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import { NormalizedCacheObject } from 'apollo-cache-inmemory';
import ApolloClient from 'apollo-client';
import { WithApolloState } from 'next-with-apollo/lib/types';
import { NextRouter } from 'next/router';
import { AppPageProps } from './AppPageProps';

 * Props that are returned by the main getInitialProps and then provided to the render function of the application
 * The props that are being returned by getInitialProps are enhanced by the Next.js framework
 * Also, our HOC apply at the same moment and enhance even more the properties that the render function will receive
 * @see _app:getInitialProps - Returns it (only pageProps)
 * @see _app:render - Use it (has access to all props)
export type AppRenderProps = {
  pageProps: AppPageProps;
  err?: Error; // Only defined if there was an error

  // XXX Props that are somehow injected by the Next.js framework between _app:getInitialProps and _app:render
  //  They're marked as optional because they aren't defined in _app:getInitialProps but will be defined in _app:render
  Component?: Function; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  router?: NextRouter;

  // Injected by HOC "withUniversalGraphQLDataLoader"
  apolloState?: WithApolloState<NormalizedCacheObject>;
  apollo?: ApolloClient<NormalizedCacheObject>;