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1 wk
Test Coverage


/* */

class yapo {
    private $__database;
    private $__fields = array();
    private $__primary_key;
    private $__table;
    private $__one = array();
    private $__many = array();
    private $__relationship = false;
    private $__result_set = null;
    private $__last_error;
    private $__last_sql;

    public function lastSql() {
        return $this->__last_sql;
    public function delete() {
        $primaryKey = $this->__primary_key;
        if (is_null($this->$primaryKey)) { // delete a set
            //echo "set deletion not supported yet";
            $search_terms = array();
            // Create WHERE sub-clauses
            if (is_array($clause_terms)) foreach($clause_terms as $field => $value) {
                $first_conjunction = array_slice($value,0,1);
                $first_clause_key = array_keys($first_conjunction);
                $first_conjunction = $first_conjunction[$first_clause_key[0]]['conjunction'];
                $search_terms[$field] = array('clause' => ' ('.substr(implode(" ",array_map(array('yapo','map_search_terms'),array_keys($value),$value)), strlen($first_conjunction) + 1).') ');
                $clause_term_conjunction = $field.'_term_with_conjunction';
                $search_terms[$field]['conjunction'] = $this->$clause_term_conjunction;
            // Bundle all clauses & search terms together
            foreach ($this->__fields as $field => $value) {
                if (isset($clause_terms[$field])) continue;
                if ($this->$field != $this->htmldec($value)) {
                    $search_terms[$field] = array('value' => $this->s_prep($this->htmldec($this->$field)), 'term' => '=' );
                } else if (!is_null($this->$field) && is_null($value)) {
                    $search_terms[$field] = array('value' => $this->s_prep($this->htmldec($this->$field)), 'term' => '=' );
                $term_field = $field.'_term';
                if (isset($this->$term_field)) {
                    $search_terms[$field]['term'] = $this->$term_field;
                $field_conjunction = $field.'_conjunction';
                if (isset($this->$field_conjunction)) {
                    $search_terms[$field]['conjunction'] = $this->$field_conjunction;
                } else if (isset($search_terms[$field])) {
                    $search_terms[$field]['conjunction'] = $conjunction;
            $sql = 'delete from '.$this->__table;
            if (0 < count($search_terms)) {
                $sql .= ' where 1 and '.implode(" ",array_map(array('yapo','map_search_terms'),array_keys($search_terms),$search_terms));
        } else { // delete a particular record
            $sql = 'delete from '.$this->__table.' where `'.$primaryKey."` = '".$this->$primaryKey."'";
    public function size() {
        if (is_null($this->__result_set)) return 0;
        return $this->__result_set->size();
    public function intersection($ifield, $list, $src_table, $src_field) {
        $dirty_fields = $this->get_dirty_fields(false);
        $sql = 'delete from '.$this->__table.' 
                where `'.$this->__primary_key.'`='.$this->{$this->__primary_key}.' and 
                    '.$ifield.' not in ('.implode(',',$list).')';
        echo $sql;
        $sql =     'insert into '.$this->__table.' (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($dirty_fields)).'`,`'.$ifield.'`) 
                select `'.implode('`,`',$dirty_fields).'`,`'.$ifield.'` 
                    from '.$src_table.' 
                    where `'.$src_field.'` in ('.implode(',',$list).') and 
                        `'.$src_field.'` not in 
                            select `'.$ifield.'` from '.$this->table.' where `'.$this->__primary_key.'`='.$this->{$this->__primary_key}.' and `'.$ifield.'` in ('.implode(',',$list).')';

        echo $sql;
    private function htmlenc($string) {
        return htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES);
    private function htmldec($string) {
        //if (!is_string($string)) return '';
        if (is_array($string) || is_object($string))
            return json_encode($string);

        return htmlspecialchars_decode($string, ENT_QUOTES);
    function s_prep($string) {
        if (is_array($string))
            return json_encode($string);
        return mysql_real_escape_string($string);
    public function update() {
        // Set Update...crap
        $dirty_fields = $this->get_dirty_fields(false);
        $values = array();
        foreach ($dirty_fields as $field => $v) {
            $values[$field] = $this->__fields[$field];
        $sql = 'update  '.$this->__table.' 
                    set '.implode(', ',array_map(create_function('$field, $value','return "`$field` = \"".mysql_real_escape_string($value)."\"";'), array_keys($dirty_fields), $dirty_fields)).' 
                    where '.implode(' and ',array_map(create_function('$field, $value','return "`$field` = \"".mysql_real_escape_string($value)."\"";'), array_keys($dirty_fields), $values));
        echo $sql."\n\n";
    public function save() {
        $primaryKey = $this->__primary_key;
        if (is_null($this->$primaryKey)) { // insert new
            $values = array();
            foreach ($this->__fields as $field => $value) {
                array_push($values, $this->s_prep($this->htmldec($this->$field)));
            $sql = 'insert into '.$this->__table.' (`'.implode('`, `',array_keys($this->__fields)).'`) values ("'.implode('", "',$values).'")';
            $this->__last_sql = $sql;
            //echo $sql."\n\n";
            if($this->__database->query($sql)) {
                $this->$primaryKey = $this->__database->getInsertID();
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        } else { // update old
            $primaryKeyValue = $this->__fields[$this->__primary_key];
            $dirty_fields = $this->get_dirty_fields();
            $sql = 'update  '.$this->__table.' set '.implode(', ',array_map(create_function('$field, $value','return "`$field` = \"".mysql_real_escape_string($value)."\"";'), array_keys($dirty_fields), $dirty_fields)).' where '.$this->__primary_key.'="'.$primaryKeyValue.'"';
            $this->__last_sql = $sql;
            //echo $sql."\n\n";
            $this->__fields[$this->__primary_key] = $primaryKeyValue;
            if ($this->__database->query($sql)) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
    private function get_dirty_fields($include_primary = true) {
        $dirty_fields = array();
        foreach ($this->__fields as $field => $value) {
            if ($this->$field != $this->htmldec($value)) {
                if ($include_primary) { 
                    $dirty_fields[$field] = $this->s_prep($this->htmldec($this->$field));
                } else if ($field != $this->__primary_key) {
                    $dirty_fields[$field] = $this->s_prep($this->htmldec($this->$field));
        return $dirty_fields;
    private function map_search_terms($field, $value) {
        return $value[conjunction].((isset($value[clause]))?$value[clause]:(" `$field` $value[term] ".("IN"==$value[term]?$value[value]:"\"$value[value]\"")));
    public function find($order_by=null, $conjunction='AND', $limit = null, $showsql = false) {
        $search_terms = array();
        $clause_terms = array();
            Package up all the clauses that must be bundled together in the WHERE statement
        foreach ($this->__fields as $field => $value) {
            $field_term_with = $field.'_term_with';
            $target_with = $this->$field_term_with.'_term_with';
            $this->$target_with = $this->$field_term_with;
            if (isset($this->$field_term_with)) {
                if ($this->$field != $this->htmldec($value)) {
                    $clause_terms[$this->$field_term_with][$field] = array('value' => $this->s_prep($this->htmldec($this->$field)), 'term' => '=' );
                } else if (!is_null($this->$field) && is_null($value)) {
                    $clause_terms[$this->$field_term_with][$field] = array('value' => $this->s_prep($this->htmldec($this->$field)), 'term' => '=' );
                $term_field = $field.'_term';
                if (isset($this->$term_field)) {
                    $clause_terms[$this->$field_term_with][$field]['term'] = $this->$term_field;
                $field_conjunction = $field.'_conjunction';
                if (isset($this->$field_conjunction)) {
                    $clause_terms[$this->$field_term_with][$field]['conjunction'] = $this->$field_conjunction;
                } else if (isset($clause_terms[$this->$field_term_with][$field])) {
                    $clause_terms[$this->$field_term_with][$field]['conjunction'] = $conjunction;
                $this->$field = $this->__fields[$this->$field];
        // Create WHERE sub-clauses
        foreach($clause_terms as $field => $value) {
            $first_conjunction = array_slice($value,0,1);
            $first_clause_key = array_keys($first_conjunction);
            $first_conjunction = $first_conjunction[$first_clause_key[0]]['conjunction'];
            $search_terms[$field] = array('clause' => ' ('.substr(implode(" ",array_map(array('yapo','map_search_terms'),array_keys($value),$value)), strlen($first_conjunction) + 1).') ');
            $clause_term_conjunction = $field.'_term_with_conjunction';
            $search_terms[$field]['conjunction'] = $this->$clause_term_conjunction;
        // Bundle all clauses & search terms together
        foreach ($this->__fields as $field => $value) {
            if (isset($clause_terms[$field])) continue;
            if ($this->$field != $this->htmldec($value)) {
                $search_terms[$field] = array('value' => $this->s_prep($this->htmldec($this->$field)), 'term' => '=' );
            } else if (!is_null($this->$field) && is_null($value)) {
                $search_terms[$field] = array('value' => $this->s_prep($this->htmldec($this->$field)), 'term' => '=' );
            $term_field = $field.'_term';
            if (isset($this->$term_field)) {
                $search_terms[$field]['term'] = $this->$term_field;
            $field_conjunction = $field.'_conjunction';
            if (isset($this->$field_conjunction)) {
                $search_terms[$field]['conjunction'] = $this->$field_conjunction;
            } else if (isset($search_terms[$field])) {
                $search_terms[$field]['conjunction'] = $conjunction;
        $sql = 'select `'.implode('`, `', array_keys($this->__fields)).'` from '.$this->__table;
        if (0 < count($search_terms)) {
            $sql .= ' where '.substr(implode(" ",array_map(array('yapo','map_search_terms'),array_keys($search_terms),$search_terms)),strlen($conjunction));
        if (is_array($order_by)) {
            $sql .= " order by ".implode(', ',$order_by);
        if (!is_null($limit)) {
            $sql .= " limit $limit";
        $this->__last_sql = $sql;
         if (!($this->__result_set = $this->__database->query($sql))) {
            echo 'ERROR IN SQL:'.$sql."\n\n".mysql_error();
            return false;
        if ($showsql) echo $sql."\n";
        if (!$this->__result_set->isEmpty()) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    public function next() {
        if (!is_null($this->__result_set)) {
            $primary_key = $this->__primary_key;
            if (is_null($this->$primary_key)) { //new set
                return false;
            } else { //increment old set
                $result = $this->__result_set->next();
                return $result;
        } else {
            return false;

    private function transferSetFields() {
        if (!is_null($this->__result_set) && !$this->__result_set->isEmpty()) {
            foreach ($this->__fields as $field => $value) {
                $this->$field =  stripcslashes(str_replace('\r\n', "\n", $this->htmldec($this->__result_set->$field)));
                $this->__fields[$field] = stripcslashes($this->htmldec($this->__result_set->$field));
    public function set_relationship($as=null, $key=null, $aggressive=false, $cascade=true) {
        if (is_null($as)) {
            $as = $this->__table;
        if (is_null($key)) {
            $key = $this->__primary_key;
        $this->__relationship = array('as'=>$as, 'key'=>$key, 'aggressive'=>$aggressive, 'cascade'=>$cascade);
    public function get_alias() {
        if ($this->__relationship) {
            return $this->__relationship['as'];
        } else {
            return $this->__table;
    public function is_aggressive() {
        if ($this->__relationship) {
            return $this->__relationship['aggressive'];
        } else {
            return null;
    public function is_cascading() {
        if ($this->__relationship) {
            return $this->__relationship['cascade'];
        } else {
            return null;

    public function get_key() {
        if ($this->__relationship) {
            return $this->__relationship['key'];
        } else {
            return null;
    public function relationship_is_set() {
        if ($this->__relationship) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    public function add_one($y, $local_key=null) {
        $this->add_table($this->__one, $y, $local_key);
    public function add_many($y, $local_key=null) {
        $this->add_table($this->__many, $y, $local_key);

    private function add_table(& $arr, $y, $local_key) {
        if (is_null($local_key)) {
            $local_key = $this->__primary_key;
        if (!$y->relationship_is_set()) {
        $table = $y->get_alias();
        $this->$table = $y;
    public function clear() {
        $primary_key = $this->__primary_key;
        $this->$primary_key = null;
        foreach ($this->__fields as $field => $value) {
            $this->$field = null;
            $this->__fields[$field] = null;
    public function get_fields() {
        $field_list = array();
        foreach ($this->__one as $table => $local_key) {
            if ($this->$table->is_aggressive()) {
                $field_list = array_merge($field_list, $this->$table->get_fields());
        foreach ($this->__many as $table => $local_key) {
            if ($this->$table->is_aggressive()) {
                $field_list = array_merge($field_list, $this->$table->get_fields());
        return array_merge($field_list, array_map(create_function('$i','return '.$this->get_alias().'.".".$i;'), array_keys($this->__fields)));
    public function get_local_fields() {
        return array_keys($this->__fields);
    public function get_tables() {
        $table_list = array();
        foreach ($this->__one as $table => $local_key) {
            if ($this->$table->is_aggressive()) {
                $table_list[$this->$table->get_alias()] = $local_key;
        foreach ($this->__many as $table => $local_key) {
            if ($this->$table->is_aggressive()) {
                $table_list[$this->$table->get_alias()] = $local_key;
        return $table_list;
    private function get_find_where() {

    public function __construct (& $m, $table) {
        $this->__database = & $m;
        $this->__table = $table;
        $table_data = $this->__database->describe_table($table);
        $this->__primary_key = $table_data['primary'];
        foreach ($table_data['fields'] as $k => $field) {
            $this->$field = null;
            $this->__fields[$field] = false;
    public function name() {
        return $this->__table;
    public function get_html($lvl=1) {
        if ($this->__relationship) {
            $html = "<h$lvl>$this->__table as ".$this->get_alias()."</h$lvl>";
        } else {
            $html = "<h$lvl>$this->__table</h$lvl>";
        $html .= "<ul>";
        foreach ($this->__fields as $field=>$dirty) {
            if ($dirty) {
                $html .= "<li>$field = $dirty</li>";
            } else {
                $html .= "<li>$field</li>";
        $html .= "</ul><h$lvl>Has One</h$lvl><ul>";
        foreach ($this->__one as $alias => $local_key) {
            $html .= "<li><b>On $local_key</b>".$this->$alias->get_html()."</li>";
        $html .= "</ul><h$lvl>Has Many</h$lvl><ul>";
        foreach ($this->__many as $alias => $local_key) {
            $html .= "<li><b>On $local_key</b>".$this->$alias->get_html()."</li>";
        $html .= "</ul>";
        return $html;
