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Test Coverage
{% load add_field_css debate_tags i18n %}

<div id="ballot_set">

  {% if form.errors %}
    {% trans "There are some problems with this scoresheet. Please review and correct them." as message %}
    {% include "components/form-errors.html" with errors=form.non_field_errors %}
  {% endif %}

  {% include "ballot/ballot_debate_info.html" %}

  {% for sheet in form.scoresheets %}

  <div class="card mt-3">
    <div class="list-group list-group-flush">

      {% if sheet.adjudicator %}
        {% person_display_name sheet.adjudicator as adjudicator_name %}
        {% if sheet.adjudicator.institution %}
          {% blocktrans trimmed with name=adjudicator_name institution=sheet.adjudicator.institution.code asvar title %}
            Ballot from {{ name }} ({{ institution }})
          {% endblocktrans %}
        {% else %}
          {% blocktrans trimmed with name=adjudicator_name asvar title %}
            Ballot from {{ name }}
          {% endblocktrans %}
        {% endif %}
        {% include "components/form-title.html" %}
      {% else %}
        <div class="list-group-item pt-4">
          <h4 class="card-title  float-left mt-0 {% if not text %}mb-2{% endif %}">
            {% trans "Scoresheet" %}
            {% for da in debate.adjudicators.voting_with_positions reversed %}
              <div class="badge badge-secondary float-right ml-2 mt-1">
                <p class="mb-0">{{ }} ({% if da.1 == "o" %}{% trans "Solo Chair" %}{% elif da.1 == "c" %}{% trans "Chair" %}{% elif da.1 == "p" %}{% trans "Panellist" %}{% elif da.1 == "t" %}{% trans "Trainee" %}{% endif %})</p>
            {% endfor %}

      {% endif %}

      {% if form.choosing_sides %}
        <div class="sides-before-scores-warning list-group-item-warning list-group-item">
          {% trans "Assign sides before entering scores" %}
      {% endif %}

      <div class="list-group-item scoresheet px-md-3 py-md-2 p-0">
        <div class="card-deck px-md-2 p-0">
          {% if form.has_scores %}

            {% for team in sheet.teams %}
              {# Break for four team formats #}
              {% if forloop.counter == 3 %}
                </div><div class="card-deck px-md-2 p-0">
              {% endif %}
              {% include "ballot/ballot_scoresheet.html" %}
            {% endfor %}

          {% else %}

            {% for checkbox in sheet.advancing %}
              {% if forloop.counter == 3 %}
                {# Break for four team formats #}
                </div><div class="card-deck px-2">
              {% endif %}
              <div class="card m-2 px-3">
                <div class="form-check pl-4 pt-1 h6">
                  {{ checkbox|addboundwidgetcss:"form-check-input" }}
            {% endfor %}

          {% endif %}
        {% if sheet.advancing.errors %}
          <div class="list-group-item">
            {{ sheet.advancing.errors }}
        {% endif %}

      {% if form.using_declared_winner and form.has_scores %}
        <div class="list-group-item">
          {% include "components/form-field.html" with field=sheet.declared_winner %}
      {% endif %}

  {% endfor %}
