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<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace XoopsModules\Tag;

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 * Tag module
 * Class to define Random Quote module constant values. These constants are
 * used to make the code easier to read and to keep values in central
 * location if they need to be changed.  These should not normally need
 * to be modified. If they are to be modified it is recommended to change
 * the value(s) before module installation. Additionally the module may not
 * work correctly if trying to upgrade if these values have been changed.
 * @copyright    {@link https://sourceforge.net/projects/xoops/ The XOOPS Project}
 * @license      {@link https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License}
 * @author       ZySpec <zyspec@yahoo.com>
 * @since        2.33

 * interface Constants
interface Constants
     * Constant definition
     *  indicates a tag is active
    public const STATUS_ACTIVE = 0;
     *  indicates a tag is inactive
    public const STATUS_INACTIVE = 1;
     *  indicates a tag is to be deleted
    public const STATUS_DELETE = -1;
     *  indicates inclusion of all tags in select
    public const STATUS_ALL = -1;
     *  indicates default for ID for tags, modules, etc.
    public const DEFAULT_ID = 0;
     *  indicates default display limit to show
    public const DEFAULT_LIMIT = 10;
     *  indicates unlimitted number
    public const UNLIMITED = 0;
     *  indicates starting point for searches, etc.
    public const BEGINNING = 0;
     * no delay XOOPS redirect delay (in seconds)
    public const REDIRECT_DELAY_NONE = 0;
     * short XOOPS redirect delay (in seconds)
    public const REDIRECT_DELAY_SHORT = 1;
     * medium XOOPS redirect delay (in seconds)
    public const REDIRECT_DELAY_MEDIUM = 3;
     * long XOOPS redirect delay (in seconds)
    public const REDIRECT_DELAY_LONG = 7;
     * confirm not ok to take action
    public const CONFIRM_NOT_OK = 0;
     * confirm ok to take action
    public const CONFIRM_OK = 1;