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"""Base class for standings generators."""

import logging
import random

from django.utils.translation import gettext as _

from .metrics import metricgetter, QuerySetMetricAnnotator, RepeatedMetricAnnotator

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class StandingsError(RuntimeError):

class StandingInfo:
    """Stores standing information for an instance of a model.

    This class is designed to be accessed directly by Django templates. Its
    `metrics` and `rankings` attributes support item lookup, so may be accessed
    like this:

                  Django template                Python code
        Points:   {{ info.metrics.points }}      info.metrics["points"]
        Rank:     {{ info.rankings.rank }}       info.rankings["rank"]

    The `itermetrics()` and `iterrankings()` methods return iterators over the
    values of `metrics` and `rankings` respectively, in the order specified by
    `standings.metric_keys`. For example:

    Django template:

        {# Assuming the header row was rendered as in BaseStandings: #}
        {% for info in standings.standings %}
            {% for metric in info.itermetrics %}
              <td>{{ metric }}</td>
            {% endfor %}
        {% endfor %}

    Python code:

        for info in standings.standings:
            for metric, value in zip(standings.metric_info, info.itermetrics()):
                print("{0}: {1}".format(metric["name"], value))

    Note that no order is guaranteed when iterating over `metrics.values()` or
    `rankings.values()`. Use `itermetrics()` and `iterrankings()` instead.

    Note that a ranking is not guaranteed to exist, and won't exist when the
    instance is ineligible for a rank. In this case, `info.rankings[key]` will
    result in a KeyError, and `iterrankings()` will return `(None, False)`.
    Python code should be prepared to handle this scenario. Django templates
    should use {{ ranking|default:"n/a" }} to handle the `None`.

    def __init__(self, standings, instance):
        self.standings = standings
        self.instance_id =
        self.instance = instance
        self.model_verbose_name = self.instance.__class__._meta.verbose_name.lower()

        # set more naturally-named attribute for instance, e.g., `` if it is a Team
        setattr(self, self.instance.__class__.__name__.lower(), self.instance)

        self.metrics = dict()
        self.rankings = dict()

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<StandingInfo for {}>".format(str(self.instance))

    def add_metric(self, name, value):
        if name in self.metrics:
            raise ValueError("There is already a metric {!r} for this {}".format(name, self.model_verbose_name))
        self.metrics[name] = value

    def add_ranking(self, name, value):
        if name in self.rankings:
            raise ValueError("There is already a ranking {!r} for this {}".format(name, self.model_verbose_name))
        self.rankings[name] = value

    def itermetrics(self):
        for key in self.standings.metric_keys:
            yield self.metrics[key]

    def iterrankings(self):
        for key in self.standings.ranking_keys:
                yield self.rankings[key]
            except KeyError:
                yield None, False

    def get_ranking(self, key, default=None):
        """Returns the numeric rank (without equality information), or None (or
        the value provided in `default`) if there is no ranking associated with
        this key."""
            return self.rankings[key][0]
        except KeyError:
            return default

class Standings:
    """Presents all information about the standings requested. Returned
    by `BaseStandingsGenerator`.

    This class is designed to be accessed directly by Django templates. The
    `metrics_info` method returns an iterator yielding dictionaries with keys
    "key", "name", "abbr" and "icon". For example:

    Django template:

          {% for metric in standings.metrics_info %}
            <td>{{ }}</td>
          {% endfor %}

    Python code:

        for metric in standings.metric_info:
            print("Key is {0}, name is {1}".format(metric["key"], metric["name"]))

    The `rankings_info` attribute behaves similarly.

    The `standings` property returns a list of `BaseStandingInfo` objects. For
    information on how to iterate over them, see the docstring for

    _SPEC_FIELDS = ("key", "name", "abbr", "icon")

    def __init__(self, instances, rank_filter=None):
        self.infos = {instance: StandingInfo(self, instance) for instance in instances}
        self.ranked = False
        self.rank_filter = rank_filter
        self._rank_limit = None

        self.metric_keys = list()
        self.metric_ascending = dict()
        self.ranking_keys = list()
        self._metric_specs = list()
        self._ranking_specs = list()

    def standings(self):
        assert self.ranked, "sort() must be called before accessing standings"
        return self._standings

    def rank_eligible(self):
        assert self.ranked, "sort() must be called before accessing standings"
        if self.rank_filter:
            return filter(self.rank_filter, self._standings)
            return self._standings

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.standings)

    def __iter__(self):
        """Returns an iterator that iterates over constituent BaseStandingInfo
        objects in ranked order. Raises AttributeError if rankings have not yet
        been generated."""
        if self._rank_limit:
            return self.iteruntil(self._rank_limit)
            return iter(self.standings)

    def iteruntil(self, rank_limit, key="rank"):
        """Stops iterating when the rank exceeds `rank_limit`. If there isn't a
        "rank" ranking for any particular StandingInfo, it acts as if the rank
        were zero. Therefore, if the standings haven't been annotated with a
        "rank", then this will end up iterating through the entire standings.
        If `key` is specified, it is used instead of "rank"."""
        for info in self.standings:
            if info.get_ranking(key, 0) > rank_limit:
            yield info

    def infoview(self):
        return self.infos.values()

    def metrics_info(self):
        for spec in self._metric_specs:
            yield dict(zip(self._SPEC_FIELDS, spec))

    def rankings_info(self):
        for spec in self._ranking_specs:
            yield dict(zip(self._SPEC_FIELDS, spec))

    def get_instance_list(self):
        return [s.instance for s in self.standings]

    def get_standing(self, instance):
            return self.infos[instance]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("{!r} isn't in these standings.".format(instance))

    def get_standings(self, instances):
            return [self.infos[instance] for instance in instances]
        except KeyError as e:
            raise ValueError("{!r} isn't in these standings.".format(e.args[0]))

    def record_added_metric(self, key, name, abbr, icon, ascending):
        self.metric_ascending[key] = ascending
        self._metric_specs.append((key, name, abbr, icon))

    def record_added_ranking(self, key, name, abbr, icon):
        self._ranking_specs.append((key, name, abbr, icon))

    def add_metric(self, instance, key, value):
        assert not self.ranked, "Can't add metrics once standings object is sorted"
        self.get_standing(instance).add_metric(key, value)

    def add_ranking(self, instance, key, value):
        self.get_standing(instance).add_ranking(key, value)

    def sort_from_rankings(self, tiebreak_func=None):
        """Sorts Standings by a SQL-provided ranking, and so sorting is not
        affected by None values."""
        self._standings = list(self.infos.values())

        if tiebreak_func:
            # If tiebreak is SQL-provided, this is skipped

        self._standings.sort(key=lambda r: tuple(r.rankings[key] for key in self.ranking_keys))
        self.ranked = True

    def sort(self, precedence, tiebreak_func=None):
        self._standings = list(self.infos.values())

        if tiebreak_func:

        ascending = [self.metric_ascending[key] for key in precedence]
        metrics_for_ranking = metricgetter(precedence, ascending)

            self._standings.sort(key=metrics_for_ranking, reverse=True)
        except TypeError:
            for info in self.infos.values():
      "%30s %s", info.instance, metrics_for_ranking(info))

        if self.rank_filter:
            self._standings.sort(key=self.rank_filter, reverse=True)

        self.ranked = True

    def filter(self, include_filter):
        self.infos = {instance: info for instance, info in self.infos.items() if include_filter(info)}

    def set_rank_limit(self, rank_limit):
        """Sets the rank limit on these standings. This doesn't affect the data
        held by a Standings instance, but if the rank limit is set, then when
        the standings are iterated over, the iteration stops once the rank limit
        is exceeded. For example, if the rank limit is set to 10, then iterating
        over the standings will only produce the top ten speakers (including
        those tied on 10th)."""
        self._rank_limit = rank_limit

class BaseStandingsGenerator:

        "tiebreak": "random",
        "rank_filter": (None, None),  # (Field name, Min value)
        "include_filter": None,  # not currently used by other code,

        "random"     : random.shuffle,

        "random"     : '?',

    metric_annotator_classes = {}
    ranking_annotator_classes = {}

    def __init__(self, metrics, rankings, extra_metrics=(), **options):

        # Set up options dictionary
        self.options = self.DEFAULT_OPTIONS.copy()
        for key in options:
            if key not in self.options:
                raise ValueError("Unrecognized option: {0}".format(key))

        # Set up annotators
        self._interpret_metrics(metrics, extra_metrics)
        self._check_annotators(self.metric_annotators, _("The same metric would be added twice:"))
        self._check_annotators(self.ranking_annotators, _("The same ranking would be added twice:"))

    def _annotate_metrics(self, queryset, annotators, standings, round):
        """Runs the annotators to be added to the Standings. All annotators are
        run, but SQL-based annotators merely add the field to the Standings,
        as the annotation was already calculated in the SQL query."""
        for annotator in annotators:
            logger.debug("Running metric annotator: %s",
  , standings, round)
        logger.debug("Metric annotators done.")

        if self.options["include_filter"]:

    def get_rank_filter(self):
        return lambda info: info.metrics[self.options["rank_filter"][0]] >= self.options["rank_filter"][1]

    def generate(self, queryset, round=None):
        """Generates standings for the objects in queryset. Returns a
        Standings object.

        `queryset` can be a QuerySet or Manager object, and should return just
            those objects of interest for these standings.
        `round`, if specified, is the round for which to generate the standings.
            (That is, rounds after `round` are excluded from the standings.)

        rank_filter = self.get_rank_filter() if self.options["rank_filter"][0] is not None else None
        standings = Standings(queryset, rank_filter=rank_filter)

        # The original queryset might have filtered out information relevant to
        # calculating the metrics (e.g., if it filters teams by participation in
        # a round), so make a new queryset to pass to the metric annotators that
        # relies on a nested ID selection instead.
        queryset_for_metrics = queryset.model.objects.filter(id__in=queryset.values_list('id', flat=True))

        self._annotate_metrics(queryset_for_metrics, self.distinct_queryset_metric_annotators, standings, round)

        for annotator in self.queryset_metric_annotators:
            queryset_for_metrics = annotator.get_annotated_queryset(queryset_for_metrics, round)

        if len(self.precedence) > 0 and set(self.precedence) <= {a.key for a in self.queryset_metric_annotators}:
            # If there is a precedence and all used metrics are combinable aggregation-based,
            # we can use SQL window functions for rankings
            return self.generate_from_queryset(queryset_for_metrics, standings, round)

        # Otherwise (not all precedence metrics are SQL-based), need to sort Standings
        self._annotate_metrics(queryset_for_metrics, self.non_queryset_annotators, standings, round)

        standings.sort(self.precedence, self._tiebreak_func)

        for annotator in self.ranking_annotators:
            logger.debug("Running ranking annotator: %s",
        logger.debug("Ranking annotators done.")

        return standings

    def generate_from_queryset(self, queryset, standings, round):
        """Generates standings if rankings can be calculated through the
        aggregations present from the queryset (no repeated metrics)"""

        for annotator in self.ranking_annotators:
            queryset = annotator.get_annotated_queryset(queryset, self.queryset_metric_annotators, *self.options["rank_filter"])

        self._annotate_metrics(queryset, self.non_queryset_annotators, standings, round)

        # Can use window functions to rank standings if all are from queryset
        for annotator in self.ranking_annotators:
            logger.debug("Running ranking queryset annotator: %s",
            annotator.run_queryset(queryset, standings)
        logger.debug("Ranking queryset annotators done.")

        # Order by rank and tie-breaker if available.
        tiebreak_func = None
        ordering_keys = [a.key for a in self.ranking_annotators]
        if self._qs_tiebreak_field is None:
            # Pass to Standings-based if SQL doesn't exist; gives None if none given
            tiebreak_func = self._tiebreak_func
        queryset = queryset.order_by(*ordering_keys)

        return standings

    def _check_annotators(annotators, error_str):
        """Checks the given list of annotators to ensure there are no conflicts.
        A conflict occurs if two annotators would add annotations of the same
        names = [a.key for a in annotators]
        if len(names) != len(set(names)):
            raise StandingsError(error_str + "\n" + repr(names))

    def _interpret_metrics(self, metrics, extra_metrics):
        """Given a list of metric keys, sets:
            - `self.precedence` to a copy of `metrics` with repeated metric annotators numbered
            - `self.metric_annotators` to the appropriate metric annotators
        For example:
            ('points', 'wbw', 'speaks', 'wbw', 'margins')
            self.precedence = ['points', 'wbw1', 'speaks', 'wbw2', 'margins']
            self.metric_annotators = [PointsMetricAnnotator(), WhoBeatWhomMetricAnnotator(1, ('points',)) ...]

        The metrics in `extra_metrics` also have their annotators added to
        `self.metric_annotators`, but their keys are not added to
        self.precedence = list()
        self.metric_annotators = list()
        self.queryset_metric_annotators = list()
        self.distinct_queryset_metric_annotators = list()
        repeated_metric_indices = {}

        all_metrics = [(m, True) for m in metrics] + [(m, False) for m in extra_metrics]

        for i, (metric, ranked) in enumerate(all_metrics):
                klass = self.metric_annotator_classes[metric]
            except KeyError:
                raise StandingsError(_("Unrecognized metric code: \"%(code)s\"") % {'code': metric})

            if issubclass(klass, RepeatedMetricAnnotator):
                earlier_keys = tuple(m for m in self.precedence[0:i] if m != metric)
                index = repeated_metric_indices.setdefault(metric, 1)
                args = (index, earlier_keys)
                repeated_metric_indices[metric] += 1
                args = ()

            annotator = klass(*args)
            if issubclass(klass, QuerySetMetricAnnotator):
                if klass.combinable:

            if ranked:

        self.non_queryset_annotators = [a for a in self.metric_annotators if a not in self.distinct_queryset_metric_annotators]

    def _interpret_rankings(self, rankings):
        """Given a list of rankings, sets `self.ranking_annotators` to the
        appropriate ranking annotators."""
        self.ranking_annotators = list()

        for ranking in rankings:
            klass = self.ranking_annotator_classes[ranking]
            annotator = klass(self.precedence)

    def _qs_tiebreak_field(self):
        return self.QUERYSET_TIEBREAK_FIELDS.get(self.options["tiebreak"])

    def _tiebreak_func(self):
        return self.TIEBREAK_FUNCTIONS[self.options["tiebreak"]]

    def get_metric_choices(cls, ranked_only=True):
        choices = []
        for key, annotator in cls.metric_annotator_classes.items():
            if not ranked_only and annotator.ranked_only:
            if not annotator.listed:
            if hasattr(annotator, 'choice_name'):
                choice_name = annotator.choice_name.capitalize()
                choice_name =
            choices.append((key, choice_name))
        choices.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
        return choices