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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Apr 19, 2019

@author: Darren Roos (

import numpy
import numbers
from . import utils
import scipy.signal
import harold

class InternalDelay:
    A class for systems that have internal delays that can be represented as
    .. math::
        \dot{x} = A x + B_{1} u + B_{2}  w
        y = C_{1} x + D_{11} u + D_{12} w
        z = C_{2} x + D_{21} u + D_{22} w
        w_i = z_i(t - delay_i)

    *system : arguments
        The `InternalDelay` class can be instantiated with either 1, 10 arguments.
        The following gives the number of arguments and their types:

            * 1:    `` or `utils.mimotf`
            * 10:   2-dimensional array-like: A, B1, B2, C1, C2, D11, D12, D21, D22
                    array-like: delays

    Can also be constructed using the following static methods:
    See their documentation for more details.

    SISO Example
    Construct the example with feedforward control found here:
    >>> P_id = utils.InternalDelay.from_tf_coefficients([5], [1, 1], [3.4])
    >>> C_id = utils.InternalDelay.from_tf_coefficients([0.1*5, 0.1], [5, 0], [0])
    >>> cas_id = C_id * P_id
    >>> fed_id =
    >>> F_id = utils.InternalDelay.from_tf_coefficients([0.3], [1, 4], [0])
    >>> I_id = utils.InternalDelay.from_tf_coefficients([1], [1], [0])
    >>> GKI_id = (P_id * C_id + I_id)**(-1)
    >>> PF_id = P_id * F_id
    >>> PFGKI_id = PF_id * GKI_id
    >>> TF_id = PFGKI_id + fed_id

    Simulate the example
    >>> uf = lambda t: numpy.array([1])
    >>> ts = numpy.linspace(0, 100, 1000)
    >>> ys = TF_id.simulate(uf, ts)

    MIMO Example
    >>> s =[1, 0], 1)
    >>> G = 1/(1.25*(s + 1)*(s + 2)) * utils.mimotf([[s - 1, s * numpy.exp(-2*s)], [-6, s - 2]])

    >>> G_id = utils.InternalDelay(G)
    >>> uf = lambda t: [1, 1]
    >>> ts = numpy.linspace(0, 20, 1000)

    >>> ys = G_id.simulate(uf, ts)

    def __init__(self, *system):
        N = len(system)

        if N == 1:  # could be either a or utils.mimotf object
            sys = system[0]
            if isinstance(sys,
                matrices = InternalDelay.from_tf(sys).get_matrices()
            elif isinstance(sys, utils.mimotf):
                matrices = InternalDelay.from_mimotf(sys).get_matrices()
                raise ValueError(f"Expected or utils.mimotf object. Received {type(sys)} object")

        elif N == 10:
            matrices = system

            raise ValueError("Expected single argument or 10 arguments")

        A, B1, B2, C1, C2, D11, D12, D21, D22, delays = matrices
        self.A = A
        self.B1 = B1
        self.B2 = B2
        self.C1 = C1
        self.C2 = C2
        self.D11 = D11
        self.D12 = D12
        self.D21 = D21
        self.D22 = D22
        self.delays = numpy.array(delays)

    def from_tf(tf):
        Constructs `InternalDelay` object from `` object
        if not isinstance(tf,
            raise ValueError(f"Expected and got {type(tf)}")

        lti = scipy.signal.lti(tf.numerator, tf.denominator).to_ss()
        delay = [tf.deadtime]
        matrices = InternalDelay.from_lti(lti, delay).get_matrices()
        A, B1, B2, C1, C2, D11, D12, D21, D22, delays = matrices

        return InternalDelay(A, B1, B2, C1, C2, D11, D12, D21, D22, delays)

    def from_mimotf(mimotf):
        Constructs `InternalDelay` object from `utils.mimotf` object
        if not isinstance(mimotf, utils.mimotf):
            raise ValueError(f"Expected utils.mimoft and got {type(mimotf)}")

        G = mimotf
        num = numpy.zeros(G.shape).tolist()
        den = numpy.zeros(G.shape).tolist()
        delays = numpy.zeros(G.shape).tolist()

        for r in range(G.shape[0]):
            for c in range(G.shape[1]):
                num[r][c] = list(G[r, c].numerator)
                den[r][c] = list(G[r, c].denominator)
                delays[r][c] = G[r, c].deadtime
        return InternalDelay.from_tf_coefficients(num, den, delays)

    def from_lti(P_ss, P_dt):
        Converts a SISO `scipy.signal.lti` object into the correct matrices
        for an internal delay calculations
        if not isinstance(P_ss, scipy.signal.lti):
            raise ValueError(f"Expected instance of scipy.signal.lti and got {type(P_ss)}")

        P_ss = P_ss.to_ss()

        A = P_ss.A
        C1 = P_ss.C
        C2 = numpy.zeros_like(P_ss.C)

        D22 = numpy.zeros_like(P_ss.D)

        if P_dt == [0]:
            B1 = P_ss.B
            B2 = numpy.zeros_like(P_ss.B)

            D11 = P_ss.D
            D12 = numpy.zeros_like(P_ss.D)
            D21 = numpy.zeros((P_ss.D.shape[0], P_ss.D.shape[0]))

            B1 = numpy.zeros_like(P_ss.B)
            B2 = P_ss.B

            D11 = numpy.zeros_like(P_ss.D)
            D12 = P_ss.D
            D21 = numpy.eye(P_ss.D.shape[0])

        delays = P_dt

        return InternalDelay(A, B1, B2, C1, C2, D11, D12, D21, D22, delays)

    def from_tf_coefficients(num, den, delays):
        array-like: (numerator, denominator, delays)
        numerator, denominator, delays can either be in SISO form or MIMO form
        MIMO form e.g.:
            num = [[num12, num12], [num21, num22]]
            den = [[den12, den12], [den21, den22]]
            delay = [[delay12, delay12], [delay21, delay22]]
        num, den, delays = [numpy.array(i) for i in [num, den, delays]]

        are_siso = [isinstance(l[0], numbers.Number) for l in [num, den, delays]]
        if numpy.any(are_siso) and not numpy.all(are_siso):
            raise ValueError("Some of num, den and delays are SISO and some are MIMO")
        elif numpy.all(are_siso):
            num, den, delays = [numpy.array([[i]]) for i in [num, den, delays]]

        num_dim = (len(num), len(num[0]))
        den_dim = (len(den), len(den[0]))
        delay_dim = (len(delays), len(delays[0]))

        # Check dimensions
        if num_dim != den_dim or den_dim != delay_dim:
            raise ValueError("num, den and delays are not the same dimension")

        As, B1s, B2s, Cs, Ds = [], [], [], [], []
        D11 = None
        delay_list = list(set(delays.flatten()))
        for delay in delay_list:
            if delay < 0:
                raise ValueError("delay cannot be negative")
            num_i = numpy.zeros(num_dim).tolist()
            den_i = numpy.zeros(den_dim).tolist()
            for r in range(num_dim[0]):
                for c in range(num_dim[1]):
                    num_i[r][c] = num[r][c] if delays[r][c] == delay else [0]
                    den_i[r][c] = den[r][c] if delays[r][c] == delay else [1]

            Gss_i = harold.transfer_to_state(harold.Transfer(num_i, den_i))
            Ai, Bi, Ci, Di = Gss_i.a, Gss_i.b, Gss_i.c, Gss_i.d

            Ai = numpy.array([0]) if Ai.size == 0 else Ai
            Bi = numpy.zeros((Ai.shape[0], num_dim[1])) if Bi.size == 0 else Bi
            Ci = numpy.zeros((num_dim[0], Ai.shape[0])) if Ci.size == 0 else Ci
            Di = numpy.zeros(num_dim) if Di.size == 0 else Di

            if delay == 0:
                D11 = Di
                B2i = numpy.zeros_like(Bi)
                for ls, m in zip([As, B1s, B2s, Cs], [Ai, Bi, B2i, Ci]):
                B1i = numpy.zeros_like(Bi)
                for ls, m in zip([As, B1s, B2s, Cs, Ds], [Ai, B1i, Bi, Ci, Di]):

        if 0 in delay_list and len(B2s) != 1:
            B2s = [numpy.vstack(B2s[:2])] + B2s[2:]

        if 0 in delay_list and len(delay_list) != 1:

        A = scipy.linalg.block_diag(*As) if As != [] else numpy.array([[0]])

        No, Ni = num_dim
        Nx = A.shape[0]
        Nd = len(delay_list)
        Nw = Nd * Ni
        B1 = numpy.vstack(B1s) if B1s != [] else numpy.zeros((Nx, Ni))
        B2 = scipy.linalg.block_diag(*B2s) if B2s != [] else numpy.zeros((Nx, Nw))
        C1 = numpy.hstack(Cs) if Cs != [] else numpy.zeros((Nx, No))
        C2 = numpy.zeros((Nw, Nx))
        D11 = D11 if D11 is not None else numpy.zeros((No, Ni))
        D12 = numpy.hstack(Ds) if Ds != [] else numpy.zeros((No, Nw))
        D21 = numpy.tile(numpy.eye(Ni), (Nd, 1))
        D22 = numpy.zeros((Nw, Nw))

        matrices = A, B1, B2, C1, C2, D11, D12, D21, D22
        reshaped = [mi.reshape((mi.shape[0], 1)) if len(mi.shape) == 1 else mi for mi in matrices]
        A, B1, B2, C1, C2, D11, D12, D21, D22 = reshaped
        return InternalDelay(A, B1, B2, C1, C2, D11, D12, D21, D22, numpy.repeat(delay_list, Ni))

    def get_matrices(self):
        A = self.A
        B1 = self.B1
        B2 = self.B2
        C1 = self.C1
        C2 = self.C2
        D11 = self.D11
        D12 = self.D12
        D21 = self.D21
        D22 = self.D22
        delays = self.delays

        return A, B1, B2, C1, C2, D11, D12, D21, D22, delays

    def cascade(self, g2):
        Calculates the `InternalDelay` object formed when combining two
        `InternalDelay` objects in series in the following order:

        -----> G2 -----> G1 ------->

        where G1 is `self`.
        A = numpy.block([[self.A, numpy.zeros((self.A.shape[0], g2.A.shape[1]))],
                         [g2.B1 @ self.C1, g2.A]])

        B1 = numpy.block([[self.B1],
                          [g2.B1 @ self.D11]])

        B2 = numpy.block([[self.B2, numpy.zeros((self.B2.shape[0], g2.B2.shape[1]))],
                          [g2.B1 @ self.D12, g2.B2]])

        C1 = numpy.block([g2.D11 @ self.C1, g2.C1])

        C2 = numpy.block([[self.C2, numpy.zeros((self.C2.shape[0], g2.C2.shape[1]))],
                          [g2.D21 @ self.C1, g2.C2]])

        D11 = g2.D11 @ self.D11

        D12 = numpy.block([g2.D11 @ self.D12, g2.D12])

        D21 = numpy.block([[self.D21],
                           [g2.D21 @ self.D11]])

        D22 = numpy.block([[self.D22, numpy.zeros((self.D22.shape[0], g2.D22.shape[1]))],
                           [g2.D21 @ self.D12, g2.D22]])

        delays = numpy.block([self.delays, g2.delays])

        return InternalDelay(A, B1, B2, C1, C2, D11, D12, D21, D22, delays)

    def feedback(self, g2=None):
        Calculates the `InternalDelay` object formed when combining two
        `InternalDelay` objects in a feedback loop in the following manner:

        ------>+ o -----> G1 ------->
                 ^-             |
                 |              |
                 |              |
                 |<---- G2 <----|

        where G1 is `self`, and if G2 is not given, it is assumed that
        G2 is an identity matrix.
        if g2 is None:
            g2 = InternalDelay.from_tf_coefficients([1], [1], [0])

        X_inv = numpy.linalg.inv(numpy.eye(g2.D11.shape[0]) + g2.D11 @ self.D11)

        A = numpy.block([
            [self.A - self.B1 @ X_inv @ g2.D11 @ self.C1,
             -self.B1 @ X_inv @ g2.C1],
            [g2.B1 @ self.C1 - g2.B1 @ self.D11 @ X_inv @ g2.D11 @ self.C1,
             g2.A - g2.B1 @ self.D11 @ X_inv @ g2.C1]])

        B1 = numpy.block([[self.B1 - self.B1 @ X_inv @ g2.D11 @ self.D11],
                          [g2.B1 @ self.D11 - g2.B1 @ self.D11 @ X_inv @ g2.D11 @ self.D11]])

        B2 = numpy.block([
            [self.B2 - self.B1 @ X_inv @ g2.D11 @ self.D12,
             -self.B1 @ X_inv @ g2.D12],
            [g2.B1 @ self.D12 - g2.B1 @ self.D11 @ X_inv @ g2.D11 @ self.D12,
             g2.B2 - g2.B1 @ self.D11 @ X_inv @ g2.D12]])

        C1 = numpy.block([self.C1 - self.D11 @ X_inv @ g2.D11 @ self.C1,
                          -self.D11 @ X_inv @ g2.C1])

        C2 = numpy.block([
            [self.C2 - self.D21 @ X_inv @ g2.D11 @ self.C1,
             -self.D21 @ X_inv @ g2.C1],
            [g2.D21 @ self.C1 - g2.D21 @ self.D11 @ X_inv @ g2.D11 @ self.C1,
             g2.C2 - g2.D21 @ self.D11 @ X_inv @ g2.C1]])

        D11 = self.D11 - self.D11 @ X_inv @ g2.D11 @ self.D11

        D12 = numpy.block([self.D12 - self.D11 @ X_inv @ g2.D11 @ self.D12,
                           - self.D11 @ X_inv @ g2.D12])

        D21 = numpy.block([[self.D21 - self.D21 @ X_inv @ g2.D11 @ self.D11],
                           [g2.D21 @ self.D11 - g2.D21 @ self.D11 @ X_inv @ g2.D11 @ self.D11]])

        D22 = numpy.block([
            [self.D22 - self.D21 @ X_inv @ g2.D11 @ self.D12,
             -self.D21 @ X_inv @ g2.D12],
            [g2.D21 @ self.D12 - g2.D21 @ self.D11 @ X_inv @ g2.D11 @ self.D12,
             g2.D22 - g2.D21 @ self.D11 @ X_inv @ g2.D12]])

        delays = numpy.block([self.delays, g2.delays])

        return InternalDelay(A, B1, B2, C1, C2, D11, D12, D21, D22, delays)

    def parallel(self, g2):
        Calculates the `InternalDelay` object formed when combining two
        `InternalDelay` objects in parallel in the following manner:

        -----> G1 ------->|
                          o ---->
        -----> G2 ------->|

        where G1 is `self`.

        A = numpy.block([[self.A, numpy.zeros((self.A.shape[0], g2.A.shape[1]))],
                         [numpy.zeros((g2.A.shape[0], self.A.shape[1])), g2.A]])

        B1 = numpy.block([[self.B1],

        B2 = numpy.block([[self.B2, numpy.zeros((self.B2.shape[0], g2.B2.shape[1]))],
                          [numpy.zeros((g2.B2.shape[0], self.B2.shape[1])), g2.B2]])

        C1 = numpy.block([self.C1, g2.C1])

        C2 = numpy.block([[self.C2, numpy.zeros((self.C2.shape[0], g2.C2.shape[1]))],
                          [numpy.zeros((g2.C2.shape[0], self.C2.shape[1])), g2.C2]])

        D11 = self.D11 + g2.D11

        D12 = numpy.block([self.D12, g2.D12])

        D21 = numpy.block([[self.D21],

        D22 = numpy.block([[self.D22, numpy.zeros((self.D22.shape[0], g2.D22.shape[1]))],
                           [numpy.zeros((g2.D22.shape[0], self.D22.shape[1])), g2.D22]])

        delays = numpy.block([self.delays, g2.delays])

        return InternalDelay(A, B1, B2, C1, C2, D11, D12, D21, D22, delays)

    def inverse(self):
        Calculates the `InternalDelay` object formed when inverting an
        `InternalDelay` object.
            D11_inv = numpy.linalg.inv(self.D11)
        except numpy.linalg.LinAlgError:
            raise numpy.linalg.LinAlgError("Cannot invert InternalDelay object: inverse is not physically realisable")

        A = self.A - self.B1 @ D11_inv @ self.C1

        B1 = self.B1 @ D11_inv

        B2 = self.B2 - self.B1 @ D11_inv @ self.D12

        C1 = -D11_inv @ self.C1

        C2 = self.C2 - self.D21 @ D11_inv @ self.C1

        D11 = D11_inv

        D12 = - D11_inv @ self.D12

        D21 = self.D21 @ D11_inv

        D22 = self.D22 - self.D21 @ D11_inv @ self.D12

        delays = self.delays

        return InternalDelay(A, B1, B2, C1, C2, D11, D12, D21, D22, delays)

    def simulate(self, uf, ts, x0=None):
        Simulates the response of the system to the input.
        Uses a Runge-Kutta delay integration routine.
            uf:     a callable object with the calling signature uf(t), where t is a scalar.
                    Defines the input to the system.
                    Should return a list-like object with an element for each input.
            ts:     a list-like objects of times over which the integration should be done.
                    Number of point should be at least 10 times more than the span
            x0:     Initial conditions for state of the system. Defaults to zero

            ys:     A list-like object containing the response of the system.
                    The shape of the object is (T, O), where T is the number of time
                    steps and O is the number of outputs.

        if x0 is None:
            x0 = numpy.zeros(self.A.shape[0])

        dt = ts[1]
        dtss = [int(numpy.round(delay / dt)) for delay in self.delays]
        zs = []

        def wf():
            ws = []
            for i, dts in enumerate(dtss):
                if len(zs) <= dts:
                elif dts == 0:

            return numpy.array(ws)

        def f(t, x):
            return self.A @ x + self.B1 @ uf(t) + self.B2 @ wf()

        xs = [x0]
        ys = []
        for t in ts:
            x = xs[-1]

            # y
            y = self.C1 @ numpy.array(x) + self.D11 @ uf(t) + self.D12 @ wf()

            # z
            z = self.C2 @ numpy.array(x) + self.D21 @ uf(t) + self.D22 @ wf()

            # x integration
            k1 = f(t, x) * dt
            k2 = f(t + 0.5 * dt, x + 0.5 * k1) * dt
            k3 = f(t + 0.5 * dt, x + 0.5 * k2) * dt
            k4 = f(t + dt, x + k3) * dt
            dx = (k1 + k2 + k2 + k3 + k3 + k4) / 6
            x = [xi + dxi for xi, dxi in zip(x, dx)]

        return numpy.array(ys)

    def __add__(self, other):
        return self.parallel(other)

    def __radd__(self, other):
        return self + other

    def __sub__(self, other):
        return self + (-other)

    def __rsub__(self, other):
        return other + (-self)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        return self.cascade(other)

    def __rmul__(self, other):
        return other.cascade(self)

    def __truediv__(self, other):
        return self * other.inverse()

    def __rtruediv__(self, other):
        return other * self.inverse()

    def __div__(self, other):
        return self * other.inverse()

    def __rdiv__(self, other):
        return other * self.inverse()

    def __neg__(self):
        matrices = self.A, self.B1, self.B2, self.C1, self.C2, self.D11, self.D12, self.D21, self.D22, self.delays
        A, B1, B2, C1, C2, D11, D12, D21, D22, delays = matrices

        return InternalDelay(A, -B1, B2, C1, C2, -D11, D12, -D21, D22, delays)

    def __pow__(self, power):
        if not isinstance(power, int):
            raise ValueError("Cannot raise object to non-integer power")

        if power == 0:
            return InternalDelay.from_tf_coefficients([1], [1], [0])

        r = self
        if power < 0:
            r = self.inverse()

        for k in range(power-1):
            r = r * self

        return r