browser: true
commonjs: true
es6: true
node: true
- plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended
- plugin:react/recommended
- plugin:jsx-a11y/recommended
Atomics: readonly
SharedArrayBuffer: readonly
- jest
- react
- react-hooks
parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser'
project: ./tsconfig.json
version: detect
rules: # See https://eslint.org/docs/rules
- error
- always # Always put commas, to avoid multilines git diff when new lines are added
- error
- single # Prefer simple quotes
- allowTemplateLiterals: true # Allow the use of `` instead of '' and don't try to replace it, even when `` isn't needed
- error
- before: false
after: true
- error
- 2
- SwitchCase: 1
- error
- always
max-len: 0 # Disable line length checks, because the IDE is already configured to warn about it, and it's a waste of time to check for lines that are too long, especially in comments (like this one!)
strict: 'off'
no-console: 1 # Shouldn't use "console", but "logger" instead
allowArrowFunctions: 0
- warn # Warn otherwise it false-positive with needed React imports
- args: none # Allow to declare unused variables in function arguments, meant to be used later
import/prefer-default-export: 0 # When there is only a single export from a module, don't enforce a default export, but rather let developer choose what's best
no-else-return: 0 # Don't enforce, let developer choose. Sometimes we like to specifically use "return" for the sake of comprehensibility and avoid ambiguity
no-underscore-dangle: 0 # Allow _ before/after variables and functions, convention for something meant to be "private"
arrow-body-style: 0 # Don't enforce, let developer choose. Sometimes we like to specifically use "return" for ease of debugging and printing
- warn
- consistent-as-needed # Enforce consistency with quotes on props, either all must be quoted, or all unquoted for a given object
no-return-await: 0 # Useful before, but recent node.js enhancements make it useless on node 12+ (we use 10, but still, for consistency) - Read https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44806135/why-no-return-await-vs-const-x-await
no-extra-boolean-cast: 0 # Don't enforce, let developer choose. Using "!!!" is sometimes useful (edge cases), and has a semantic value (dev intention)
- warn
- ObjectExpression:
multiline: true
minProperties: 5
consistent: true
multiline: true
minProperties: 5
consistent: true
multiline: true
minProperties: 8 # Doesn't play so well with webstorm, which wraps based on the number of chars in the row, not based on the number of props #sucks
consistent: true
multiline: true
minProperties: 5
consistent: true
react-hooks/rules-of-hooks: error
react-hooks/exhaustive-deps: warn
react/jsx-no-target-blank: warn # Not using "noreferrer" is not a security risk, but "noopener" should always be used indeed
react/prop-types: warn # Should be handled with TS instead
react/no-unescaped-entities: warn # Causes text mismatch when enabled
- error
- unix
'@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-ignore': warn # ts-ignore are sometimes the only way to bypass a TS issue, we trust we will use them for good and not abuse them
'@typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define': warn
- warn
vars: 'all' # We don't want unused variables (noise) - XXX Note that this will be a duplicate of "no-unused-vars" rule
args: 'none' # Sometimes it's useful to have unused arguments for later use, such as describing what args are available (DX)
ignoreRestSiblings: true # Sometimes it's useful to have unused props for later use, such as describing what props are available (DX)
- files: ['**/*.tsx']
'react/prop-types': 'off'