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Test Coverage
Functions in this module are checked to verify
that either the request or the response of a Flask
route Function is a JSON.
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Union, Optional
from flask import Response, request
from json import dumps
from warnings import warn
from dataclasses import is_dataclass, asdict

JSONSerializable = Union[dict[str, Any], list[Any]]
JSONRoute = Union[Callable[..., tuple[JSONSerializable, int]],
                  Callable[..., Response]]

def verify_json_response(route: JSONRoute) -> Callable[..., Response]:
    Verify that a Flask route returns a JSON Response.

    Effectively confirm the type of the Response by converting
    the return value of the route function to a JSON Response
    if it is not.

    :parameter route: A route view function that either returns
        a Response itself or a tuple[JSONSerializable, int] where
        its first value is the response body and second value is
        the status code. The response body may also be dataclass

    :return: A route function that either returns the same
        Response as the original route function if it returned a
        Response or a Response whose status code and body is taken
        from the tuple that is the return type of the original
        view function.
    .. warning:: There is an old security vulnerability that affects
        JSON responses with top-level arrays, my understanding is
        that this mostly patched as functions such as ``jsonify``
        that once blocked the user from converting top-level
        arrays no longer do so. Despite this, to err in the
        side of caution, this decorator will issue a waring
        if the user attempts to return a top-level array.
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs) -> Response:
        response = route(*args, **kwargs)  # Get the response first.
        if isinstance(response, Response):
            if response.content_type == 'application/json':
                return response  # Already of the right type.
            raise TypeError("Invalid response mimetype.")
            body, status_code = response
            assert isinstance(status_code, int)
            if is_dataclass(body):  # Dataclasses can also be converted.
                body = asdict(body)
            elif isinstance(body, list):  # Top-level arrays may cause an old vulnerability.
                warn("Using top level arrays in JSON is possibly a security vulnerability.",
            response = Response(dumps(body), status=status_code,
            return response
        except (ValueError, AssertionError, TypeError) as exception:
            raise TypeError("Invalid view function return type.") from exception
    return wrapper

def verify_json_request(must_contain: Optional[Iterable] = None) -> Callable:
    Verify that the Request's type is JSON and contains necessary keys.

    Verify that a request sent to a Flask route has a request
    of MIME type ``application/json`` and if defined check
    if it contains the necessary keys.

    :param must_contain: If provided, JSON collection is checked
        if it contains items provided, if not, it will return 400.
    :return: A view route that checks JSON requirements before executing
    def verify_json_request_wrapper(route: Callable) -> Callable:
        Wrapper function around the decorator.
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs) -> Any:
            if (json := request.json) is None:  # If Request is not of application/json type.
                return Response(dumps({"message": "Invalid request type, not JSON."}),
                                     status=400, content_type="application/json")
            if must_contain and any((k:=key) not in json for key in must_contain):
                # If one of the keys is not in the JSON request body.
                return Response(dumps({"message": f"Request does not contain key {k}"}),
                                  status=400, content_type="application/json")
            return route(*args, **kwargs)  # Otherwise everything is fine.
        return wrapper
    return verify_json_request_wrapper

def verify_json_route(must_contain: Optional[Iterable] = None) -> Callable:
    Wrapper around :func:`verify_json_request` and :func:`verify_json_response`.

    Wrapper around JSON response and request verification decorators,
    a decorated that is decorated with this decorator will be verified
    if it has a JSON request and its response will be converted into a
    JSON response.

    :param must_contain: If specified, JSON request will be checked to contain this
        keys. If it does not, route will return a 400 error.

    .. seealso:: :func:`verify_json_request` and :func:`verify_json_response`.
    def route_wrapper(route: JSONRoute) -> Callable:
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs) -> Response:
            return verify_json_request(must_contain)(verify_json_response(route))(*args, **kwargs)
        return wrapper
    return route_wrapper