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 * xLanguage module (eXtensible Language Management For XOOPS)
 * You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
 * of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
 * which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * @copyright    XOOPS Project (https://xoops.org)
 * @license      {@link https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License}
 * @package      xlanguage
 * @since        2.0
 * @author       D.J.(phppp) php_pp@hotmail.com
if (!defined('XLANGUAGE_CONFIG_FILE')) {
    define('XLANGUAGE_CONFIG_FILE', XOOPS_CACHE_PATH . '/xlanguage.php');
if (!defined('XLANGUAGE_CONFIG_VAR')) {
    define('XLANGUAGE_CONFIG_VAR', 'cachedConfig');
if (!defined('XLANGUAGE_LANG_TAG')) {
    define('XLANGUAGE_LANG_TAG', 'lang');
if (!defined('XLANGUAGE_TAGS_RESERVED')) {
    define('XLANGUAGE_TAGS_RESERVED', '</head>,</body>');

 * phpMyAdmin Language Loading File

 * All the supported languages have to be listed in the array below.
 * 1. The key must be the "official" ISO 639 language code and, if required,
 *     the dialect code. It can also contains some informations about the
 *     charset (see the Russian case).
 * 2. The first of the values associated to the key is used in a regular
 *     expression to find some keywords corresponding to the language inside two
 *     environment variables.
 *     These values contains:
 *     - the "official" ISO language code and, if required, the dialect code
 *       also ('bu' for Bulgarian, 'fr([-_][[:alpha:]]{2})?' for all French
 *       dialects, 'zh[-_]tw' for Chinese traditional...);
 *     - the '|' character (it means 'OR');
 *     - the full language name.
 * 3. The second values associated to the key is the name of the file to load
 *     without the '.php' extension.
 * 4. The last values associated to the key is the language code as defined by
 *     the RFC1766.
 * Beware that the sorting order (first values associated to keys by
 * alphabetical reverse order in the array) is important: 'zh-tw' (chinese
 * traditional) must be detected before 'zh' (chinese simplified) for
 * example.
 * When there are more than one charset for a language, we put the -utf-8
 * first.
$available_languages = [
    'ar'    => ['ar([-_][[:alpha:]]{2})?|arabic', 'arabic'],
    'bg'    => ['bg|bulgarian', 'bulgarian'],
    'ca'    => ['ca|catalan', 'catalan'],
    'cs'    => ['cs|czech', 'czech'],
    'da'    => ['da|danish', 'danish'],
    'de'    => ['de([-_][[:alpha:]]{2})?|german', 'german'],
    'el'    => ['el|greek', 'greek'],
    'en'    => ['en([-_][[:alpha:]]{2})?|english', 'english'],
    'es'    => ['es([-_][[:alpha:]]{2})?|spanish', 'spanish'],
    'et'    => ['et|estonian', 'estonian'],
    'fi'    => ['fi|finnish', 'finnish'],
    'fr'    => ['fr([-_][[:alpha:]]{2})?|french', 'french'],
    'gl'    => ['gl|galician', 'galician'],
    'he'    => ['he|hebrew', 'hebrew'],
    'hr'    => ['hr|croatian', 'croatian'],
    'hu'    => ['hu|hungarian', 'hungarian'],
    'id'    => ['id|indonesian', 'indonesian'],
    'it'    => ['it|italian', 'italian'],
    'ja'    => ['ja|japanese', 'japanese'],
    'ko'    => ['ko|korean', 'koreano'],
    'ka'    => ['ka|georgian', 'georgian'],
    'lt'    => ['lt|lithuanian', 'lithuanian'],
    'lv'    => ['lv|latvian', 'latvian'],
    'nl'    => ['nl([-_][[:alpha:]]{2})?|dutch', 'dutch'],
    'no'    => ['no|norwegian', 'norwegian'],
    'pl'    => ['pl|polish', 'polish'],
    'pt-br' => ['pt[-_]br|brazilian portuguese', 'portuguesebr'],
    'pt'    => ['pt([-_][[:alpha:]]{2})?|portuguese', 'portuguese'],
    'ro'    => ['ro|romanian', 'romanian'],
    'ru'    => ['ru|russian', 'russian'],
    'sk'    => ['sk|slovak', 'slovak'],
    'sq'    => ['sq|albanian', 'albanian'],
    'sr'    => ['sr|serbian', 'serbian'],
    'sv'    => ['sv|swedish', 'swedish'],
    'th'    => ['th|thai', 'thai'],
    'tr'    => ['tr|turkish', 'turkish'],
    'uk'    => ['uk|ukrainian', 'ukrainian'],
    'zh-tw' => ['zh[-_]tw|chinese traditional', 'tchinese'],
    'zh-cn' => ['zh[-_]cn|chinese simplified', 'schinese'],

// mb
$GLOBALS['available_languages'] = &$available_languages;