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Test Coverage
{% extends "tables/base_vue_table.html" %}
{% load debate_tags i18n standingsformat %}

{% block page-subnav-sections %}
  <a href="{% roundurl 'draw-confirm-regenerate' %}" class="btn btn-outline-danger">
    <i data-feather="chevron-left"></i> {% trans "Delete Draw" %}
  <a href="{% roundurl 'edit-debate-teams' round %}" class="btn btn-outline-primary">
    {% trans "Edit Sides/Matchups" %}
{% endblock %}

{% block page-subnav-actions %}
  <form id="confirmForm" method="POST" action="{% roundurl 'draw-confirm' %}">
    {% csrf_token %}
    <button id="confirmDraw" class="btn btn-success" type="submit">
      {% trans "Confirm Draw" %}<i data-feather="chevron-right"></i>
{% endblock %}

{% block page-alerts %}
  {% if pref.team_standings_precedence|length == 0 %}
    {% tournamenturl 'options-tournament-section' section='standings' as standings_config_url %}
    {% blocktrans trimmed asvar message %}
      The team standings precedence is empty. This means that teams aren't
      ranked according to any metrics, so all teams are in a single bracket
      containing everyone. If this isn't what you intended, set the team
      standings precedence in the
      <a href="{{ standings_config_url }}" class="alert-link">Standings section
      of this tournament's configuration</a>,
      then delete and recreate the draw. In most
      tournaments, the first metric should be points or wins.
    {% endblocktrans %}
    {# Now just 'info' because the user already clicked through the 'warning' when creating the draw. #}
    {% include "components/alert.html" with type="info" icon="alert-circle" %}
  {% endif %}

  {% if pref.teams_in_debate == 'bp' and pref.team_standings_precedence|length > 0 and pref.team_standings_precedence.0 != 'points' %}
    {% tournamenturl 'options-tournament-section' section='standings' as standings_config_url %}
    {% blocktrans trimmed asvar message with metric=pref.team_standings_precedence.0|teammetricname %}
      Brackets are formed using the first metric in the team standings precedence, which is currently
      set to <strong>{{ metric }}</strong>, rather than team points, which is the more usual convention.
      If this isn't what you wanted, you can
      <a href="{{ standings_config_url }}" class="alert-link">change the team standings precedence
      in the standings configuration page</a>.
    {% endblocktrans %}
    {% include "components/alert.html" with type="info" icon='alert-circle' %}
  {% endif %}

  {% if round.draw_type == round.DrawType.MANUAL and round.debate_set.count == 0 %}
    {% roundurl 'edit-debate-teams' round as edit_matchups_url %}
    {% blocktrans trimmed asvar message %}
      The draw type for this round is set to <strong>manual</strong>, so Tabbycat has just made a
      blank draw. Head on over to
      <a href="{{ edit_matchups_url }}" class="alert-link">Edit Sides/Matchups</a>
      to fill it in.
    {% endblocktrans %}
    {% include "components/alert.html" with type="info" icon='alert-circle' %}
  {% endif %}

  {% if pref.adj_min_score == pref.adj_max_score %}
    {% tournamenturl 'options-tournament-section' section='feedback' as feedback_config_url %}
    {% blocktrans trimmed asvar message %}
      The adjudicator score range is 0, and so adjudicator scores will be ignored when allocating. You can <a href="{{ feedback_config_url }}" class="alert-link">change the adjudicator score range in the feedback configuration page</a>.
    {% endblocktrans %}
    {% include "components/alert.html" with type="info" icon='alert-circle' %}
  {% endif %}
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}

  {% if round.is_break_round %}
    {% blocktrans trimmed asvar p1 %}
      Tabbycat assigns sides in elimination rounds randomly. However, because in elimination rounds, many tournaments draw lots for sides in front of an audience, the sides are marked as "unconfirmed", so that it doesn't look like sides have been pre-assigned. After you confirm the draw, you'll need to confirm sides on the "Edit Sides/Matchups" page, even if you wish to accept Tabbycat's random assignment.
    {% endblocktrans %}
    {% include "components/explainer-card.html" with type="warning" %}
  {% endif %}

  {% if round.draw_status == 'D' and round.prev and not round.is_break_round and pref.teams_in_debate == 'bp' and highlighted_cells_exist %}
      {% blocktrans trimmed asvar p1 %}
        Highlighted cells relate to changes in position balance, as follows:
          <li>Red cells indicates that the team could not be allocated a position that maintains
          position balance.</li>
          <li>Yellow cells indicate that the team was previously imbalanced, and is given the best position
           possible in this draw, but is nonetheless still imbalanced.</li>
          <li>Green cells indicate that the team's previous imbalance is resolved with this draw.</li>
      {% endblocktrans %}
      {% include "components/explainer-card.html" with type="info" %}
  {% endif %}

  {{ block.super }}
{% endblock %}