
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: tabbycat\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-02-12 02:04-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-02-12 06:15\n"
"Last-Translator: philip_tc\n"
"Language-Team: Romanian\n"
"Language: ro_RO\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n==0 || (n%100>0 && n%100<20)) ? 1 : 2);\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: tabbycat\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: ro\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /develop/tabbycat/tournaments/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 364715\n"
"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 952\n"

#: tournaments/
msgid "Tournaments"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Number of preliminary rounds"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Number of teams in the open break"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Leave blank if there are no break rounds."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Did you agree with their decision?"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Agree?"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""

#. Translators: This is the name given to the 'Open Break'.
#: tournaments/
msgid "Open"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Format Configuration"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Apply a standard set of settings to match a common debate format"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Public Configuration"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Show non-sensitive information on the public-facing side of this site, like draws (once released) and the motions of previous rounds"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "<strong>Tabulation:</strong> [list tabulation staff here]<br /><strong>Equity:</strong> [list equity members here]<br /><strong>Organisation:</strong> [list organising committee members here]<br /><strong>Adjudication:</strong> [list chief adjudicators here]"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Current preliminary round"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "All preliminary rounds have been completed"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
#, python-format
msgid "Current elimination round in <strong>%(category)s</strong> <em>(only if all preliminary rounds have been completed)</em>"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
#, python-format
msgid "All elimination rounds in %(category)s have been completed"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "If the current round is a preliminary round, this field must be blank."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "If all preliminary rounds have been completed, this field is required."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
#, python-format
msgid "%(name)s (%(abbreviation)s)"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
#, python-format
msgid "You've been redirected to this page because tournament %(tournament)s has no rounds. Please create some before returning to the admin site."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
#, python-format
msgid "There's a problem with the data for the tournament %(tournament)s. Please contact a tab director and ask them to investigate."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "You've been redirected to this page because of a problem with how teams are assigned to sides in a debate."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "There's a problem with how teams are assigned to sides in a debate. The tab director will need to resolve this issue."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/ tournaments/templates/round_complete_check.html
#, python-format
msgid "for %(round)s"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Return to Draw"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "You can't use this as a tournament slug, because it's reserved for a Tabbycat system URL. Please try another one."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "name"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "The full name, e.g. \"Australasian Intervarsity Debating Championships 2016\""
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "short name"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "The name used in the menu, e.g. \"Australs 2016\""
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "sequence number"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "A number that determines the relative order in which tournaments are displayed on the homepage."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "slug"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "The sub-URL of the tournament, cannot have spaces, e.g. \"australs2016\""
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "active"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "tournament"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "tournaments"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Random"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Manual"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Round-robin"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Power-paired"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Elimination"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Preliminary"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "None"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Draft"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Confirmed"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Released"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "A number that determines the order of the round, should count consecutively from 1 for the first round"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "completed"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "True if the round is over, which normally means all results have been entered and confirmed"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "e.g. \"Round 1\""
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "abbreviation"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "e.g. \"R1\""
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "stage"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Preliminary = inrounds, elimination = outrounds"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "draw type"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Which draw method to use"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "break category"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "If elimination round, which break category"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "draw status"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "The status of this round's draw"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "feedback weight"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
#, no-python-format
msgid "The extent to which each adjudicator's overall score depends on feedback vs their base score. At 0, it is 100% drawn from their base score, at 1 it is 100% drawn from feedback."
msgstr ""

#. Translators: A silent round is a round for which results are not disclosed once the round is over.
#: tournaments/
msgid "silent"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "If marked silent, information about this round (such as its results) will not be shown publicly."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "motions released"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Whether motions will appear on the public website, assuming that feature is turned on"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "starts at"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "weight"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "A factor for the points received in the round. For example, if 2, all points are doubled."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "round"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "rounds"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "A round in the elimination stage must have its draw type set to \"Elimination\"."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "A round in the preliminary stage cannot have its draw type set to \"Elimination\"."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Elimination rounds must have a break category."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/assistant_tournament_index.html
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/assistant_tournament_index.html
msgid "Overview"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/assistant_tournament_index.html
#, python-format
msgid "current round: %(round)s, status: %(status)s"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/blank_site_start.html
msgid "Welcome to Tabbycat!"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/blank_site_start.html
msgid "To get started, you'll need to create the first user account. This account is a \"superuser\" account: it will be able to edit anything on the site. Therefore, you should use a strong password."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/blank_site_start.html
msgid "You can only create this account once, but if you like, you can change the username and password after it's created, or add new superusers afterwards."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/blank_site_start.html
msgid "The email address is used for password resets. You don't have to provide one, but if you don't, you won't be able to reset your password if you forget it."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/blank_site_start.html
msgid "Create Account"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/configure_tournament.html
#, python-format
msgid "Configure Tournament %(tournament)s"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/configure_tournament.html
#: tournaments/templates/create_tournament.html
msgid "Tabbycat"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/configure_tournament.html
msgid "To finish creating your tournament select a basic configuration options. Note that these can always be changed later (and with more precise control) if needed."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/configure_tournament.html
msgid "Configure Tournament"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/create_tournament.html
msgid "Create New Tournament"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/create_tournament.html
#, python-format
msgid "Tabbycat is free to use for non-profit and non-fundraising tournaments (although donations are encouraged). If your tournament is run for profit or for fundraising, please note that there is a <a href=\"%(donations_url)s\">required payment</a>. For more details, see the <a href=\"\"> Tabbycat licence agreement</a>."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/create_tournament.html
msgid "Just trying out Tabbycat?"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/create_tournament.html
msgid "If you're learning or playing around with Tabbycat, it's easiest to create a demo tournament that is prepopulated with a fake (but typical) set of teams, adjudicators, rooms, and the like. You can then delete this demo tournament later on, or deploy a new instance for your real tournament."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/create_tournament.html
#, python-format
msgid "Load %(demo)s"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/create_tournament.html
msgid "You already have a tournament set up using this data set. Reloading the data will delete <strong>all data</strong> from that tournament."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/create_tournament.html
msgid "Create Tournament"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/create_tournament.html
msgid "Cancel and go back to the site home page"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/fix_debate_teams.html
msgid "Debate Team Missing"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/fix_debate_teams.html
msgid "Tabbycat always requires that, in every debate, one and only one team is assigned to each side. When that is not the case, this error occurs. Usually, this is the result of debates having been manually edited."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/fix_debate_teams.html
msgid "A list of offending debates is presented below. To fix them, you'll need to do the following:"
msgstr ""

#. Translators: This is in a list of instructions.
#: tournaments/templates/fix_debate_teams.html
msgid "Click the <strong>Fix this debate</strong> button for that debate."
msgstr ""

#. Translators: This is in a list of instructions.
#: tournaments/templates/fix_debate_teams.html
msgid "Ensure that every <strong>side</strong> that should be present in the debate is present and has a <strong>team</strong> assigned. If a team is missing, find an empty row and use the magnifying glass to select a team. Then set the new team's <strong>side</strong> accordingly."
msgstr ""

#. Translators: This is in a list of instructions.
#: tournaments/templates/fix_debate_teams.html
msgid "Ensure that no <strong>side</strong> appears more than once in the debate."
msgstr ""

#. Translators: This is in a list of instructions.
#: tournaments/templates/fix_debate_teams.html
msgid "<strong>Save</strong> the changes."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/fix_debate_teams.html
msgid "Once you've fixed all the debates, you should then be able to return to whatever page you were originally on without the error reoccurring."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/fix_debate_teams.html
#, python-format
msgid "You can also see all the debates in the <a href=\"%(edit_debates_url)s\" target=\"_blank\">Debates section of the Edit Database Area</a>."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/fix_debate_teams.html
msgid "Debate ID"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/fix_debate_teams.html
#, python-format
msgid "Teams on %(side)s"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/fix_debate_teams.html
msgid "Link to fix this debate"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/fix_debate_teams.html
msgid "No teams"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/fix_debate_teams.html
msgid "Multiple teams"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/fix_debate_teams.html
msgctxt "button label"
msgid "Fix this debate"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/fix_debate_teams.html
msgid "It looks like all debates are in good shape!"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/fix_debate_teams.html
msgid "If you keep getting redirected to this page and you're not sure why, please contact the developers of Tabbycat."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
#, python-format
msgid "Welcome to %(tournament)s"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
msgid "There is currently no public information available for this tournament."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
msgid "Team Tab"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
#, python-format
msgid "%(category)s Team Tab"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
msgid "Speaker Tab"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
#, python-format
msgid "%(category)s Speaker Tab"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
msgid "Replies Tab"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
msgid "Adjudicator Tab"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
msgid "Motions Tab"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
msgid "Sides"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
#, python-format
msgid "Draw for %(round)s"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
msgid "Draws for Current Rounds"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
#, python-format
msgid "%(round)s's draw has yet to be released"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
msgid "The draw for the next round has yet to be released"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
msgid "Check-Ins"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
msgid "Results"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
msgid "Motions"
msgstr "Moțiuni"

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
msgid "Team Standings"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
#, python-format
msgid "%(category)s Break"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
msgid "Breaking Adjudicators"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
msgid "Diversity"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
msgid "Participants"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
msgid "Institutions"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
msgid "Feedback Progress"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
#, python-format
msgid "Enter Ballot for %(round)s"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
msgid "Enter Feedback"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/public_tournament_index.html
msgid "Tournament Staff"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/round_complete_check.html
msgid "Confirm Round Completion"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/round_complete_check.html
msgid "Enter Results"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/round_complete_check.html
msgid "Emails have already been sent."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/round_complete_check.html
msgid "Email Team Wins/Losses"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/round_complete_check.html
msgid "Email Team Points"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/round_complete_check.html
#, python-format
msgid "Mark %(round)s as Completed"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/round_complete_check.html
#, python-format
msgid "Mark %(round)s as Completed Anyway"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/round_complete_check.html
#, python-format
msgid "Go to %(round)s"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/round_complete_check.html
#, python-format
msgid "%(round)s has already been marked as completed!"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/round_complete_check.html
#, python-format
msgid "The following prior round has not yet been completed: %(prior_rounds_not_completed)s. You should complete it before marking this round as completed."
msgid_plural "The following prior rounds have not yet been completed: %(prior_rounds_not_completed)s. You should complete those before marking this round as completed."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""

#: tournaments/templates/round_complete_check.html
#, python-format
msgid "All ballots from %(round)s are confirmed. You should be good to go!"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/round_complete_check.html
#, python-format
msgid "There is still %(num_unconfirmed)s ballot that is not confirmed. You should <strong>not</strong> proceed to the next round until all ballots are confirmed."
msgid_plural "There are still %(num_unconfirmed)s ballots that are not confirmed. You should <strong>not</strong> proceed to the next round until all ballots are confirmed."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""

#: tournaments/templates/round_complete_check.html
#, python-format
msgid "<p>This round is a silent round.</p> <p> Even though public view of results is enabled, results for <em>this</em> round will still be hidden from public view after completing this round. <p> <p> You can change which rounds are silent in the <a href=\"%(round_changelist_url)s\">Edit Database area</a>. </p>"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/round_complete_check.html
#, python-format
msgid "<p><strong> Results for %(round)s will be published online once you mark this round as complete! </strong></p> <p> This round is <em>not</em> a silent round, and public view of results is enabled. </p> <p> If you want to keep the results for just this round hidden, you can mark this round as silent in the <a href=\"%(round_changelist_url)s\">Edit Database area</a>. </p> <p> If you want to disable the public view of results, you can do so in the <a href=\"%(public_features_url)s\">tournament configuration</a>. </p>"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/set_current_round.html
msgid "Set Current Round"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/set_current_round.html
msgid "Back to Configuration"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/set_current_round.html
#, python-format
msgid "No round is currently set. In order for Tabbycat to work, please set the <strong>current round</strong> of the tournament <strong>%(tournament)s</strong>."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/set_current_round.html
#, python-format
msgid "On this page, you can set the <strong>current round</strong> of the tournament <strong>%(tournament)s</strong>."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/set_current_round.html
#, python-format
msgid "The tournament <strong>%(tournament)s</strong> has no rounds. You'll need to <a href=\"%(round_changelist_url)s\">add rounds and associate them with this tournament</a> before you can set the current round."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/set_round_weights.html
msgctxt "page title"
msgid "Set Round Weights for Tapered Scoring"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/set_round_weights.html
msgid "Round weights are coefficients for the points received in each round. A team would get triple their team points obtained in a round with a weight of 3."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/set_round_weights.html
msgctxt "button"
msgid "Set weights"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/site_index.html
msgid "Welcome!"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/site_index.html
msgid "It looks like there aren't any tournaments on this site. Would you like to create one?"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/site_index.html
msgid "There are currently no active tournaments set up on this site."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/site_index.html
msgid "There are currently no tournaments set up on this site."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/site_index.html
msgid "(inactive)"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/site_index.html
msgid "New Tournament"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/site_index.html
msgid "Edit Database Area"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/site_index.html
msgid "Send a Test Email"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/site_index.html
msgid "Import DebateXML"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/site_index.html
#, python-format
msgid "Get API Token / Change Password (%(user)s)"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/site_index.html
#, python-format
msgid "Log Out (%(user)s)"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/site_index.html
msgid "Log In as Admin"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/tournament_index.html
#, python-format
msgid "We hope you've enjoyed using Tabbycat for your tournament. We would appreciate if you would make a donation to the project in order to support its ongoing development and maintenance. For a tournament of this size, we suggest a donation of <strong>$%(amount)s</strong>. Note that if your tournament is run for profit, or for fundraising, making this payment is a mandatory condition of Tabbycat's software license. <a href=\"%(url)s\">Learn more about donating.</a>"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/tournament_index.html
msgid "Welcome to your new tournament!"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/tournament_index.html
msgid "The next step is to import your initial tournament data: the institutions, teams, adjudicators and rooms that are in your tournament. There are a number of ways to do this. For small-to-medium tournaments, the simple importer is your best bet."
msgstr ""

#. Translators: The documentation where the link goes to is in English; translations should mention this with "(in English)" after the link.
#: tournaments/templates/tournament_index.html
#, python-format
msgid "For more information, please consult our <a href=\"\" class=\"alert-link\" target=\"_blank\"> documentation on importing initial data</a>."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/tournament_index.html
msgid "Use the simple importer to add your initial data."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/tournament_index.html
#, python-format
msgid "Mark participants as available to prepare a draw for %(round)s"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/tournament_index.html
#, python-format
msgid "Go to the draw area to allocate adjudicators for %(round)s"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/tournament_index.html
#, python-format
msgid "Go to the results area to enter ballots for %(round)s"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/tournament_index.html
msgid "You have enabled a URL that allows users to create new accounts. You should <strong>disable it once the tournament starts</strong>."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/tournament_index_links.html
#, python-format
msgid "Administrator area for <strong>%(tn)s</strong>"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/tournament_index_links.html
#, python-format
msgid "Assistant area for <strong>%(tn)s</strong>"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/templates/tournament_index_links.html
#, python-format
msgid "Public area for <strong>%(tn)s</strong>"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "affirmative"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "negative"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "affirmative team"
msgstr "echipa afirmatoare"

#: tournaments/
msgid "negative team"
msgstr "echipa negatoare"

#: tournaments/
msgid "Aff"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Neg"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "government"
msgstr "guvern"

#: tournaments/
msgid "opposition"
msgstr "opoziție"

#: tournaments/
msgid "government team"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "opposition team"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Gov"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Opp"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "proposition"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "proposition team"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Prop"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "pro"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "con"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "pro team"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "con team"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Pro"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Con"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "appellant"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "respondent"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "appellant team"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "respondent team"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "App"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Res"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "opening government"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "opening opposition"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "closing government"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "closing opposition"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "opening government team"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "opening opposition team"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "closing government team"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "closing opposition team"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgctxt "BP position"
msgid "OG"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgctxt "BP position"
msgid "OO"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgctxt "BP position"
msgid "CG"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgctxt "BP position"
msgid "CO"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
#, python-format
msgid "Round %(number)d"
msgstr ""

#. Translators: This stands for "Round %(number)d".
#: tournaments/
#, python-format
msgid "R%(number)d"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
#, python-format
msgid "%(round)s has been marked as completed. All rounds are now completed, so you're done with the tournament! Congratulations!"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
#, python-format
msgid "%(round)s has been marked as completed. That's the last round in that sequence! Going back to the first round that hasn't been marked as completed."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
#, python-format
msgid "%(round)s has been marked as completed. You've made it to the end of the preliminary rounds! Congratulations! The next step is to generate the break."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
#, python-format
msgid "%(round)s has been marked as completed. That was the last preliminary round, but one or more preliminary rounds are still not completed. Going back to the first incomplete preliminary round."
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
#, python-format
msgid "%(this_round)s has been marked as completed. Moving on to %(next_round)s! Woohoo! Keep it up!"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "8-team generic dataset"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "24-team Australs dataset"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "88-team BP dataset"
msgstr ""

#: tournaments/
msgid "Successfully set round weights for tapered scoring."
msgstr ""