import "chartkick/chart.js"
* Despite having a locale option and using the extension chartjs-adapter-date-fns, chartkick does not pass the locale
* to the date-fns library that parses the dates. Therefore, the dates are always displayed in english.
* This monkey patch retrieves date-fns locale with I18n.locale and pass it to every chart.
import { _adapters as chartjsAdapters } from "chart.js"
import * as DateFns from "date-fns/locale"
import { merge } from "lodash"
const ChartjsAdapter = Chartkick.adapters.find(a => === "chartjs").constructor
const oldDrawChart = ChartjsAdapter.prototype.drawChart
ChartjsAdapter.prototype.drawChart = function (chart, type, data, options) {
const dateFnsLocale = DateFns[I18n.locale]
const newOptions = dateFnsLocale ? merge(options, {
locale: I18n.locale,
scales: {
x: {
adapters: {
date: {
locale: dateFnsLocale
: options
return, chart, type, data, newOptions)
* Moreover, we fix some default formats that are very english-centric.
const oldFormats = chartjsAdapters._date.prototype.formats()
const newFormats = merge({}, oldFormats, {
day: 'P',
month: 'LLLL y'
formats() {
return newFormats