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namespace Aensley\MediaOrganizer;

 * Organizes images and videos (or any files) into date-based folders.
 * @package Aensley/MediaOrganizer
 * @author  Andrew Ensley
class MediaOrganizer

     * Default profile settings. Override in individual profiles.
     * @var array
    private $defaults = array(
        // Directory to search for files. Must be set. Ending slash required.
        'source_directory' => '',
        // Set to true to look in all subdirectories of source_directory for files.
        'search_recursive' => false,
        // Array of file extensions to search for. Leave empty to include all files.
        'valid_extensions' => array('jpg', 'jpeg'),
        // Parent directory to place moved files in. Must be set. Ending slash required.
        'target_directory' => '',
        // Directory structure to use for target. Must be set.
        // Y = 4-digit year, y = 2-digit year, m = 2-digit month, d = 2-digit day
        // Anything from will work, except time-based options as they will not be consistent.
        'target_mask' => 'Y/Y-m-d',
        // true = overwrite same files that already exist in target.
        // false = add incrementing counter to same file names until there's no collision.
        'overwrite' => false,
        // Scan exif data for date? Only valid for JPEG or TIFF image files.
        'scan_exif' => true,
        // Pattern to search for in file names for date. Set to false to disable filename logic.
        // Only runs if scan_exif is disabled or fails.
        // Y = year digit, M = month digit, D = day digit. All are replaced with digits for regex search.
        'file_name_masks' => array('YYYYMMDD', 'YYYY-MM-DD'),
        // Whether or not to use the file's modified time if both scan_exif and file_name_masks are disabled or fail.
        'modified_time' => false,

     * Profiles array.
     * @var array
    private $profiles = array();

     * Valid log level names and their corresponding values.
     * @var array
    private $logLevels = array('none' => 1000, 'error' => 400, 'warning' => 300, 'info' => 200, 'debug' => 100);

     * The log level.
     * @var int
    private $logLevel = 2;

     * Logger object of a class implementing Psr\Log\LoggerInterface.
     * @var object
    private $logger;

     * Options. Temporary variable set by each profile in $this->organize()
     * @var array
    private $options;

     * MediaOrganizer constructor.
     * @param array $profiles An associative array of 'profile_name' => options pairs.
     *                        The options themselves are an associative array overriding $this->defaults.
     * @param mixed $logger   Set the logger object (implementing Psr\Log\LoggerInterface) to handle messages.
     *                        Otherwise, set to a valid log level string to use internal simple logger.
    public function __construct($profiles = array(), $logger = 'warning')
        if (!empty($profiles) && is_array($profiles)) {
            $this->profiles = $profiles;


     * Set the logger object.
     * The $logger is required and must be an object of a class implementing Psr\Log\LoggerInterface.
     * @param mixed $logger Object of a class implementing Psr\Log\LoggerInterface to handle messages.
     *                      Otherwise, a valid log level string to use internal simple logger.
    public function setLogger($logger)
        if (is_object($logger)) {
            $this->logger = $logger;

        if (is_string($logger) && isset($this->logLevels[$logger])) {
            $this->logLevel = $this->logLevels[$logger];

     * Perform the work of organizing files.
     * @param array[optional] $profiles Directly specify profiles to process.
     *                                  Otherwise, use profiles passed directly to the constructor (preferred).
    public function organize($profiles = array())
        if (empty($profiles)) {
            $profiles = $this->profiles;

        foreach ($profiles as $name => $options) {
            $this->log('info', 'Processing profile: ' . $name);
            $this->options = array_merge($this->defaults, $options);
            if ($this->validOptions()) {
                $files = $this->listFiles($this->options['source_directory']);
                $count = count($files);
                $succeeded = 0;
                $this->log('debug', $count . ' file' . ($count === 1 ? '' : 's') . ' found.');
                foreach ($files as $file) {
                    $this->log('info', 'Processing: ' . $file);
                    if ($this->isReadableFile($file)) {
                        $date = $this->getDate($file);
                        $this->log('debug', $file . ' date ' . $date);
                        if ($date) {
                            if ($this->moveFile($file, $date)) {


                        $this->log('warning', 'Could not determine date of file: ' . $file);

                    $this->log('warning', $file . ' is unreadable or not a regular file.');

                $this->log('info', $succeeded . ' of ' . $count . ' file' . ($count === 1 ? '' : 's') . ' moved.');

     * Checks if profile options are valid and actionable.
     * @param array $options Associative array of profile options.
     * @return bool
    private function validOptions()
        if (!$this->directoryExistsAndIsWritable($this->options['source_directory'])) {
                'Source directory does not exist or is unwritable: ' . $this->options['source_directory']
            return false;

        if (!$this->directoryExistsAndIsWritable($this->options['target_directory'])) {
                'Target directory does not exist or is unwritable: ' . $this->options['target_directory']
            return false;

        if (!$this->validMask($this->options['target_mask'])) {
            $this->log('error', 'Invalid or empty target mask.');
            return false;

        if (!$this->atLeastOneScanOption()) {
            $this->log('error', 'No scanning options enabled. Please check the profile options.');
            return false;

        return true;

     * Checks if there is at least one scan option enabled.
     * @return bool True if at least one scan option is enabled. False if not.
    private function atLeastOneScanOption()
        return ($this->options['scan_exif'] || $this->options['file_name_masks'] || $this->options['modified_time']);

     * Checks if the given target mask is valid.
     * @param string $mask The target mask to check.
     * @return bool True if valid. False if not.
    private function validMask($mask = '')
        return (
            // Must not be empty.
            // Must have at least one of: Y, y, m, or d.
            && (stripos($mask, 'y') !== false || strpos($mask, 'm') !== false || strpos($mask, 'd') !== false)

     * Checks if the given directory exists and is writable.
     * Optionally tries to create the directory if it doesn't exist (default). Can be disabled.
     * @param string $directory The directory to check.
     * @return bool
    private function directoryExistsAndIsWritable($directory = '')
        return (
            && (file_exists($directory) || mkdir($directory, 0775, true))
            && is_dir($directory)
            && is_writable($directory)

     * Scans a directory for files matching profile options. Returns what is found as an array of absolute file paths.
     * @param string $directory The directory to scan. Must be an absolute path with a trailing slash.
     * @return array
    private function listFiles($directory)
        $returnFiles = array();
        $files = scandir($directory);
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            if (in_array($file, array('.', '..'))) {
                // Skip virtual paths.

            $file = $directory . $file;
            if (is_link($file)) {
                // Do not follow links.
            } elseif (is_dir($file)) {
                if ($this->options['search_recursive']) {
                    // Recursion.
                    $dirFiles = $this->listFiles($file . '/');
                    // Add files found in sub-directory.
                    $returnFiles = array_merge($returnFiles, $dirFiles);

                // Do not add directories.

            // We know it's a regular file at this point.
            if (!empty($this->options['valid_extensions'])) {
                $ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
                if (!in_array($ext, $this->options['valid_extensions'])) {
                    // Invalid file extension.

            // Passed all the exclusion tests. Add it to the list.
            $returnFiles[] = $file;

        // Return what we found.
        return $returnFiles;

     * Gets the date of the given file using methods enabled in $this->options.
     * @param string $file The absolute path of the file to check.
     * @return string The file's date in YYYY-MM-DD format if found. Empty string if not.
    private function getDate($file = '')
        if ($this->options['scan_exif']) {
            $date = $this->getExifDate($file);
            if ($date) {
                $this->log('debug', 'Date retrieved from EXIF data.');
                return $date;

        if ($this->options['file_name_masks']) {
            $date = $this->getFileNameDate($file);
            if ($date) {
                $this->log('debug', 'Date retrieved from file name.');
                return $date;

        if ($this->options['modified_time']) {
            $this->log('debug', 'Date retrieved from modified time.');
            $date = $this->getModifiedDate($file);
            if ($date) {
                return $date;

        return '';

     * Gets the file date from EXIF data.
     * @param string $file The absolute path to the file to check.
     * @return string The date in YYYY-MM-DD format if found. Empty string if not.
    private function getExifDate($file = '')
        $exif = @exif_read_data($file, 'EXIF');
        // Fields in which to find the date, in order of preference.
        $exifFields = array('DateTime', 'DateTimeOriginal', 'DateTimeDigitized');
        if (!empty($exif)) {
            foreach ($exifFields as $exifField) {
                if (!empty($exif[$exifField])) {
                    $dateTime = mb_split(' ', $exif[$exifField]);
                    $date = trim($dateTime[0]);
                    if (preg_match('/^\d{4}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}$/', $date)) {
                        return str_ireplace(':', '-', $date);

        return '';

     * Gets the file date from file name patterns.
     * @param string $file The absolute path to the file to check.
     * @return string The date in YYYY-MM-DD format if found. Empty string if not.
    private function getFileNameDate($file = '')
        foreach ($this->options['file_name_masks'] as $fileNameMask) {
            $match = $this->fileMask(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME), $fileNameMask);
            if ($match) {
                return $match;

        return '';

     * Matches a file's base name against a date-format mask and returns the matching part in YYYY-MM-DD format.
     * @param string $file The basename (without extension or directory) of the file to check.
     * @param string $mask The mask to check against the file name.
     * @return string The date in YYYY-MM-DD format if found. Empty string if not.
    private function fileMask($file = '', $mask = '')
        switch ($mask) {
            case 'YYYY-MM-DD':
                $digitMask = '/(\d{4})\-(\d{2})\-(\d{2})/';
            case 'YYYYMMDD':
                $digitMask = '/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/';

        if (preg_match($digitMask, $file, $matches) === 1) {
            return $matches[1] . '-' . $matches[2] . '-' . $matches[3];

        return '';

     * Gets the file date from file name patterns.
     * @param string $file The absolute path to the file to check.
     * @return string The date in YYYY-MM-DD format if found. Empty string if not.
    private function getModifiedDate($file = '')
        $time = filemtime($file);
        if ($time) {
            return date('Y-m-d', $time);

        return '';

     * Checks if the given string represents a file that exists, is a file (not a link or directory), and is readable.
     * @param string $file The absolute path to the file to check.
     * @return bool True if the file exists, is a file, and is readable. False if any are false.
    private function isReadableFile($file = '')
        return (!empty($file) && is_file($file) && is_readable($file));

     * Moves the file based on parameters in $this->options.
     * @param string $file The absolute path of the source file.
     * @param string $date The date of the file in YYYY-MM-DD format.
     * @return string The absolute path to where the file was moved on success. Empty string on failure.
    private function moveFile($file = '', $date = '')
        $extension = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
        // Keep file name short enough to allow for up to 9,999 of the same file name without collision.
        $filename = substr(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME), 0, (255 - (strlen($extension) + 6)));

        $directory = $this->options['target_directory'] . date($this->options['target_mask'], strtotime($date)) . '/';
        if (!$this->directoryExistsAndIsWritable($directory)) {
                'Target directory does not exist or is unwritable: ' . $directory
            return '';

        $target = $directory . $filename . '.' . $extension;
        if (!$this->options['overwrite'] && file_exists($target)) {
            $counter = 0;
            do {
                $target = $directory . $filename . '_' . $counter++ . '.' . $extension;
            } while (file_exists($target) && $counter < 10000);

            if (file_exists($target)) {
                    'Could not find an available target to move ' . $file . ' to (tried 10,000 variations).'
                return '';

        if (rename($file, $target)) {
            $this->log('info', $file . ' moved to ' . $target);
            return $target;

        $this->log('warning', 'Could not move ' . $file . ' to ' . $target);
        return '';

     * Logs a message.
     * @param string $level The log level of the message.
     * @param string $text  The message to log.
    private function log($level = 'info', $text = '')
        if (isset($this->logger)) {
            $this->logger->log($level, $text);

        if ($this->logLevel <= $this->logLevels[$level]) {
            echo strtoupper($level), ': ', $text, "\n";