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# Options

The plugin expect the options to follow this structure:

options = {
    common: {},
    rules: {},
    ui: {}

Let's see the options of each section.

## Common

* __minChar__:

  Default: `6` (Integer)

  Sets the minimum required of characters for a password to not be considered
  too weak.

* __maxChar__:

  Default: `20` (Integer)

  Sets the maximum allowed characters for a password.

* __usernameField__:

  Default: `"#username"` (String)

  The username field to match a password to, to ensure the user does not use
  the same value for their password.

* __invalidCharsRegExp__:

  Default: `new RegExp(/[\s,'"]/)` (Regular Expression)

  A regular expression object to use to test for banned characters in the

* __userInputs__:

  Default: `[]` (Array)

  Array of CSS selectors for input fields with user input. The content of these
  fields will be retrieved and passed to the zxcvbn library.

  This option only takes effect when the zxcvbn library is being used. Check
  the `zxcvbn` option.

* __onLoad__:

  Default: `undefined` (Function)

  A callback function, fired on load of the widget. No arguments will be

* __onKeyUp__:

  Default: `undefined` (Function)

  A callback function, fired on key up when the user is typing. The `keyup`
  event will be passed as first argument, and an object as second with the
  score and the verdict text and level.

  This handler will also be called when the `change` or the `onpaste` events

* __onScore__:

  Default: `undefined` (Function)

  A callback function that will be called when the score is calculted by the
  rules engine, allowing for a final modification before rendering the result.

  The options, the word and the score will be passed as arguments, in that

* __zxcvbn__:

  Default: `false` (Boolean)

  Use the zxcvbn to calculate the password entropy and use it as the score. For
  more information about zxcvbn plase check this

  If you activate this setting, then all the rules won't be applied, and all
  the options under the _Rules_ section will be ignored as well. zxcvbn will be
  used instead of the default rules engine.

  To use this option you must load the zxcvbn library file on your site. You'll
  find it at their [repository](https://github.com/lowe/zxcvbn).

* __zxcvbnTerms__:

  Default: `[]` (Array)

  An array of strings. A list of banned words for the zxcvbn library. This
  option will be ignored if zxcvbn is not being used.

* __events__: `["keyup", "change", "paste"]` (Array)

  An array of strings. A list of the event names the plugin is going to listen
  to. Customize this option to deal with iOS 9 keyup bug.

* __debug__:

  Default: `false` (Boolean)

  If true, it prints the password strength in the javascript console, so you
  can test and tune your rules settings.

## Rules

* __extra__:

  Default: `{}` (Object)

  Empty object where custom rules functions will be stored.

* __scores__:

  Default: (Object)

    wordNotEmail: -100,
    wordMinLength: -50,
    wordMaxLength: -50,
    wordInvalidChar: -100,
    wordSimilarToUsername: -100,
    wordSequences: -50,
    wordTwoCharacterClasses: 2,
    wordRepetitions: -25,
    wordLowercase: 1,
    wordUppercase: 3,
    wordOneNumber: 3,
    wordThreeNumbers: 5,
    wordOneSpecialChar: 3,
    wordTwoSpecialChar: 5,
    wordUpperLowerCombo: 2,
    wordLetterNumberCombo: 2,
    wordLetterNumberCharCombo: 2

  Scores returned by the rules when they match. Negative values are for

* __activated__:

  Default: (Object)

    wordNotEmail: true,
    wordMinLength: true,
    wordMaxLength: false,
    wordInvalidChar: true,
    wordSimilarToUsername: true,
    wordSequences: true,
    wordTwoCharacterClasses: false,
    wordRepetitions: false,
    wordLowercase: true,
    wordUppercase: true,
    wordOneNumber: true,
    wordThreeNumbers: true,
    wordOneSpecialChar: true,
    wordTwoSpecialChar: true,
    wordUpperLowerCombo: true,
    wordLetterNumberCombo: true,
    wordLetterNumberCharCombo: true
  An object that sets wich validation rules are activated. By changing this
  object is possible to deactivate some validations, or to activate them for
  extra security.

* __raisePower__:

  Default: `1.4` (Double)

  The value used to modify the final score, based on the password length,
  allows you to tailor your results.

* __specialCharClass__:

  Default: `"[!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,?,_,~]"` (String)

  This is the regular expression class used to match special chars whitin
  the rules engine.

* __commonPasswords__:

  Default: `['123456', 'password', ...]` (Array of Strings)

  A list of the most common passwords. If the user inputs a password present
  in the list, then it gets heavily penalized.

## User Interface

* __bootstrap2__:

  Default: `false` (Boolean)

  Set it to `true` to activate support for Bootstrap 2. Incompatible with `bootstrap3` option.

  Bootstrap 4 and 5 are the default supported version of Bootstrap.

* __bootstrap3__:

  Default: `false` (Boolean)

  Set it to `true` to activate support for Bootstrap 3. Incompatible with `bootstrap2` option.

  Bootstrap 4 and 5 are the default supported version of Bootstrap.

* __colorClasses__:

  Default: `["danger", "danger", "danger", "warning", "warning", "success"]` (Array)

  The css classes applied to the bar in the progress bar and to the verdicts,
  depending on the strength of the password.

  Keep in mind that for Boostrap 2 a `bar-` prefix will be added, that for
  Boostrap 3 the prefix will be `progress-bar-`, and that for Bootstrap 4 and 5 it
  will be `progress-`. This is the case for the progress bar, not the verdicts.
  For the verdicts there is no prefix whatsoever.

* __showProgressBar__:

  Default: `true` (Boolean)

  Displays the password strength in a progress bar.

* __progressExtraCssClasses__: (Bootstrap 3, 4 & 5 only)

  Default: `""` (String)

  CSS classes to be added to the generated progress wrapper of the progress-bar.
  It is meant to make use of the extra classes provided by Bootstrap. The classes
  will be added to the proper DOM element depending of which version of Bootstrap
  is being used.

    div.progress.custom-class {
        height: 4px;
        border-radius: 0px;
        background-color: transparent;
    div.progress.custom-class > .progress-bar {
        line-height: 4px;
        font-size: 2px;

* __progressBarEmptyPercentage__:

  Default: `1` (Integer)

  Minimum percentage filled in the progress bar that depicts the strength of
  the password. An empty password will show the progress bar filled this much.

* __progressBarMinWidth__:

  Default: `1` (Integer)

  Minimum width in pixels filled in the progress bar that depicts the
  strength of the password. A terrible but not empty password will show the
  progress bar filled this many pixels. Makes use of the `min-width` CSS

* __progressBarMinPercentage__:

  Default: `1` (Integer)

  Minimum percentage filled in the progress bar that depicts the strength of
  the password. A terrible but not empty password will show the progress bar
  filled this much.

* __progressBarExtraCssClasses__:

  Default: `""` (String)

  CSS classes to be added to the generated progress bar. It is meant to make
  use of the extra classes provided by Bootstrap. The classes will be added to
  the proper DOM element depending of which version of Bootstrap is being

* __showPopover__:

  Default: `false` (Boolean)

  Displays the error messages and the verdicts in a Bootstrap popover, instead
  of below the input field.

  If the `showVerdictsInsideProgressBar` option is active, then the verdicts
  won't appear on the popover.

  _Note: In Bootstrap 4 & 5, the popper.js library is required. More details in
  [the Bootstrap 4 documentation](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.1/components/popovers/)
  or [the Bootstrap 5 documentation](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.0/components/popovers/).
  In previous versions tooltip.js and popover.js must be included._

* __popoverPlacement__:

  Default: `"bottom"` (String)

  Choose where the popover should be placed in relation with the input field.
  The possible options are: `"top"` `"bottom"` `"left"` `"right"` `"auto"`

* __showStatus__:

  Default: `false` (Boolean)

  Displays the password strength as a validation status in the password field,
  for this to work, the Bootstrap form structure must be followed.

* __spanError__:

  Default: (Function)

  function (options, key) {
    var text = options.i18n.t(key);
    if (!text) { return ''; }
    return '<span style="color: #d52929">' + text + '</span>';

  Function to generate a span with the style property set to red font color,
  used in the errors messages. Overwrite for custom styling.

* __popoverError__:

  Default: (Function)

  function (errors) {
    var errors = options.instances.errors,
        errorsTitle = options.i18n.t("errorList"),
        message = "<div>" + errorsTitle + "<ul class='error-list' style='margin-bottom: 0;'>";

    jQuery.each(errors, function (idx, err) {
      message += "<li>" + err + "</li>";
    message += "</ul></div>";
    return message;

  Function to generate the errors list in the popover if `showPopover` is true.
  Overwrite for custom styling.

* __showVerdicts__:

  Default: `true` (Boolean)

  Determines if the verdicts are displayed or not.

* __showVerdictsInsideProgressBar__:

  Default: `false` (Boolean)

  Determines if the verdicts are displayed inside the progress bar or not. When
  this setting is active, the verdict viewport is ignored and they won't appear
  on the popover if it is being showed. Also this option overrides the value of
  the _showVerdicts_ one.

* __useVerdictCssClass__:

  Default: `false` (Boolean)

  Determines if it's necessary to add a css class in the verdict element.

* __showErrors__:

  Default: `false` (Boolean)

  Determines if the error list is displayed with the progress bar or not.

* __showScore__:

  Default: `false` (Boolean)

  Determines if the password score is displayed with the progress bar or not.

* __container__:

  Default: `undefined` (CSS selector, or DOM node)

  If defined, it will be used to locate the viewports, if undefined, the parent
  of the input password will be used instead. The viewports must be children of
  this node.

* __viewports__:

  Default: (Object)

    progress: undefined,
    verdict: undefined,
    errors: undefined,
    score: undefined

  An object containing the viewports to use to show the elements of the
  strength meter. Each one can be a CSS selector (`"#progressbar"`) or a DOM
  node reference. They must be contained by the `container`.

* __scores__:

  Default: `[0, 14, 26, 38, 50]` (Array)

  The scores used to determine what colorClasses and verdicts to display. It
  has to have 5 elements, which creates 6 categories of strength (the 6
  possible verdicts).

### Example of an options object

var options = {};
options.common = {
    minChar: 8
options.rules = {
    activated: {
        wordTwoCharacterClasses: true,
        wordRepetitions: true
options.ui = {
    showErrors: true