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Test Coverage

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## v0.3.0

### Added

* ABN.String()
* Abra interface
* Client.Search()
* More tests

## v0.2.0

Note: this package was moved from sjauld/go-abn to aceteknologi/abra.

### Added

* Command Line Interface support for search by name as `search`
* Supports the HTTP POST ABRSearchByNameAdvancedSimpleProtocol2017 method
  including test cases

### Changed

* Chained calls within `ValidateACN` and `ValidateABN`.
* Command Line Interface refactor to provide `find-abn` and `find-acn` services.

## v0.1.0

### Added

* Support for ACN validation
* Support for the HTTP POST SearchByASICv201408 method
* Test cases for [./abr/abr.go](./abr/abr.go)

### Changed

* Mocking of HTTP requests in tests

## v0.0.1

* Initial release

### Added

* Support the HTTP POST SearchByABNv201408 method
* Support for ABN validation