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Test Coverage
import { UserInputError, AuthenticationError } from 'apollo-server-express';
import { ObjectID } from 'mongodb';
import { DEADLINE_TIMESTAMP } from '../../../common/constants';
import { HackerDbObject, ApplicationStatus, MutationResolvers } from '../../generated/graphql';
import { sendStatusEmail } from '../../mail/aws';

// TODO: Cannot import frontend files so this is ugly workaround. Fix this.
const requiredFields = [
    // 'shirtSize',
    // 'favArtPiece',
    // 'essay1',
    // 'volunteer',

export const updateMyApplication: MutationResolvers['updateMyApplication'] = async (
    { input },
    { user, models }
) => {
    // Enables a user to update their application
    if (!user) throw new AuthenticationError(`cannot update application: user not logged in`);

        throw new Error(`Deadline to submit application has passed.`);

    // TODO(leonm1): Figure out why the _id field isn't actually an ObjectID
    const id = ObjectID.createFromHexString((user._id as unknown) as string);
    // update app answers if they exist
    const { result } = await models.ApplicationFields.bulkWrite(
        // TODO: These are not typechecked currently :/{ question, answer }) => ({
            updateOne: {
                filter: { question, userId: id },
                update: { $set: { answer, question, userId: id } },
                upsert: true,

    if (!result.ok) {
        throw new UserInputError(
            `error inputting user application input for user "${id}" ${JSON.stringify(result)}`

    const hacker = await models.Hackers.findOne({ _id: id });
    if (!hacker) throw new AuthenticationError(`hacker not found: ${id.toHexString()}`);

     * Finds the first element that is required (not optional) but does not have any input.
     * If this element exists, the application is not finished.
    const appFinished = !requiredFields.some(
        field => !input.fields.find(el => el.question === field && el.answer)

    // Update the fields of the hacker object with application data.
    // TODO: Improve the quality of this resolver by removing this hack.
    const changedFields = [
        // 'dietaryRestrictions',
    ].reduce((acc: Partial<HackerDbObject>, reqField) => {
        // TODO: Add input validation for these fields.
        const missingField = input.fields.find(field => field.question === reqField);
        return missingField ? { ...acc, [reqField]: missingField.answer } : acc;
    }, {});

    // Update application status to reflect new input.
    let appStatus: ApplicationStatus = hacker.status as ApplicationStatus;
    let sendEmail = false;

    if (
        appFinished &&
        [ApplicationStatus.Started, ApplicationStatus.Created].includes(
            hacker.status as ApplicationStatus
    ) {
        if (input.submit) {
            appStatus = ApplicationStatus.Submitted;
            sendEmail = true;
    } else if ([ApplicationStatus.Created].includes(hacker.status as ApplicationStatus)) {
        appStatus = ApplicationStatus.Started;

    const { value, ok, lastErrorObject } = await models.Hackers.findOneAndUpdate(
        { _id: id },
        { $set: { status: appStatus, ...changedFields } },
        { returnOriginal: false }

    if (!ok || !value) {
        throw new UserInputError(
            `error inputting user status "SUBMITTED" for user "${id}" ${JSON.stringify(lastErrorObject)}`
    if (sendEmail) sendStatusEmail(value, ApplicationStatus.Submitted);
    return value;