import React, { useState } from "react";import { Results } from "../results";import { setupTapParser } from "../setup-tap-parser";import { TapBarkResults } from "./tap-bark-results";import { TapBarkProgress } from "./tap-bark-progress"; export interface TapBarkRootProps { showProgress: boolean;} export function TapBarkRoot(props: TapBarkRootProps) { const [ warnings, setWarnings ] = useState<Array<React.ReactElement>>([]); const [ totalTests, setTotalTests ] = useState(0); const [ currentTest, setCurrentTest ] = useState(0); const [ results, setResults ] = useState<Results | null>(null); const [ complete, setComplete ] = useState(false); TODO found //TODO: convert this to useEffect however since this is deferred would // need to change getPipeable to async so probably a 4.0.0 thing as is // a breaking change setupTapParser( props.showProgress, { setCurrentTest, setTotalTests, setWarnings, setResults } ); if (results) { // ensure only runs once (seems like tap can report complete multiple times)TODO found //TODO: confirm the above is still true if (complete === false) { setTimeout(() => process.exit(results.ok ? 0 : 1), 100); setComplete(true); }; return <TapBarkResults {... { results, totalTests, warnings }} />; } return <TapBarkProgress showProgress={props.showProgress} {... { currentTest, totalTests }}/>;}