Proximal total-variation operators
.. automodule:: prox_tv
Function reference
One dimensional total variation problems
.. autofunction:: prox_tv.tv1_1d
.. autofunction:: prox_tv.tv1w_1d
.. autofunction:: prox_tv.tv2_1d
.. autofunction:: prox_tv.tvp_1d
Two dimensional total variation problems
.. autofunction:: prox_tv.tv1_2d
.. autofunction:: prox_tv.tv1w_2d
.. autofunction:: prox_tv.tvp_2d
Generalized total variation problems
.. autofunction:: prox_tv.tvgen
1D examples
Filter 1D signal using TV-L1 norm::
tv1_1d(x, w)
Filter 1D signal using weighted TV-L1 norm (for x vector of length N, weights vector of length N-1)::
tv1w_1d(x, weights)
Filter 1D signal using TV-L2 norm::
tv2_1d(x, w)
Filter 1D signal using both TV-L1 and TV-L2 norms::
tvgen(X, [w1, w2], [1, 1], [1, 2])
2D examples
Filter 2D signal using TV-L1 norm::
tv1_2d(X, w)
tvgen(X, [w, w], [1, 2], [1, 1])
Filter 2D signal using TV-L2 norm::
tvp_2d(X, w)
tvgen(X, [w, w], [1, 2], [2, 2])
Filter 2D signal using 4 parallel threads::
tv1_2d(X, w, n_threads=4)
tvgen(X, [w, w], [1, 2], [1, 1], n_threads=4)
Filter 2D signal using TV-L1 norm for the rows, TV-L2 for the columns, and different penalties::
tvgen(X, [wRows, wCols], [1, 2], [1, 2])
Filter 2D signal using both TV-L1 and TV-L2 norms::
tvgen(X, [w1, w1, w2, w2], [1, 2, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2, 2])
Filter 2D signal using weighted TV-L1 norm (for X image of size MxN, W1 weights of size (M-1)xN, W2 weights of size Mx(N-1))::
tv1w_2d(X, W1, W2)
3D examples
Filter 3D signal using TV-L1 norm::
tvgen(X, [w, w, w], [1, 2, 3], [1, 1, 1])
Filter 3D signal using TV-L2 norm, not penalizing over the second dimension::
tvgen(X , [w, w], [1, 3], [2, 2])