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4 hrs
Test Coverage
package cluster

import (
    opt ""
    appV1 ""
    coreV1 ""
    k8sErrors ""
    metav1 ""

// GetOrCreateShadow create shadow pod or deployment
func (k *Kubernetes) GetOrCreateShadow(name string, labels, annotations, envs map[string]string, exposePorts string, portNameDict map[int]string) (
    string, string, string, error) {
    // record context data
    opt.Store.Shadow = name

    // extra labels must be applied after origin labels
    for key, val := range util.String2Map(opt.Get().Global.WithLabel) {
        labels[key] = val
    for key, val := range util.String2Map(opt.Get().Global.WithAnnotation) {
        annotations[key] = val
    annotations[util.KtUser] = util.GetLocalUserName()
    resourceMeta := ResourceMeta{
        Name:        name,
        Namespace:   opt.Get().Global.Namespace,
        Labels:      labels,
        Annotations: annotations,
    sshKeyMeta := SSHkeyMeta{
        SshConfigMapName: name,
        PrivateKeyPath:   util.PrivateKeyPath(name),

    ports := map[string]int{}
    if exposePorts != "" {
        portPairs := strings.Split(exposePorts, ",")
        for _, exposePort := range portPairs {
            _, port, err := util.ParsePortMapping(exposePort)
            if err != nil {
                log.Warn().Err(err).Msgf("invalid port")
            } else {
                // TODO: assume port using http protocol for istio constraint, should support user-defined protocol
                name = fmt.Sprintf("http-%d", port)
                if n, exists := portNameDict[port]; exists {
                    name = n
                ports[name] = port

    if opt.Store.Component == util.ComponentConnect && opt.Get().Connect.ShareShadow {
        pod, generator, err2 := k.tryGetExistingShadows(&resourceMeta, &sshKeyMeta)
        if err2 != nil {
            return "", "", "", err2
        if pod != nil && generator != nil {
            return pod.Status.PodIP, pod.Name, generator.PrivateKeyPath, nil

    podMeta := PodMetaAndSpec{
        Meta:  &resourceMeta,
        Image: opt.Get().Global.Image,
        Envs:  envs,
        Ports: ports,
    return k.createShadow(&podMeta, &sshKeyMeta)

func (k *Kubernetes) createShadow(metaAndSpec *PodMetaAndSpec, sshKeyMeta *SSHkeyMeta) (
    podIP string, podName string, privateKeyPath string, err error) {

    generator, err := util.Generate(sshKeyMeta.PrivateKeyPath)
    if err != nil {

    configMap, err := k.createConfigMapWithSshKey(metaAndSpec.Meta.Labels, sshKeyMeta.SshConfigMapName, metaAndSpec.Meta.Namespace, generator)
    if err != nil {
    log.Info().Msgf("Successful create config map %v", configMap.Name)

    pod, err := k.createAndGetPod(metaAndSpec, sshKeyMeta.SshConfigMapName)
    if err != nil {
    return pod.Status.PodIP, pod.Name, generator.PrivateKeyPath, nil

func (k *Kubernetes) createAndGetPod(metaAndSpec *PodMetaAndSpec, sshcm string) (*coreV1.Pod, error) {
    if opt.Get().Global.UseShadowDeployment {
        if err := k.createShadowDeployment(metaAndSpec, sshcm); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        log.Info().Msgf("Creating shadow deployment %s in namespace %s", metaAndSpec.Meta.Name, metaAndSpec.Meta.Namespace)
        delete(metaAndSpec.Meta.Labels, util.ControlBy)
        pods, err := k.WaitPodsReady(metaAndSpec.Meta.Labels, metaAndSpec.Meta.Namespace, opt.Get().Global.PodCreationTimeout)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        return &pods[0], nil
    } else {
        if err := k.createShadowPod(metaAndSpec, sshcm); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        log.Info().Msgf("Deploying shadow pod %s in namespace %s", metaAndSpec.Meta.Name, metaAndSpec.Meta.Namespace)
        return k.WaitPodReady(metaAndSpec.Meta.Name, metaAndSpec.Meta.Namespace, opt.Get().Global.PodCreationTimeout)

func filterRunningPods(pods []coreV1.Pod) []coreV1.Pod {
    runningPods := make([]coreV1.Pod, 0)
    for _, pod := range pods {
        if pod.Status.Phase == coreV1.PodRunning && pod.DeletionTimestamp == nil {
            runningPods = append(runningPods, pod)
    return runningPods

// createShadowDeployment create shadow deployment
func (k *Kubernetes) createShadowDeployment(metaAndSpec *PodMetaAndSpec, sshcm string) error {
    deployment := createDeployment(metaAndSpec)
    k.appendSshVolume(&deployment.Spec.Template.Spec, sshcm)
    if _, err := k.Clientset.AppsV1().Deployments(metaAndSpec.Meta.Namespace).
        Create(context.TODO(), deployment, metav1.CreateOptions{}); err != nil {
        return err
    SetupHeartBeat(metaAndSpec.Meta.Name, metaAndSpec.Meta.Namespace, k.UpdateDeploymentHeartBeat)
    return nil

// createShadowPod create shadow pod
func (k *Kubernetes) createShadowPod(metaAndSpec *PodMetaAndSpec, sshcm string) error {
    pod := createPod(metaAndSpec)
    k.appendSshVolume(&pod.Spec, sshcm)
    if _, err := k.Clientset.CoreV1().Pods(metaAndSpec.Meta.Namespace).
        Create(context.TODO(), pod, metav1.CreateOptions{}); err != nil {
        return err
    SetupHeartBeat(metaAndSpec.Meta.Name, metaAndSpec.Meta.Namespace, k.UpdatePodHeartBeat)
    return nil

func (k *Kubernetes) appendSshVolume(podSpec *coreV1.PodSpec, sshcm string) {
    podSpec.Containers[0].VolumeMounts = []coreV1.VolumeMount{
            Name:      "ssh-public-key",
            MountPath: fmt.Sprintf("/root/%s", util.SshAuthKey),
    podSpec.Volumes = []coreV1.Volume{

func (k *Kubernetes) tryGetExistingShadows(resourceMeta *ResourceMeta, sshKeyMeta *SSHkeyMeta) (*coreV1.Pod, *util.SSHGenerator, error) {
    var app *appV1.Deployment
    var pod *coreV1.Pod
    if opt.Get().Global.UseShadowDeployment {
        app2, err := k.GetDeployment(resourceMeta.Name, resourceMeta.Namespace)
        if err != nil {
            // shared deployment not found is ok, return without error
            return nil, nil, nil
        app = app2
        podList, err := k.GetPodsByLabel(app.Spec.Selector.MatchLabels, resourceMeta.Namespace)
        if err != nil || len(podList.Items) == 0 {
            log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("Found shadow deployment '%s' but cannot fetch it's pod", resourceMeta.Name)
            return nil, nil, err
        } else if len(podList.Items) > 1 {
            log.Warn().Msgf("Found more than one shadow pod with labels %v", app.Spec.Selector.MatchLabels)
            return nil, nil, err
        pod = &podList.Items[0]
    } else {
        pod2, err := k.GetPod(resourceMeta.Name, resourceMeta.Namespace)
        if err != nil {
            // shared pod not found is ok, return without error
            return nil, nil, nil
        pod = pod2

    configMap, err := k.GetConfigMap(sshKeyMeta.SshConfigMapName, resourceMeta.Namespace)
    if err != nil {
        if k8sErrors.IsNotFound(err) {
            if pod.DeletionTimestamp == nil {
                log.Error().Msgf("Found shadow pod without configmap. Please delete the pod '%s'", resourceMeta.Name)
            } else {
                _, err = k.WaitPodTerminate(resourceMeta.Name, resourceMeta.Namespace)
                if k8sErrors.IsNotFound(err) {
                    // Pod already terminated
                    return nil, nil, nil
        return nil, nil, err

    generator := util.NewSSHGenerator(configMap.Data[util.SshAuthPrivateKey], configMap.Data[util.SshAuthKey], sshKeyMeta.PrivateKeyPath)

    if err = util.WritePrivateKey(generator.PrivateKeyPath, []byte(configMap.Data[util.SshAuthPrivateKey])); err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    if opt.Get().Global.UseShadowDeployment {
        log.Info().Msgf("Found shadow daemon deployment, reuse it")
        if err = k.IncreaseDeploymentRef(resourceMeta.Name, resourceMeta.Namespace); err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err
    } else {
        log.Info().Msgf("Found shadow daemon pod, reuse it")
        if err = k.IncreasePodRef(resourceMeta.Name, resourceMeta.Namespace); err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err
    return pod, generator, nil

func getSSHVolume(volume string) coreV1.Volume {
    sshVolume := coreV1.Volume{
        Name: "ssh-public-key",
        VolumeSource: coreV1.VolumeSource{
            ConfigMap: &coreV1.ConfigMapVolumeSource{
                LocalObjectReference: coreV1.LocalObjectReference{
                    Name: volume,
                Items: []coreV1.KeyToPath{
                        Key:  util.SshAuthKey,
                        Path: "authorized_keys",
    return sshVolume