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Test Coverage
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load debate_tags add_field_css humanize static i18n %}

{% block extra-head %}<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />{% endblock %}

{% block page-alerts %}

  {% if form.scoresheets|length > 1 %}
    {% person_display_name adjudicator as adjudicator_name %}
    {% blocktrans trimmed with adjudicator=adjudicator_name asvar message %}
      {{ adjudicator }}, note that you must enter <strong>all of the ballots</strong> from your panel, not just your own!
    {% endblocktrans %}
    {% include "components/alert.html" with type="warning" %}
  {% endif %}

  {% if prefilled %}
    {% blocktrans trimmed asvar message %}
      Some information, such as speaker order, shown is based on a previous ballot. If anything is incorrect, please correct it and contact the tab team.
    {% endblocktrans %}
    {% include "components/alert.html" with type="warning" %}
  {% endif %}

  {% with nballotsubs=all_ballotsubs.count %}
    {% if nballotsubs > 0 %}
      {% blocktrans trimmed with nsubmissions=nballotsubs|apnumber count counter=nballotsubs asvar message %}
        This form has already been submitted <strong>once</strong>. Please contact a tab official after submitting your form.
      {% plural %}
        This form has already been submitted <strong>{{ nsubmissions }}</strong> times. Please contact a tab official after submitting your form.
      {% endblocktrans %}
      {% include "components/alert.html" with type="danger" %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endwith %}

{% endblock %}

{% block content %}

  {% include "includes/public_enter_results_info.html" %}

  <form id="resultsForm" action="." method="POST">
    {% csrf_token %}
    {% include "ballot/ballot_set.html" %}

    <div class="card mt-3">
      <div class="card-body">
        {# Password isn't always used. #}
        {% if form.password %}
          <div class="form-group">
            <label for="{{ form.password.id_for_label }}">{{ form.password.label }}</label>
            <div class="col-sm-9 col-md-6">
              {{ form.password|addcss:"form-control" }}
            <div class="col-md-2 col-xs-10">
              {% if form.password.errors %}
                <label for="{{ form.password.id_for_label }}">{{ form.password.errors }}</label>
              {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
        <input id="id_debate_result_status" type="hidden" name="debate_result_status" value="{{ debate.STATUS_DRAFT }}" />
        <input id="id_discarded" type="hidden" name="discarded" />
        <input id="id_confirmed" type="hidden" name="confirmed" />
        {% blocktranslate trimmed count counter=form.scoresheets|length asvar button_text %}
          Submit Ballot
        {% plural %}
          Submit Ballots
        {% endblocktranslate %}
        <input class="save btn btn-success btn-block " type="submit" value="{{ button_text }}" tabindex="{{ form.nexttabindex }}"/>
        <div class="text-center pt-3 small text-muted">
          {% trans "When submitting this form your IP address will be stored for logging purposes." %}
          {% if pref.enable_ballot_receipts %}
            <br />
            {% trans "Emails will be sent to adjudicators when the ballot is confirmed." %}
          {% endif %}

{% endblock content %}

{% block js %}

  {{ block.super }}
  <!-- TODO: bundle -->
  <script src="{% static 'js/vendor/jquery.validate.js' %}"></script>
    $(document).ready( function() {
      {% include "js-bundles/enter_results.js" %}
{% endblock %}