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class Treasury extends Ork3 {

    public function __construct() {
        $this->split = new yapo($this->db, DB_PREFIX . 'split');
        $this->account = new yapo($this->db, DB_PREFIX . 'account');
        $this->transaction = new yapo($this->db, DB_PREFIX . 'transaction');
    public function RecordTransaction($request) {
        if (($mundane_id = Ork3::$Lib->authorization->IsAuthorized($request['Token'])) > 0) {
            $request['SplitOne']['MundaneId'] = $mundane_id;
            $request['SplitTwo']['MundaneId'] = $mundane_id;
            $this->record_split($request['SplitOne'], $request['SplitTwo']);
            return Success();
        } else {
            return NoAuthorization();
    public function RemoveTransaction($request) {
    public function dues_through($mundane_id, $kingdom_id, $park_id, $startdate) {
        $sql = "
            SELECT split.dues_through
                    `" . DB_PREFIX . "split` split 
                        left join " . DB_PREFIX . "account account on split.account_id = account.account_id
                where (kingdom_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($kingdom_id) . "' or park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($park_id) . "') and src_mundane_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($mundane_id) . "' and is_dues = 1
                order by dues_through desc 
                limit 1
        $lastdues = $this->db->query($sql);
        if ($lastdues != false && $lastdues->size() == 1) {
            if (strtotime($lastdues->dues_through) > strtotime($startdate))
                return $lastdues->dues_through;
        return $startdate;
    public function RemoveLastDuesPaid($request) {
        logtrace('RemoveLastDuesPaid', $request);
        if (($player = Ork3::$Lib->player->player_info($request['MundaneId'])) === false)
            return InvalidParameter('Player could not be found.');
        logtrace('Found Player', $request);
        if (($mundane_id = Ork3::$Lib->authorization->IsAuthorized($request['Token'])) > 0
                && Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority($mundane_id, AUTH_PARK, $player['ParkId'], AUTH_EDIT)) {
            $sql = "select 
                        from " . DB_PREFIX . "split s 
                            left join " . DB_PREFIX . "transaction t on s.transaction_id = t.transaction_id
                            src_mundane_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($request['MundaneId']) . "' and is_dues = 1 order by t.date_created desc limit 1";
        logtrace('Passed Security', $sql);
            $lastdues = $this->db->query($sql);
            if ($lastdues != false && $lastdues->size() == 1) {
                return Success('Transaction ' . $lastdues->transaction_id . ' removed.');
        return NoAuthorization('You lack authoratah.');
    public function DuesPaidToPark($request) {
        logtrace('DuesPaidToPark', $request);
        if (($player = Ork3::$Lib->player->player_info($request['MundaneId'])) === false)
            return InvalidParameter('Player could not be found.');
        if (($mundane_id = Ork3::$Lib->authorization->IsAuthorized($request['Token'])) > 0
                && Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority($mundane_id, AUTH_PARK, $player['ParkId'], AUTH_EDIT)) {
            $park_info = Ork3::$Lib->park->GetParkShortInfo(array('ParkId'=>$player['ParkId']));
            if ($park_info['Status']['Status'] > 0)
                return InvalidParameter('Park information could not be fetched.');
            $configuration = Common::get_configs($park_info['ParkInfo']['KingdomId']);
            if (!isset($configuration['DuesAmount']) || !isset($configuration['KingdomDuesTake'])) 
                return ProcessingError('Kingdom is missing DuesAmount or KingdomDuesTake configuration.');
            $full_name = $player['GivenName'] . ' ' . $player['Surname'];
            if (false !== ($pointers = $this->fetch_account_pointers(AUTH_PARK, $player['ParkId']))) {
                logtrace('record_transaction is free to enter dues', null);
                $duestart = $this->dues_through($request['MundaneId'], $player['KingdomId'], $player['ParkId'], $request['TransactionDate']);
                $throughdate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime('+' . (6 * ceil($request['Semesters'])) . ' months', strtotime($duestart)));
                $r = $this->record_transaction(
                        'RecordedBy' => $mundane_id,
                        'Description' => 'Dues Paid for ' . $full_name,
                        'Memo' => 'Dues Paid for ' . $full_name
                            'AccountId' => $pointers['DuesPaid'],
                            'IsDues' =>  1,
                            'SrcMundaneId' => $request['MundaneId'],
                            'DrCr' => TreasuryDrCr::Cr,
                            'Amount' => $configuration['DuesAmount']['Value'] * $request['Semesters'],
                            'DuesThrough' =>  $throughdate
                            'AccountId' => $pointers['Cash'],
                            'IsDues' =>  0,
                            'SrcMundaneId' => $request['MundaneId'],
                            'DrCr' => TreasuryDrCr::Dr,
                            'Amount' => $configuration['DuesAmount']['Value'] * $request['Semesters'],
                            'AccountId' => $pointers['DuesOwed'],
                            'IsDues' =>  0,
                            'SrcMundaneId' => $request['MundaneId'], 
                            'DrCr' => TreasuryDrCr::Cr,
                            'Amount' => $configuration['KingdomDuesTake']['Value'] * $request['Semesters']
                            'AccountId' => $pointers['KingdomTake'],
                            'IsDues' =>  0,
                            'SrcMundaneId' => $request['MundaneId'], 
                            'DrCr' => TreasuryDrCr::Dr,
                            'Amount' => $configuration['KingdomDuesTake']['Value'] * $request['Semesters']
                logtrace('Recording info: ', $r);
                return $r;
            } else {
                logtrace('Dues not paid: -EINVAL');
                return InvalidParameter();
        } else {
            logtrace('Dues not paid: no authority; ', 0);
            return NoAuthorization('You lack authoratah.');
    public function DuesPaidToKingdom($request) {
    public function KingdomTithe($request) {
    public function KingdomLevy($request) {
    public function Donation($request) {
    public function EventFee($request) {
    public function PurchaseSupplies($request) {
    public function EventExpense($request) {
    public function CreateAccount($request) {
        if (($mundane_id = Ork3::$Lib->authorization->IsAuthorized($request['Token'])) > 0) {
            $this->create_account($mundane_id, $request['ParentId'], $request['AccountName'], $request['AccountType'], $request['OpeningBalance'], $request['OwnerType'], $request['Id'], $request['KingdomId']);
        } else {
            return NoAuthorization();
    public function CreateAccounts($request) {
        if (($mundane_id = Ork3::$Lib->authorization->IsAuthorized($request['Token'])) > 0) {
            $this->create_accounts($mundane_id, $request['Type'], $request['Id'], $request['KingdomId']);
        } else {
            return NoAuthorization();
    public function fetch_kingdom_details($id) {
        $config = new yapo($this->db, DB_PREFIX . 'configuration');
        $config->type = 'Kingdom';
        $config->id = $id;
        $config->in('key', "'DuesPeriod','DuesAmount','KingdomDuesTake'");
        if ($config->find()) {
            return json_decode($config->value);
        } else {
            return false;
    public function fetch_account_pointers($type, $id) {
        $config = new yapo($this->db, DB_PREFIX . 'configuration');
        $config->type = ucfirst($type);
        $config->id = $id;
        $config->key = 'AccountPointers';
        if ($config->find()) {
            return json_decode($config->value, true);
        } else {
            return false;
    public function create_accounts($mundane_id, $type, $id, $kingdom_id=0) {
        if ('park' == $type && $kingdom_id ==0) {
            return false;
        } else if ('park' == $type) {
            $pointers = $this->fetch_account_pointers('kingdom', $kingdom_id);
            if (false === $pointers) {
                return false;
            $kingdom_parkdues = $pointers['ParkDues'];
        $imbalance = $this->create_account($mundane_id, 0, 'Imbalance', TreasuryAccountType::Imbalance, 0.0, $type, $id, $kingdom_id);
        $equity = $this->create_account($mundane_id, 0, 'Equity', TreasuryAccountType::Equity, 0.0, $type, $id, $kingdom_id);
        $asset = $this->create_account($mundane_id, 0, 'Assets', TreasuryAccountType::Asset, 0.0, $type, $id, $kingdom_id);
        $cash = $this->create_account($mundane_id, $asset, 'Cash', TreasuryAccountType::Asset, 0.0, $type, $id, $kingdom_id);
        $checking = $this->create_account($mundane_id, $asset, 'Checking', TreasuryAccountType::Asset, 0.0, $type, $id, $kingdom_id);
        if ('kingdom' == $type)
            $kingdom_parkdues = $this->create_account($mundane_id, $asset, 'Park Dues', TreasuryAccountType::Asset, 0.0, $type, $id, $kingdom_id);
        $income = $this->create_account($mundane_id, 0, 'Income', TreasuryAccountType::Income, 0.0, $type, $id, $kingdom_id);
        $duespaid = $this->create_account($mundane_id, $income, 'Dues Paid', TreasuryAccountType::Income, 0.0, $type, $id, $kingdom_id);
        $donations = $this->create_account($mundane_id, $income, 'Donations', TreasuryAccountType::Income, 0.0, $type, $id, $kingdom_id);
        $expense = $this->create_account($mundane_id, 0, 'Expenses', TreasuryAccountType::Expense, 0.0, $type, $id, $kingdom_id);
        $supplies = $this->create_account($mundane_id, $expense, 'Supplies', TreasuryAccountType::Expense, 0.0, $type, $id, $kingdom_id);
        if ('kingdom' == $type)
            $kingdomtake = $this->create_account($mundane_id, $expense, 'Kingdom Take', TreasuryAccountType::Expense, 0.0, $type, $id, $kingdom_id);
        $events = $this->create_account($mundane_id, $expense, 'Events', TreasuryAccountType::Expense, 0.0, $type, $id, $kingdom_id);
        $food = $this->create_account($mundane_id, $events, 'Food', TreasuryAccountType::Expense, 0.0, $type, $id, $kingdom_id);
        $site = $this->create_account($mundane_id, $events, 'Site', TreasuryAccountType::Expense, 0.0, $type, $id, $kingdom_id);
        $misc = $this->create_account($mundane_id, $events, 'Miscellaneous', TreasuryAccountType::Expense, 0.0, $type, $id, $kingdom_id);
        $liability = $this->create_account($mundane_id, 0, 'Liability', TreasuryAccountType::Liability, 0.0, $type, $id, $kingdom_id);
        $duesowed = $this->create_account($mundane_id, $liability, 'Dues Owed', TreasuryAccountType::Liability, 0.0, $type, $id, $kingdom_id);
        $c = new Common();
        $c->add_config($mundane_id, ucfirst($type), 'mixed', $id, 'AccountPointers', array(
                                                                            'Imbalance' => $imbalance,
                                                                            'Equity' => $equity,
                                                                            'Asset' => $asset,
                                                                            'Cash' => $cash,
                                                                            'Checking' => $checking,
                                                                            'ParkDues' => $parkdues,
                                                                            'Income' => $income,
                                                                            'DuesPaid' => $duespaid,
                                                                            'Donations' => $donations,
                                                                            'Expense' => $expense,
                                                                            'Supplies' => $supplies,
                                                                            'KingdomTake' => $kingdomtake,
                                                                            'Events' => $events,
                                                                            'Food' => $food,
                                                                            'Site' => $site,
                                                                            'Miscellaneous' => $misc,
                                                                            'Liability' => $liability,
                                                                            'DuesOwed' => $duesowed,
                                                                            'Kingdom_ParkDues' => $kingdom_parkdues
                                                                        ), 0);
    public function has_account_authority($mundane_id, $account_id) {
        $this->account->account_id = $account_id;
        list($type, $id) = $this->DetermineAuthType();
        logtrace('has_account_authority', array($mundane_id, $account_id, $type, $id));
        return Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority($mundane_id, $type, $id, AUTH_EDIT);
    private function DetermineAuthType() {
        $type = 'None';
        $id = 0;
        if ($this->account->park_id > 0) { $type = AUTH_PARK; $id = $this->account->park_id; };
        if ($this->account->event_id > 0) { $type = AUTH_EVENT; $id = $this->account->event_id; };
        if ($this->account->unit_id > 0) { $type = AUTH_UNIT; $id = $this->account->unit_id; };
        if ($type == 'None')
            if ($this->account->kingdom_id > 0) { $type = AUTH_KINGDOM; $id = $this->account->kingdom_id; };
        return array ( $type, $id );
    public function remove_transaction($trx_id) {
        $this->split->transaction_id = $trx_id;
        $this->transaction->transaction_id = $trx_id;
    public function record_transaction($trn, $splits, $trx_date = null) {
        logtrace('record_transaction', array($trn, $splits, $trx_date));
        $trx_date = is_null($trx_date)?date('Y-m-d'):date('Y-m-d',strtotime($trx_date));
        $authority = false;
        foreach ($splits as $s => $split) {
            $authority |= $this->has_account_authority($trn['RecordedBy'], $split['AccountId']);
            $this->account->account_id = $split['AccountId'];    
            if (!$this->account->find()) { 
                return InvalidParameter(print_r(array($split['AccountId'],true)));
            } else {
                $splits[$s]['AccountType'] = $this->account->type;
        if (!$authority) return NoAuthorization(print_r(array($trn['RecordedBy'], $split['AccountId']),true));
        $this->transaction->recorded_by = $trn['RecordedBy'];
        $this->transaction->date_created = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
        $this->transaction->description = $trn['Description'];
        $this->transaction->memo = $trn['Memo'];
        $this->transaction->transaction_date = $trx_date;
        $debit = 0.0;
        $credit = 0.0;
        foreach ($splits as $s => $split) {
            $this->split->transaction_id = $this->transaction->transaction_id;
            $this->split->account_id = $split['AccountId'];
            $this->split->is_dues = $split['IsDues'];
            $this->split->src_mundane_id = $split['SrcMundaneId'];
            $this->split->dues_through = strlen($split['DuesThrough'])>0?$split['DuesThrough']:null;
            $this->split->amount = round($split['DrCr']==$this->dr_cr_sign_convention($split['AccountType'], $split['Amount'])?$split['Amount']:-$split['Amount'],3);
            if ($this->dr_cr_sign_convention($split['AccountType'], $split['Amount']) == TreasuryDrCr::Dr) {
                $debit += $this->split->amount;
            } else {
                $credit += $this->split->amount;
        if (abs($debit - $credit) > 0.005) {
            $this->account->account_id = $this->split->account_id;
            $k = $this->account->kingdom_id;
            $idt = $this->DetermineAuthType().'_id';
            $id = $this->account->$idt;
            $this->account->kingdom_id = $k;
            $this->account->$idt = $id;
            $this->account->type = TreasuryAccountType::Imbalance;
            if ($this->account->find()) {
                $this->split->transaction_id = $this->transaction->transaction_id;
                $this->split->account_id = $split['AccountId'];
                $this->split->is_dues = 0;
                $this->split->src_mundane_id = $split['SrcMundaneId'];
                $this->split->amount = $credit - $debit;
            } else {
                // crap
                return InvalidParameter('Canno record split.');
    public function create_account($mundane_id, $parent_id, $account_name, $account_type, $opening_balance, $owner_type, $owner_id, $kingdom_id=0) {
        if (!Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority($mundane_id, ucfirst($owner_type), $owner_id, AUTH_CREATE)) return false;
        $owner = $owner_type . '_id';
        $this->account->kingdom_id = $kingdom_id;
        $this->account->$owner = $owner_id;
        $this->account->name = $account_name;
        $this->account->parent_id = $parent_id;
        $this->account->type = $account_type;
        if ($this->account->find()) {
            // fuck off, seriously?
            $new_account = $this->account->account_id;
//            return false;
        } else {
            $this->account->kingdom_id = $kingdom_id;
            $this->account->$owner = $owner_id;
            $this->account->name = $account_name;
            $this->account->parent_id = $parent_id;
            $this->account->type = $account_type;
            $new_account = $this->account->account_id;
        $this->account->kingdom_id = $kingdom_id;
        $this->account->$owner = $owner_id;
        $this->account->name = 'Equity';
        $this->account->parent_id = 0;
        $this->account->type = 'equity';
        if (!$this->account->find()) {
            // Needs an equity account
            $this->account->kingdom_id = $kingdom_id;
            $this->account->$owner = $owner_id;
            $this->account->name = 'Equity';
            $this->account->parent_id = 0;
            $this->account->type = 'equity';
        return $new_account;
    Account Type    Normal Balance    Increase    Decrease
    Asset            Dr                Dr            Cr
    Expense            Dr                Dr            Cr
    Draws            Dr                Dr            Cr* For completeness
    Liability        Cr                Cr            Dr
    Equity            Cr                Cr            Dr
    Revenue            Cr                Cr            Dr
    Imbalance        Cr                Cr            Dr* Treated as an equity account
    function normalize_sign($t, $amt) {
        switch ($t) {
            case TreasuryAccountType::Asset:
            case TreasuryAccountType::Expense:
            case TreasuryAccountType::Draw:
                return $amt>=0?array(TreasuryDrCr::Dr,$amt):array(TreasuryDrCr::Cr,-$amt);
            case TreasuryAccountType::Liability:
            case TreasuryAccountType::Income:
            case TreasuryAccountType::Equity:
            case TreasuryAccountType::Imbalance:
                return $amt>=0?array(TreasuryDrCr::Cr,$amt):array(TreasuryDrCr::Dr,-$amt);
    function sign_convention($t1, $amt, $t2) {
        if (0.0 == $amt) return 0.0;
        $drcr = $this->dr_cr_sign_convention($t1, $amt);
        if ($drcr == TreasuryDrCr::Dr) {
            $drcr = TreasuryDrCr::Cr;
        } else {
            $drcr = TreasuryDrCr::Dr;
        switch ($t2) {
            case TreasuryAccountType::Asset:
            case TreasuryAccountType::Expense:
            case TreasuryAccountType::Draw:
                return $drcr==TreasuryDrCr::Dr?$amt:-$amt;
            case TreasuryAccountType::Liability:
            case TreasuryAccountType::Income:
            case TreasuryAccountType::Equity:
            case TreasuryAccountType::Imbalance:
                return $drcr==TreasuryDrCr::Dr?-$amt:$amt;
    function dr_cr_sign_convention($t, $sign) {
        switch ($t) {
            case TreasuryAccountType::Asset:
            case TreasuryAccountType::Expense:
            case TreasuryAccountType::Draw:
                return $sign>=0?TreasuryDrCr::Dr:TreasuryDrCr::Cr;
            case TreasuryAccountType::Liability:
            case TreasuryAccountType::Income:
            case TreasuryAccountType::Equity:
            case TreasuryAccountType::Imbalance:
                return $sign>=0?TreasuryDrCr::Cr:TreasuryDrCr::Dr;

class TreasuryDrCr {
    const Dr = "Dr";
    const Cr = "Cr";

class TreasuryAccountType {
    const Income = 'Income';
    const Expense = 'Expense';
    const Draw = 'Draw';
    const Liability = 'Liability';
    const Asset = 'Asset';
    const Equity = 'Equity';
    const Imbalance = 'Imbalance';
