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Test Coverage
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load debate_tags add_field_css i18n %}

{% block page-title %}{% trans "Configuration" %}{% endblock %}
{% block head-title %}<span class="emoji">🔧</span> {% trans "Configuration" %}{% endblock %}

{% block content %}

<div class="row">

  <div class="col-md-6 col-12 mb-3">
    <ul class="list-group">

      {% tournamenturl 'options-tournament-section' section='scoring' as url %}
      {% trans "Score Rules" as title %}
      {% trans "The range of scores that can awarded to speeches, replies, and teams" as description %}
      {% include "components/item-action.html" with type="primary" emoji="💯" text=title extra=description %}

      {% tournamenturl 'options-tournament-section' section='draw_rules' as url %}
      {% trans "Draw Rules" as title %}
      {% trans "How teams are paired in the draw and how adjudicators are auto-allocated" as description %}
      {% include "components/item-action.html" with type="primary" emoji="📏" text=title extra=description %}

      {% tournamenturl 'options-tournament-section' section='debate_rules' as url %}
      {% trans "Debate Rules" as title %}
      {% trans "How many speeches in a debate, how motions are decided, and whether reply speeches are used" as description %}
      {% include "components/item-action.html" with type="primary" emoji="🛎" text=title extra=description %}

      {% tournamenturl 'options-tournament-section' section='standings' as url %}
      {% trans "Standings" as title %}
      {% trans "How teams and speakers are ranked in the released tabs" as description %}
      {% include "components/item-action.html" with type="primary" emoji="📊" text=title extra=description %}

      {% tournamenturl 'options-tournament-section' section='feedback' as url %}
      {% trans "Feedback" as title %}
      {% trans "How adjudicators are ranked and who can submit feedback" as description %}
      {% include "components/item-action.html" with type="primary" emoji="🙅" text=title extra=description %}

      {% tournamenturl 'options-tournament-section' section='motions' as url %}
      {% trans "Motions" as title %}
      {% trans "How and where are motions used" as description %}
      {% include "components/item-action.html" with type="primary" emoji="📰" text=title extra=description %}


  <div class="col-md-6 col mb-3">
    <ul class="list-group">

      {% tournamenturl 'options-tournament-section' section='tab_release' as url %}
      {% trans "Tab Release" as title %}
      {% trans "When to release a public tab is made visible and what data it shows" as description %}
      {% include "components/item-action.html" with type="primary" emoji="🚨" text=title extra=description %}

      {% tournamenturl 'options-tournament-section' section='data_entry' as url %}
      {% trans "Data Entry" as title %}
      {% trans "How ballots, feedback, and check-ins are entered, including online submission options" as description %}
      {% include "components/item-action.html" with type="primary" emoji="📝" text=title extra=description %}

      {% tournamenturl 'options-tournament-section' section='public_features' as url %}
      {% trans "Public Features" as title %}
      {% trans "What information the site displays on the publicly accessible pages" as description %}
      {% include "components/item-action.html" with type="primary" emoji="📢" text=title extra=description %}

      {% tournamenturl 'options-tournament-section' section='ui_options' as url %}
      {% trans "UI Options" as title %}
      {% trans "Small tweaks in what information is presented by the interface" as description %}
      {% include "components/item-action.html" with type="primary" emoji="💻" text=title extra=description %}

      {% tournamenturl 'options-tournament-section' section='email' as url %}
      {% trans "Notifications" as title %}
      {% trans "Configures sending notifications, such as emails confirming ballot submissions or team points" as description %}
      {% include "components/item-action.html" with type="primary" emoji="📧" text=title extra=description %}

      {% tournamenturl 'options-tournament-section' section='global' as url %}
      {% trans "Global Settings" as title %}
      {% trans "Settings which can affect all tournaments on the site" as description %}
      {% include "components/item-action.html" with type="primary" emoji="🌏" text=title extra=description %}


  <div class="w-100"></div>

  <div class="col">

    <ul class="list-group">
      {% tournamenturl 'tournament-set-current-round' as url %}
      {% trans "Manually Set Current Round" as title %}
      {% trans "Tabbycat will prompt you to advance the current round on each round's results page. However, if there are special circumstances that require you to override this and set the current round to something else, use this page." as description %}
      {% include "components/item-action.html" with type="primary" icon="clock" text=title extra=description %}

      {% tournamenturl 'set-round-weights' as url %}
      {% trans "Set Round Weights for Tapered Scoring" as text %}
      {% trans "Rounds can be weighted so that certain rounds are worth more team points." as extra %}
      {% include "components/item-action.html" with type="primary" icon="anchor" %}

      {% tournamenturl 'invite-user' as url %}
      {% trans "Invite User to Create an Account" as text %}
      {% trans "Users can be created through an invitation link sent to their email, with associated permissions." as extra %}
      {% include "components/item-action.html" with type="primary" icon="user-plus" %}

    <div class="card mt-3">

      <div class="card-body text-info border-info">
        <h4 class="card-title"><i data-feather="clipboard"></i> {% trans "Presets" %}</h4>
        {% blocktrans trimmed %}
          These show changes to your configuration for common situations and debate formats.
          You may apply these settings or modify them for your tournament directly on the preset's page.
        {% endblocktrans %}

      <ul class="list-group list-group-flush">
        {% for preset in presets %}
          {% tournamenturl 'options-presets-confirm' preset.slugified_name as url %}
          {% blocktrans trimmed asvar title with %}
            Apply {{ preset }}
          {% endblocktrans %}
          {% include "components/item-action.html" with type="primary" icon="play" text=title extra=preset.description %}
        {% endfor %}



{% endblock content %}