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# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'encoding_manager'
require 'sanitizer'
require 'url_validator'

# Class to save or update in the database a collection of entries fetched from a feed.

class EntryManager

  # Save new feed entries in the database.
  # For each entry passed, if an entry with the same guid for the same feed already exists in the database,
  # ignore it. Also, if an entry with the same guid for the same feed has been deleted in the past, indicated
  # by a record in the deleted_entries table, ignore it. Otherwise save it as a new entry in the database.
  # The argument passed are:
  # - the feed to which the entries belong (an instance of the Feed model)
  # - an Enumerable with the feed entries to save.
  # - encoding of the feed. Necessary because Feedjira sometimes receives a non-utf8 feed as input and returns a parsed
  # feed object with e.g. entry titles incorrectly marked as utf-8, when actually the internal representation is in the same encoding
  # as the input. This makes necessary converting Feedjira outputs to the input encoding.
  # If during processing there is a problem with an entry, it is skipped and the next one is processed,
  # instead of failing the whole process.

  def self.save_new_entries(feed, entries, encoding)
    entries.reverse_each do |entry_parsed|

        guid = entry_parsed.entry_id || entry_parsed.url
        set_entry_encoding entry_parsed, encoding
        if guid.blank?
          Rails.logger.warn "Received entry without guid or url for feed #{} - #{feed.title}. Skipping it."

        # Convert the values from the parsed XML into a hash suitable for creating a new Entry in the database
        entry_hash = entry_to_hash entry_parsed, guid
        # create new entry associated with the feed. If it ends up being saved, the feed.entries association will be updated as well.
        # If it ends up not being saved (e.g. an entry already exists in the feed with the same guid), we must reload the feed
        # object, otherwise this discarded entry would stay in the feed.entries association and any subsequent attempt to save the feed
        # (e.g. or feed.update) would fail.
        entry = entry_hash

        if entry.valid?
          Rails.logger.debug "Saving in the database new entry for feed #{feed.fetch_url} - title: #{entry.title} - guid: #{entry.guid} - unique_hash: #{entry.unique_hash}"
          if entry.guid_already_exists?
            Rails.logger.debug "Already existing entry (duplicated guid) fetched for feed #{feed.fetch_url} - title: #{entry.title} - guid: #{entry.guid} - unique_hash: #{entry.unique_hash}. Ignoring it"
          elsif entry.unique_hash_already_exists?
            Rails.logger.debug "Already existing entry (duplicated unique_hash) fetched for feed #{feed.fetch_url} - title: #{entry.title} - guid: #{entry.guid} - unique_hash: #{entry.unique_hash}. Ignoring it"
          elsif entry.guid_already_deleted?
            Rails.logger.debug "Already deleted entry (duplicated guid) fetched for feed #{feed.fetch_url} - title: #{entry.title} - guid: #{entry.guid} - unique_hash: #{entry.unique_hash}. Ignoring it"
          elsif entry.unique_hash_already_deleted?
            Rails.logger.debug "Already deleted entry (duplicated unique_hash) fetched for feed #{feed.fetch_url} - title: #{entry.title} - guid: #{entry.guid} - unique_hash: #{entry.unique_hash}. Ignoring it"
            Rails.logger.debug "Invalid entry fetched for feed #{feed.fetch_url} - title: #{entry.title} - guid: #{entry.guid} - unique_hash: #{entry.unique_hash}. Error: #{entry.errors.messages}. Ignoring it"
      rescue => e
        Rails.logger.error "There's been a problem processing a fetched entry from feed #{} - #{feed.title}. Skipping entry."
        Rails.logger.error e.message
        # Do not print backtrace for AR validation errors, it's just white noise
        Rails.logger.error e.backtrace unless e.is_a? ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid


  # Make sure that all entry attributes from a Feejira entry are valid for their current encoding; otherwise the encoding
  # is forced to the one passed as argument.
  # This is intended for the case in which Feedjira sets an incorrect encoding. This may happen if e.g. the correct encoding
  # is reported in the HTTP headers for the feed, but the feed XML reports an incorrect encoding in the opening tag.

  def self.set_entry_encoding(entry, encoding)
    entry.title = EncodingManager.set_encoding entry.title, encoding
    entry.url = EncodingManager.set_encoding entry.url, encoding = EncodingManager.set_encoding, encoding
    entry.content = EncodingManager.set_encoding entry.content, encoding
    entry.summary = EncodingManager.set_encoding entry.summary, encoding
    entry.entry_id = EncodingManager.set_encoding entry.entry_id, encoding
  private_class_method :set_entry_encoding

  # Convert an entry created by Feedjira to a hash, with just the keys needed to create an Entry instance.
  # The whitelisted keys are: title, url, author, content, summary, published.
  # Also the "guid" key is inserted. This may not come directly from the object created by Feedjira, see above.
  # Receives as arguments:
  # - the entry created by Feedjira
  # - the guid for the entry
  # Returns a hash with the key/values necessary to create an instance of the Entry model.

  def self.entry_to_hash(entry, guid)
    # Some feed parser types do not give a "content" attribute to their entries. In
    # this case we default to the entry summary.
    if entry.respond_to? :content
      content = entry.content
      content = entry.summary

    # Some feeds (e.g. itunes podcasts) do not have a url tag in entries, but an enclosure tag with an url attribute
    # instead. We use the enclosure url in these cases.
    if (entry.url.blank? || !UrlValidator.valid_entry_url?(entry.url)) &&
        entry.respond_to?(:enclosure_url) &&
      url = entry.enclosure_url
    # Some itunes feeds are mistaken by Feedjira as Feedburner feeds. In this case the enclosure tag ends up in the
    # entry.image attribute
    elsif (entry.url.blank? || !UrlValidator.valid_entry_url?(entry.url)) &&
        entry.respond_to?(:image) &&
      url = entry.image
      url = entry.url

    entry_hash = {title: entry.title,
                  url: url,
                  content: content,
                  summary: entry.summary,
                  published: entry.published,
                  guid: guid}
    Rails.logger.debug "Obtained attributes hash for entry: #{entry_hash}"
    return entry_hash
  private_class_method :entry_to_hash