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 *  userlog module
 * @copyright       XOOPS Project (https://xoops.org)
 * @license         GNU GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html)
 * @package         userlog class
 * @since           1.16
 * @author          irmtfan (irmtfan@yahoo.com)
 * @author          XOOPS Project <www.xoops.org> <www.xoops.ir>
// Important note: use $eleNamePrefix = "options" because it is hard-coded in XOOPS CORE > BLOCKS

defined('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH') || exit('Restricted access.');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../include/common.php';

xoops_loadLanguage('admin', USERLOG_DIRNAME);

 * Class UserlogQuery
class UserlogQuery
    public $userlog = null;

    protected function __construct()
        $this->userlog = Userlog::getInstance();

     * @return UserlogQuery
    public static function getInstance()
        static $instance;
        if (null === $instance) {
            $instance = new static();

        return $instance;
    // args[0] - number of items to show in block. the default is 10
    // args[1] - login or register or both radio select
    // args[2] - failed or successful or both radio select
    // args[3] - inactive or active or both
    // args[4] - never login before or login before or both
    // args[5] - Order - DESC, ASC default: DESC
     * @param $args
     * @return array
    public function loginregHistoryShow($args)
        $criteria = new CriteriaCompo();
        $criteria->add(new Criteria('uid', 0), 'AND');
        $criteria->add(new Criteria('post', '%pass%', 'LIKE'), 'AND'); // login or register
        $criteria->add(new Criteria('post', '%login_patch%', 'LIKE'), 'AND'); // login/register was patched
        $opt[0] = 0;
        $opt[1] = 'NOT LIKE';
        $opt[2] = 'LIKE';

        $i = 1;
        if (!empty($args[$i])) {
            $criteria->add(new Criteria('post', '%vpass%', $opt[$args[$i]]), 'AND'); // login "NOT LIKE" register "LIKE"
        ++$i; //2
        if (!empty($args[$i])) {
            $criteria->add(new Criteria('post', '%success%', $opt[$args[$i]]), 'AND'); // falied "NOT LIKE" success "LIKE"
        ++$i; //3
        if (!empty($args[$i])) {
            $criteria->add(new Criteria('post', '%level%', $opt[$args[$i]]), 'AND'); // inactive "NOT LIKE" active "LIKE"
        ++$i; //4
        if (!empty($args[$i])) {
            $criteria->add(new Criteria('post', '%last_visit%', $opt[$args[$i]]), 'AND'); // never login before "NOT LIKE" login before "LIKE"
        $loginsObj = $this->userlog->getHandler('log')->getLogs($args[0], 0, $criteria, 'log_id', $args[5], ['log_id', 'log_time', 'post'], true); // true => as Obj
        $block     = [];
        if (empty($loginsObj)) {
            return $block;
        foreach ($loginsObj as $log_id => $loginObj) {
            $block[$log_id]                    = $loginObj->post(); // dont use getVar("post")
            $block[$log_id]['loginOrRegister'] = !empty($block[$log_id]['vpass']) ? 'register' : 'login';
            if (!empty($block[$log_id]['success'])) {
                $block[$log_id]['msg'] = _AM_USERLOG_SUCCESS . ' ';
                if (empty($block[$log_id]['level'])) {
                    $block[$log_id]['msg']   .= _MA_USER_LEVEL_INACTIVE;
                    $block[$log_id]['color'] = 'YELLOW';
                } else {
                    $block[$log_id]['msg']   .= _MA_USER_LEVEL_ACTIVE;
                    $block[$log_id]['color'] = 'GREEN';
                if (empty($block[$log_id]['last_visit'])) {
                    if ('register' === $block[$log_id]['loginOrRegister']) {
                        $block[$log_id]['msg']   .= ' ' . sprintf(_US_HASJUSTREG, $block[$log_id]['uname']);
                        $block[$log_id]['color'] = 'GREEN';
                    } else {
                        $block[$log_id]['msg']   .= ' ' . sprintf(_US_CONFMAIL, $block[$log_id]['uname']);
                        $block[$log_id]['color'] = 'BROWN';
            } else {
                $block[$log_id]['success'] = 0;
                $block[$log_id]['msg']     = _AM_USERLOG_FAIL . ' ';
                $block[$log_id]['msg']     .= ('register' === $block[$log_id]['loginOrRegister']) ? _ERRORS : _US_INCORRECTLOGIN;
                $block[$log_id]['color']   = 'RED';
            $this->userlog->setConfig('format_date', $this->userlog->getConfig('format_date_history'));
            $block[$log_id]['log_time'] = $loginObj->getLogTime();
        unset($block[$log_id]['pass'], $block[$log_id]['vpass']);

        return $block;

     * @param        $args
     * @param string $eleNamePrefix
     * @return string
    public function loginregHistoryForm($args, $eleNamePrefix = 'options')
        // require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/blockform.php"; //reserve for 2.6
        // $form = new XoopsBlockForm(); //reserve for 2.6
        $form = new XoopsThemeForm(_AM_USERLOG_LOGIN_REG_HISTORY, 'login_reg_history', '');

        $i = 0;
        // number of items to display element
        $numitemsEle = new XoopsFormText(_AM_USERLOG_ITEMS_NUM, "{$eleNamePrefix}[{$i}]", 10, 255, (int)$args[$i]);

        $loginRegRadioEle = new XoopsFormRadio(_LOGIN . '|' . _REGISTER, "{$eleNamePrefix}[{$i}]", $args[$i]);
        $loginRegRadioEle->addOption(1, _LOGIN);
        $loginRegRadioEle->addOption(2, _REGISTER);
        $loginRegRadioEle->addOption(0, _ALL);

        $failSucRadioEle = new XoopsFormRadio(_AM_USERLOG_FAIL . '|' . _AM_USERLOG_SUCCESS, "{$eleNamePrefix}[{$i}]", $args[$i]);
        $failSucRadioEle->addOption(1, _LOGIN . '|' . _REGISTER . ' ' . _AM_USERLOG_FAIL);
        $failSucRadioEle->addOption(2, _LOGIN . '|' . _REGISTER . ' ' . _AM_USERLOG_SUCCESS);
        $failSucRadioEle->addOption(0, _ALL);

        $inactiveActiveRadioEle = new XoopsFormRadio(_MA_USER_LEVEL_INACTIVE . '|' . _MA_USER_LEVEL_ACTIVE, "{$eleNamePrefix}[{$i}]", $args[$i]);
        $inactiveActiveRadioEle->addOption(1, _MA_USER_LEVEL_INACTIVE);
        $inactiveActiveRadioEle->addOption(2, _MA_USER_LEVEL_ACTIVE);
        $inactiveActiveRadioEle->addOption(0, _ALL);

        $lastVisitRadioEle = new XoopsFormRadio(_AM_USERLOG_LAST_LOGIN, "{$eleNamePrefix}[{$i}]", $args[$i]);
        $lastVisitRadioEle->addOption(1, _NONE);
        $lastVisitRadioEle->addOption(2, _YES);
        $lastVisitRadioEle->addOption(0, _ALL);

        $orderEle = new XoopsFormSelect(_AM_USERLOG_ORDER, "{$eleNamePrefix}[{$i}]", $args[$i]);
        $orderEle->addOption('DESC', _DESCENDING);
        $orderEle->addOption('ASC', _ASCENDING);

        // add all elements to form

        return $form->render();

    // args[0] - number of items to show in block. the default is 10
    // args[1] - stats_type - referral (default), browser, OS
    // args[2] - Sort - stats_link, stats_value (default), time_update
    // args[3] - Order - DESC, ASC default: DESC
     * @param $args
     * @return array|bool
    public function stats_typeShow($args)
        $statsObj = UserlogStats::getInstance();
        $refViews = $statsObj->getAll($args[1], 0, $args[0], $args[2], $args[3]); // getAll($type = array(), $start = 0, $limit = 0, $sort = "stats_value", $order = "DESC", $otherCriteria = null)
        if (empty($refViews)) {
            return false;
        $block = ['stats' => $refViews, 'stats_type' => $args[1]];

        return $block;

     * @param        $args
     * @param string $eleNamePrefix
     * @return string
    public function stats_typeForm($args, $eleNamePrefix = 'options')
        // require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/blockform.php"; //reserve for 2.6
        // $form = new XoopsBlockForm(); //reserve for 2.6
        $form = new XoopsThemeForm(_AM_USERLOG_STATS_TYPE, 'stats_type', '');

        $i = 0;
        // number of items to display element
        $numitemsEle = new XoopsFormText(_AM_USERLOG_ITEMS_NUM, "{$eleNamePrefix}[{$i}]", 10, 255, (int)$args[$i]);
        $typeEle = new XoopsFormSelect(_AM_USERLOG_STATS_TYPE, "{$eleNamePrefix}[{$i}]", $args[$i]);
                                     'referral' => _AM_USERLOG_STATS_REFERRAL,
                                     'browser'  => _AM_USERLOG_STATS_BROWSER,
                                     'OS'       => _AM_USERLOG_STATS_OS

        $sortEle = new XoopsFormSelect(_AM_USERLOG_SORT, "{$eleNamePrefix}[{$i}]", $args[$i]);
                                     'stats_link'  => _AM_USERLOG_ITEM_NAME,
                                     'stats_value' => _AM_USERLOG_VIEW,
                                     'time_update' => _AM_USERLOG_STATS_TIME_UPDATE

        $orderEle = new XoopsFormSelect(_AM_USERLOG_ORDER, "{$eleNamePrefix}[{$i}]", $args[$i]);
        $orderEle->addOption('DESC', _DESCENDING);
        $orderEle->addOption('ASC', _ASCENDING);

        // add all elements to form

        return $form->render();

    // args[0] - number of items to show in block. the default is 10
    // args[1] - module dirname - 0 or empty = all modules
     * @param $args
     * @return array
    public function modulesadminShow($args)
        xoops_loadLanguage('admin/modulesadmin', 'system');
        $criteria = new CriteriaCompo();
        $criteria->add(new Criteria('module', 'system'), 'AND');
        $criteria->add(new Criteria('request_method', 'POST'), 'AND'); // only POST method
        $refLike = '%modulesadmin&op=%';
        if (!empty($args[1])) {
            $refLike .= "module={$args[1]}";
        $criteria->add(new Criteria('referer', "{$refLike}", 'LIKE'), 'AND'); // modules admin

        $modulesadminObjs = $this->userlog->getHandler('log')->getLogs($args[0], 0, $criteria, 'log_id', 'DESC', ['log_id', 'log_time', 'referer'], true); // true => as Obj
        if (empty($modulesadminObjs)) {
            return false;
        $block = [];
        foreach ($modulesadminObjs as $maObj) {
            $query = parse_url($maObj->referer(), PHP_URL_QUERY);
            parse_str($query, $moduleAdmin);
            $moduleAdmin['op_lang']          = constant('_AM_SYSTEM_MODULES_' . strtoupper($moduleAdmin['op']));
            $moduleAdmin['log_time']         = $maObj->getLogTime();
            $block[$maObj->getVar('log_id')] = $moduleAdmin;

        return $block;