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Test Coverage
## Initial offering

- [x] load tests into separate tree view
- [x] indicator on file in tree view
- [x] trigger runs from tree view

- [x] load multiple .alsatianrc.json in tree view
- [x] show loading message on tree view

- [x] click on tree item navigates too file (and hopefully line)
- [x] trigger fixture run from tree view
- [x] run all tests from tree view
- [x] batch test runs
- [x] refresh tree view user function
- [x] fix run icons for code lenses
- [x] show failed to load tests message in tree view
- [x] fix tree view sometimes shows still running
- [x] add not started icon
- [x] tooltips

- [ ] rename and move files about
- [x] fix non loading test set
- [ ] test on ttc
- [ ] tidy up / refactor / remove anys and TODOs

- [ ] icon for skipped
- [ ] add status for test set
- [ ] speed up by running test set in parallel / in one go rather than await / both?

- [ ] pull through result to code lens

- [ ] require before run e.g. enzyme (dep on broader alsatian feature)
- [ ] show failure message in tree view

- [ ] trigger debug from tree view
- [ ] update tree view on saves .alsatianrc.json / spec files / trace deps and run also (more of a tdd thing)

- [ ] add telemetry / error handling / find out what that random throw is all about
- [ ] document

## Next steps

- [ ] add unit test

- [ ] hover error shows details e.g. diff
- [ ] capture errors loading tests (currently exit 1 by default)

- [ ] break down test cases / properties
- [ ] run individual test case
- [ ] indicators on each test case

- [ ] tdd / watch task
- [ ] run automatically on save

 * Reduce the extension size and improve the startup time by [bundling your extension](
 * [Publish your extension]( on the VSCode extension marketplace.
 * Automate builds by setting up [Continuous Integration](

- [ ] get thrown error message on screen e.g. if there is a `throw new Error("bam")` in the test that should put that out
- [ ] get correct line number for error (show message where it was thrown from)

- [ ] speed up (potentially keep longing process to run tests and pass send info to it to keep typescript compilation rapid - perhaps one per tsconfig resolved? Also need to handle process dying unexpectedly)
- [ ] write progress to output window (deps on speed up as currently multiple workers processing unless we write different progress)

- [ ] consider being able to target alsatian version installed

- [ ] push declarations to @types

- [ ] fine tune animations for svgs