* SampleIterator iterates over samples.
* @category Testing
* @package AaronHipple\Sampler
* @author Aaron Hipple <>
* @license (MIT)
* @link
namespace AaronHipple\Sampler;
use Iterator;
use PhpParser\Error;
use PhpParser\NodeTraverser;
use PhpParser\NodeVisitor;
use PhpParser\ParserFactory;
* SampleIterator iterates over samples.
* This was meant to allow us to more efficiently pass doc samples
* into PHPUnit but apparently they just call `iterator_to_array`
* on the thing anyway. Maybe it'll be useful some day.
* @category Testing
* @package AaronHipple\Sampler
* @author Aaron Hipple <>
* @license (MIT)
* @link
class SampleIterator implements Iterator
* Paths to scan.
* @var []string
protected $paths = [];
* Extensions to scan.
* @var []string
protected $extensions = [];
* Files to scan.
* @var []string
protected $files = [];
* Current index among the files to be scanned.
* @var int
protected $fileIndex = 0;
* Current index among the currently-loaded samples.
* @var int
protected $sampleIndex = 0;
* Loaded samples for the current file.
* @var []string
protected $fileSamples = [];
* Create a sample iterator.
* @param []string $paths Directories to scan.
* @param []string $extensions File extensions to scan.
public function __construct(array $paths, array $extensions = ['php'])
$this->paths = $paths;
$this->extensions = $extensions;
$this->files = $this->files();
* Rewind the iterator.
* @return void
public function rewind()
$this->fileIndex = 0;
$this->sampleIndex = 0;
$this->fileSamples = [];
* Get the current value from the iterator.
* @return string A sample to be executed.
public function current()
return [array_values($this->fileSamples)[$this->sampleIndex]];
* Get the current key from the iterator.
* @return string A sample key.
public function key()
return array_keys($this->fileSamples)[$this->sampleIndex];
* Set the next position.
* @return void
public function next()
// If we're still iterating over a set of samples...
if (++$this->sampleIndex < count($this->fileSamples)) {
// We're out of samples, try the next file(s) until we get more.
$this->fileSamples = [];
while (empty($this->fileSamples) && ++$this->fileIndex < count($this->files)) {
* Is the current position valid?
* @return bool
public function valid()
$hasFile = $this->fileIndex < count($this->files);
$hasSamples = $this->sampleIndex < count($this->fileSamples);
return $hasFile && $hasSamples;
* A list of files to scan for sample tests.
* @return []string
protected function files()
return array_merge(
[$this, 'glob'], $this->paths
* Return a list of files from the given path.
* @param string $path A path to a directory.
* @return []string
protected function glob($path)
return glob(
realpath($path) . '/{**/*,*}.{' . implode(',', $this->extensions) . '}',
* Get docblocks from a given file.
* @return []string
protected function setFileSamples()
$this->sampleIndex = 0;
$file = $this->files[$this->fileIndex];
if (empty($file)) {
include_once $file;
$parser = (new ParserFactory)->create(ParserFactory::PREFER_PHP7);
$extractor = new SampleExtractor();
$traverser = new NodeTraverser();
$traverser->addVisitor(new NodeVisitor\NameResolver());
$code = file_get_contents($file);
$ast = $parser->parse($code);
$this->fileSamples = $extractor->getSamples();