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import { Hash } from '@xylabs/hex'
import { EmptyObject, JsonObject } from '@xylabs/object'

import { Schema, WithSchema } from './Schema'

/** Meta fields for a payload - Either both $hash and $meta should exist or neither */
export interface PayloadMetaFields<TAdditionalMeta extends EmptyObject | void = void> extends EmptyObject {
  /** Hash of the body of the payload excluding the items in the $meta object */
  $hash: Hash
  /** Meta data that should be included in the main hash of the payload */
  $meta?: TAdditionalMeta extends void ? JsonObject : TAdditionalMeta

/** Additional fields for a payload */
export interface PayloadFields extends EmptyObject {
  schema: Schema

export type WithPayload<T extends EmptyObject | void = void> = WithSchema<T extends EmptyObject ? PayloadFields & T : PayloadFields>

/** Base Type for Payloads */
export type Payload<T extends void | EmptyObject | WithSchema = void, S extends Schema | void = void> =
  T extends WithSchema ?
    S extends Schema ?
      /* T (w/Schema) & S provided */
      WithPayload<Omit<T, 'schema'> & { schema: S } & PayloadFields>
    : /* Only T (w/Schema) provided */ WithPayload<T>
  : T extends object ?
    S extends Schema ?
      /* T (w/o Schema) & S provided */
      WithPayload<T & { schema: S } & PayloadFields>
    : /* Only T (w/o Schema) provided */ WithPayload<T & { schema: Schema } & PayloadFields>
  : /* Either just S or neither S or T provided */
      schema: S extends Schema ? S : Schema
    } & PayloadFields

export type OverridablePayload<T extends Payload> = Omit<T, 'schema'> & { schema: string }

export type WithSources<T extends EmptyObject> = T & { sources?: Hash[] }
export type PayloadWithSources<T extends void | EmptyObject | WithSchema = void, S extends Schema | void = void> = WithSources<Payload<T, S>>

export type WithAnySchema<T extends Payload> = Omit<T, 'schema'> & { schema: string }