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Test Coverage
{% extends "tables/base_vue_table.html" %}
{% load debate_tags i18n %}

{% block page-subnav-sections %}{% endblock %}<!-- No need for searching -->

{% block content %}

  <div class="card-deck">

    {% if pref.public_draw != 'off' or admin_page %}
      {% include "in_this_round.html" with grammatical_person="3" %}
    {% endif %} {# pref.public_draw != 'off' or admin_page #}

    {% if pref.public_participants or admin_page %}

      {# Just call it 'name' since this string is also used with teams #}
      {% person_display_name adjudicator as name %}
      {% blocktrans trimmed with name=name asvar card_title %}
        About {{ name }}
      {% endblocktrans %}

      {% include "adjudicator_registration_card.html" %}

    {% endif %} {# pref.public_participants or admin_page #}


  {% if pref.feedback_progress or admin_page %}
    {% person_display_name adjudicator as participant_name %}
    {% include "feedback_progress_panel.html" with participant_name=participant_name %}
  {% endif %}

  {% if pref.public_results or admin_page %}
    <div class="mt-md-4">
      {{ block.super }} {# this is the Vue table, which is populated with previous debates #}
  {% endif %}

{% endblock content %}