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Test Coverage
# Copyright 2014 Arnaud Bienvenu

# This file is part of Kyela.

# Kyela is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# Kyela is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with Kyela.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

meta.description: Kyela - Schedule meetings - Create polls, suggest events, tell availabilities, pick dates, for free
bottom.line: Planning made easy
main.title: Schedule a meeting
main.subtitle: Kyela - free, anonymous, no subscription, no advertisement. Just OpenSource.
poll: Poll
choice: Choice
participant: Participant
total: Total
event: Event
comment: Comment
comments: Comments
add.a.poll: Add a poll
add.a.participant: Add a participant
add.a.date: Suggest a date
add.a.comment: Add a comment
edit.options: Edit the choices
edit.poll: Edit the poll
add.an.option: Add a choice
new.poll: New poll
new.poll.tooltip: A poll enable your friends to tell their availabilities for several dates (or their opinion for several questions). If you plan several events, name this poll afer the name of your association or friends group. Else, name it after the name of the event you plan.
new.participant: New participant
new.event: New event
new.comment: New comment
new.choice: New choice
choice.list: List of choices
cancel: Cancel
create: Create
save: Save
delete: Delete
lock: Setup an access code
edit: Edit
back: Back
name: Name
value: Value
color: Color
action: Action
faq: FAQ
faq.full: Frequently Asked Questions
tips: Tips
tips.full: Useful tips and tricks
about: About
about.kyela: About Kyela
examples: Examples
next.concert: Concert
next.picnic: Picnic
next.holidays: Holidays
yes: Yes
maybe: Maybe
no: No
red: Red
orange: Orange
yellow: Yellow
green: Green
cyan: Cyan
blue: Blue
purple: Purple
pink: Pink
brown: Brown
gray: Gray
Name: Name
Value: Value
Color: Color
Priority: Priority
Url: URL
Title: Title
Place: Place
Date: Date
Time: Time
Subtitle: Subtitle
Subject: Subject
Email: Email
Message: Message
Access code: Access code
Head lines: Head lines
Bottom lines: Bottom lines
Author: Author
Content: Texte
Icon: Icon
send: Send
thanks: Thanks
thank.you: Thanks to you!
thank.you.details: Kyela stands on the shoulders of many other projects
mail.sent: Your email has been sent! Thanks!
success: Success
are.you.sure.to.delete: Are you sure you want to delete this?
deleted: Deleted
poll.created %url%: Your poll has been created. The URL to communicate to participants is <pre>%url%</pre> You can modify this URL clicking on "Edit the poll"
poll.modified %url%: Your poll has been modified. The new URL to communicate to partipants is <pre>%url%</pre>
archive.access: Access to archives
past.events: Past events
poll.locked %lock%: "Your poll has been locked with the following code: <pre>%lock%</pre>"
unlock.failed: Wrong access code
poll.unlocked: Your poll has been unlocked
lock.explanation: If you setup an access code, it will be impossible to edit the title, URL, headlines or bottom of your poll, until one unlocks the poll using the same access code.
lock.explanation2: It will still be possible for everyone to update availabilities, add events or particpants.
unlock: Unlock
unlock.explanation: Someone setup an access code. To edit the poll, you are required to enter this code.
participant.name.placeholder: Enter the firstname or nickname of a participant
poll.title.placeholder: Enter a title for your new poll
comment.placeholder: After selecting the author, please type in your comment
date.name.placeholder: Enter the name of the event, or a question (optional)
date.place.placeholder: Enter the place of the event (optional)
date.subtitle.placeholder: Comment (will appear as a subtitle in each column header)
poll.headlines.placeholder: You can type in a text that will be displayed above the poll. HTML tags are allowed.
poll.bottomlines.placeholder: You can type in a text that will be displayed below the poll. HTML tags are allowed.
choice.name.placeholder: "Enter the name of the option: Yes, No, Maybe..."
choice.name.value: Integer used to compute the total number of participants - often 0 or 1
access.demo: Go to the demo
crawler.action.denied: We detected your user-agent as a robot or crawler. You are not allowed to do this action.
participation.confirmation: Will you fill participation for
button.yesalways: Yes, always
button.yesonce: Yes, just once
button.no: No, I missclicked