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Test Coverage
# Contributing

Before you begin, read through the Terraform documentation on [Extending
Terraform]( and [Writing Custom

Finally, the [HashiCorp Provider Design
explore the underlying principles for the design choices of this provider.

## Prerequisites

- [Go 1.13+](
- [Docker]( - used for running acceptance tests.
- [Docker-Compose]( - used for running acceptance tests.

## Getting started

To work on the provider, you'll need [Go]( installed on
your machine (version 1.13+ is *required*). You'll also need to correctly set up
a [GOPATH](, as well as adding
`$GOPATH/bin` to your `$PATH`.

To compile the provider, run `make build`. This will build the provider and
install the provider binary in the `$GOPATH/bin` directory.

make build

In order to test the provider, you can simply run `make test`.

make test

In order to run the full suite of Acceptance tests, the following environment
variables must be set:


Then, run `make testacc`. 

**Note:** The acceptance tests make calls to a real Auth0 tenant, and create
real resources. Certain tests also require a paid Auth0 subscription to be able to
run successfully, e.g. `TestAccCustomDomain` and the ones starting with `TestAccLogStream*`.

**Note:** At the time of writing, the following configuration steps are also
required for the test tenant:

* The `Username-Password-Authentication` connection must have _Requires
  Username_ option enabled for the user tests to successfully run.

## Documentation

To make it easier to document new resources a handy script is available. The
script can output documentation of a resource in Markdown format, using the 
schema of the resource itself.

go run scripts/gendocs.go -resource auth0_action

## Releasing

The Auth0 provider follows the [Versioning and
guidelines from HashiCorp.

Prepare for the release by updating the [CHANGELOG]( 

To publish a new version, create a new git tag and push it.

git tag -a vX.Y.Z
git push origin vX.Y.Z

This will trigger the
GitHub Action which creates a new release.