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# frozen_string_literal: true

# Like the default Rails inclusion validator, but the built-in Rails
# validator won't work on an _array_ of things.
# So if you have an array of primitive values, you can use this to
# validate that all elements of the array are in the inclusion list.
# Empty arrays are always allowed, add a presence validator if you don't
# want to allow them, eg `validates :genre, presence: true, array_inclusion: { in: whatever }`
# @example
#    class Work < Kithe::Work
#      attr_json :genre, :string, array: true
#      validates :genre, array_inclusion: { in: ALLOWED_GENRES  }
#      validates :genre, array_inclusion: { in: ->(work) { work.genres } }
#      #...
# Custom message can interpolate `rejected_values` value. (Should also work for i18n)
# Note: There isn't currently a great way to show primitive array validation errors on
# a form for an invalid edit, the validation error can only be shown as if for the entire
# array field, not the individual invalid edit. You might consider modelling as a compound
# Model with only one attribute instead of as a primitive.
# @example
#     validates :genre, array_inclusion: { in: ALLOWED_GENRES, message: "option %{rejected_values} not allowed"  }
class ArrayInclusionValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
  include ActiveModel::Validations::Clusivity

  def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
    value ||= []
    not_allowed_values = []

    value.each do |val|
      not_allowed_values << val unless include?(record, val)

    return if not_allowed_values.blank?

    formatted_rejected = not_allowed_values.uniq.collect(&:inspect).join(',')
    record.errors.add(attribute, :inclusion,
                      **options.except(:in).merge!(rejected_values: formatted_rejected, value: value))