebateSide.AFF]]
for i_aff, i_neg in munkres.Munkres().compute(matrix):
i += 1
pairings[points].append(Pairing(teams=[pool[DebateSide.AFF][i_aff], pool[DebateSide.NEG][i_neg]], bracket=points, room_rank=i))
return pairings